2,182 research outputs found

    A New Video authentication Template Based on Bubble random Sampling

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    The rapid growth of digital video distribution has highlighted new important issues in digital rights management, as well as in other important applications such as video authentication. Digital watermarking offers a promising solution against piracy and it is therefore a very active area of research. However, robustness to video manipulations, either malicious or not, is a demanding task because there are many different types of possible attacks that can be envisioned. Among these, geometric and temporal distortions play the major roles. The countermeasures against these specific attacks are still an open challenge. In this paper we propose the use of a video authentication template based on bubble random sampling. The authentication template is introduced in order to ensure temporal synchronization and to prevent content tampering. The simulation results are encouraging and this approach is therefore worth further development efforts

    Promotion of proliferation and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma by LncRNA00673 based on the targeted-regulation of notch signaling pathway

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    we read with great interest the paper by Dr. Chen et al1, recently published in European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences and titled ‘‘Promotion of proliferation and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma by LncRNA00673 based on the targeted-regulation of notch signaling pathway’’. Authors concluded that lncRNA00673 is highly expressed and may be a potential target for the treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC). Moreover, according to authors, it can promote the proliferation and metastasis of HCC by the regulation of Notch signaling pathway. We congratulate the authors for their interesting work

    A proposal for Video Signature Tool and Video Fingerprinting

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    In this document we present and evaluate a video signature system, proposed by Signals and Communications Laboratory – Department of Electronic for Automation, University of Brescia (Italy)

    Experimental determination of the frequency and field dependence of Specific Loss Power in Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia

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    Magnetic nanoparticles are promising systems for biomedical applications and in particular for Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia, a promising therapy that utilizes the heat released by such systems to damage tumor cells. We present an experimental study of the physical properties that influences the capability of heat release, i.e. the Specific Loss Power, SLP, of three biocompatible ferrofluid samples having a magnetic core of maghemite with different core diameter d= 10.2, 14.6 and 19.7 nm. The SLP was measured as a function of frequency f and intensity of the applied alternating magnetic field H, and it turned out to depend on the core diameter, as expected. The results allowed us to highlight experimentally that the physical mechanism responsible for the heating is size-dependent and to establish, at applied constant frequency, the phenomenological functional relationship SLP=cH^x, with 2<x<3 for all samples. The x-value depends on sample size and field frequency/ intensity, here chosen in the typical range of operating magnetic hyperthermia devices. For the smallest sample, the effective relaxation time Teff=19.5 ns obtained from SLP data is in agreement with the value estimated from magnetization data, thus confirming the validity of the Linear Response Theory model for this system at properly chosen field intensity and frequency

    Effective Image Fingerprint Extraction Based on Random Bubble Sampling

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    In this paper we propose an algorithm for image fingerprint extraction based on random selection of circular bubbles on the considered image. In more detail, a fingerprint vector is associated to the image, the components of which are the variances of pixel luminance values in randomly selected circular zones of the image. The positions and radius of these bubbles result from a random selection, whose parameters are user-defined. The obtained fingerprint has then been used for content-based image retrieval, using the standard euclidean distance as similarity metric between the extracted features. Experiments based on the detection of various linearly and nonlinearly distorted versions of a test image in a large database show very promising results

    Evaluation of Core Experiment for MPEG-7 Video Signature Tool

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    The present document evaluates and discusses the experiment conditions proposed in the VCE-7 CE on Video Signature, discussed in the previous MPEG meetings [MPEG-VS-09-01] [MPEG-VS-09-02]. In particular we present some simulation results that show the weaknesses of the evaluation procedure, proposed in the VCE-7 CE on Video Signature, and that highlight some aspects that could impair the performance evaluation of the here considered technology in a realistic environment. Therefore, we propose a new Core Experiment which will consider this issues

