28 research outputs found

    The reliability and validity of three non-radiological measures of thoracic kyphosis and their relations to the standing radiological Cobb angle

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    UnlabelledHyperkyphosis is implicated in a mounting list of negative outcomes, including higher mortality. Hyperkyphosis research is hindered due to difficulties inherent in its measurement. By showing that three clinical measures of kyphosis are suitable for use in large scale, longitudinal, hyperkyphosis studies, we will facilitate much needed research in this field.IntroductionThe objective of this study is to describe the reliability of three non-radiological kyphosis measures (Debrunner kyphosis angle, flexicurve kyphosis index, and flexicurve kyphosis angle) and their validity compared to the Cobb angle and to approximate a Cobb angle from non-radiological kyphosis measures.MethodsWe analyzed data from 113 participants aged ≥ 60 years with kyphosis angle ≥ 40°. Cobb angle was measured on a standing lateral thoracolumbar radiograph using bounds at T4 and T12. Non-radiological measures of kyphosis were made three times by a single rater and a 4th time by a blinded second rater.ResultsIntra- and inter-rater reliabilities for non-radiological assessments were high (intra-class correlations of 0.96 to 0.98) and did not differ from each other. Pearson correlations, estimating validity, ranged from 0.62 to 0.69 and did not differ. The Debrunner angle was close to the Cobb angle, with scaling factor of 1.067 and an offset of 5°. The Flexicurve kyphosis angle had to be scaled by 1.53 to obtain the equivalent Cobb angle. The scaling factor for the Flexicurve kyphosis index to Cobb angle was 315, with an offset of 5°. Compared to the measured Cobb angle, Cobb angles predicted using the non-radiological measures had similar magnitude errors (standard deviations of the differences ranging between 10.24 and 11.26).ConclusionsEach non-radiological measurement had similar reliability and validity. Low cost, ease of use, and robustness to variations in spine contour argue for the Flexicurve in longitudinal kyphosis assessments. The approximate conversion factors provided will permit translation of non-radiological measures to Cobb angles

    Low back pain as the presenting sign in a patient with primary extradural melanoma of the thoracic spine - A metastatic disease 17 Years after complete surgical resection

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    Primary spinal melanomas are extremely rare lesions. In 1906, Hirschberg reported the first primary spinal melanoma, and since then only 40 new cases have been reported. A 47-year-old man was admitted suffering from low back pain, fatigue and loss of body weight persisting for three months. He had a 17-year-old history of an operated primary spinal melanoma from T7-T9, which had remained stable for these 17 years. Routine laboratory findings and clinical symptoms aroused suspicion of a metastatic disease. Multislice computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed stage-IV melanoma with thoracic, abdominal and skeletal metastases without the recurrence of the primary process. Transiliac crest core bone biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of metastatic melanoma. It is important to know that in all cases of back ore skeletal pain and unexplained weight loss, malignancy must always be considered in the differential diagnosis, especially in the subjects with a positive medical history. Patients who have back, skeletal, or joint pain that is unresponsive to a few weeks of conservative treatment or have known risk factors with or without serious etiology, are candidates for imaging studies. The present case demonstrates that complete surgical resection alone may result in a favourable outcome, but regular medical follow-up for an extended period, with the purpose of an early detection of a metastatic disease, is highly recommended

    7th SOSORT consensus paper: conservative treatment of idiopathic & Scheuermann's kyphosis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p/> <p>Thoracic hyperkyphosis is a frequent problem and can impact greatly on patient's quality of life during adolescence. This condition can be idiopathic or secondary to Scheuermann disease, a disease disturbing vertebral growth. To date, there is no sound scientific data available on the management of this condition. Some studies discuss the effects of bracing, however no guidelines, protocols or indication's of treatment for this condition were found. The aim of this paper was to develop and verify the consensus on managing thoracic hyperkyphosis patients treated with braces and/or physiotherapy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The Delphi process was utilised in four steps gradually modified according to the results of a set of recommendations: we involved the SOSORT Board twice, then all SOSORT members twice, with a Pre-Meeting Questionnaire (PMQ), and during a Consensus Session at the SOSORT Lyon Meeting with a Meeting Questionnaire (MQ).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was an unanimous agreement on the general efficacy of bracing and physiotherapy for this condition. Most experts suggested the use of 4-5 point bracing systems, however there was some controversy with regards to physiotherapeutic aims and modalities.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The SOSORT panel of experts suggest the use of rigid braces and physiotherapy to correct thoracic hyperkyphosis during adolescence. The evaluation of specific braces and physiotherapy techniques has been recommended.</p

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)1.

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    In 2008, we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, this topic has received increasing attention, and many scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Thus, it is important to formulate on a regular basis updated guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Despite numerous reviews, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to evaluate autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. Here, we present a set of guidelines for investigators to select and interpret methods to examine autophagy and related processes, and for reviewers to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of reports that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a dogmatic set of rules, because the appropriateness of any assay largely depends on the question being asked and the system being used. Moreover, no individual assay is perfect for every situation, calling for the use of multiple techniques to properly monitor autophagy in each experimental setting. Finally, several core components of the autophagy machinery have been implicated in distinct autophagic processes (canonical and noncanonical autophagy), implying that genetic approaches to block autophagy should rely on targeting two or more autophagy-related genes that ideally participate in distinct steps of the pathway. Along similar lines, because multiple proteins involved in autophagy also regulate other cellular pathways including apoptosis, not all of them can be used as a specific marker for bona fide autophagic responses. Here, we critically discuss current methods of assessing autophagy and the information they can, or cannot, provide. Our ultimate goal is to encourage intellectual and technical innovation in the field

    Resultados de una encuesta sobre tratamiento de la cifosis torácica causada por enfermedad de Scheuermann Resultados de uma pesquisa sobre o tratamento da cifose torácica de Scheuermann Results of a survey on the treatment of thoracic Scheuermann´s kyphosis

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    OBJETIVO: Conocer que parámetros se deben considerar para encarar el tratamiento de la cifosis torácica causada por la enfermedad de Scheuermann. MÉTODO: Se realizó una recolección de informaciones consistente en aplicar un cuestionario a 25 informantes calificados, colegas de diferentes países de Íbero/Latinoamérica miembros de SILACO (Sociedad Íbero/Latinoamericana de Columna) y se analizaron los resultados de las mismas. RESULTADOS: Como tratamiento ortopédico, la mayoría se inclinó por el uso del corsé de Milwaukee, indicado en pacientes prepúberes y pospúberes con curvas mayores de 60º y en curvas de menos de 60º si tienen dolor. El tiempo de uso: 22 hrs por día, su mantenimiento hasta llegar a Risser 4 o 5. Se observó una tasa de abandono de 48% al plan terapéutico. En lo referente a tratamiento quirúrgico, las indicaciones surgen: por localización de la deformidad, el valor angular, dolor, edad y estética. La extensión del área a fusionar fue determinada con los