    A proposal for Video Signature Tool and Video Fingerprinting

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    In this document we present and evaluate a video signature system, proposed by Signals and Communications Laboratory – Department of Electronic for Automation, University of Brescia (Italy). The proposed Video Signature is MPEG-7 compliant. The technology is based on the use of many different features (color, motion, etc.). The preliminary studies show that these features have relevant characteristics in their development in time. The testing results prove that the features act differently with respect of the type and modification the query suffered

    CAIMAN Experiment

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    Non-acoustic detection systems can be used in combination with Sonar systems to determine the presence of an underwater threat, such as terrorist divers. The goal of the CAIMAN (Coastal Anti Intruders MAgnetometers Network) joint experiment (Italian Navy, NATO Undersea Research Centre and INGV Marine Geophysics) is the application of High Definition Geophysics Magnetic techniques in a port protection scenario, where conventional measurements of very low magnetic sources, like intruder swimmers, are strongly disturbed by ambient, natural and artificial, background noise and other time-variant magnetic anomalies. Two tri-axial fluxgate magnetometers were deployed on the sea bottom and connected to a shore side measurement station. A team of navy divers, wearing both COTS and EOD equipment, performed some coastal approach runs on each magnetometer alternatively. Magnetic signature data were logged and post processed using MATLAB®. Results demonstrated the effectiveness of high definition time reduction techniques using a self-referred integrated array design

    Falta de estructura genética en las poblaciones chipriotas de Alectoris chukar (Aves, Galliformes), deducida de los datos de secuenciación del ADNmt

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    The Chukar (Alectoris chukar cypriotes) is the most common game bird in Cyprus. Since 1990 the Cypriot Government has established a restocking program with captive–reared birds. However, this program has not been guaranteed by checking the genetic nature of wild and farmed samples, either in the areas controlled by the Cypriot Government or in northern Cyprus. The sequencing of both Cytochrome–b and Control Region of the mitochondrial DNA was carried out for 61 Cypriot representatives and 14 specimens of the same subspecies from Crete and Israel. Only the A. chukar maternal lineage was found. A partitioning of Cypriot specimens among different clades was not reliably supported, whereas robust bootstrap values weighted for an evolutionary divergence between Cypriot and Cretan Chukars. An overall genetic homogeny of the Cypriot populations was disclosed, whatever their status (captive vs. wild stocks) and origin (Government controlled vs. occupied areas) would be, a higher nucleotide diversity of the wild vs. captive representatives notwithstanding. Key words: Chukar, Control Region, Cytochrome–b, Genetic diversity, mtDNA, Partridges.Una subespecie de la perdiz chucar (Alectoris chukar cypriotes) es el ave de caza más común de Chipre. A partir de 1990 el gobierno chipriota estableció un programa de repoblación utilizando aves criadas en cautividad. No obstante, dicho programa no ha sido avalado mediante la comprobación de la naturaleza genética de muestras tanto de ejemplares salvajes como de granja, ni en las zonas controladas por el gobierno chipriota ni en el norte de Chipre. Se ha llevado a cabo la secuenciación del citocromo-b y de la región de control del ADN mitocondrial de 61 ejemplares chipriotas y de 14 especimenes de la misma subespecie de Creta y de Israel. Sólo se encontró el linaje materno de A. chukar. No se pudo demostrar con fiabilidad el reparto de los especimenes chipriotas en distintos clados, mientras que unos valores bootstrap muy consistentes sustentaban una divergencia evolutiva entre las perdices chucar chipriotas y cretenses. Se reveló la existencia de una homogeneidad genética en las poblaciones chipriotas, cualquiera que fuera su estatus (linajes cautivos frente a salvajes) o su origen (zonas controladas por el gobierno frente a zonas ocupadas), por más que se diera una mayor diversidad de nucleótidos de los ejemplares salvajes frente a los cautivos. Palabras clave: Perdiz chucar, Región de control, Citocromo-b, Diversidad genética, ADNmt, Perdices

    Aldosterone induces contraction of the resistance arteries in man

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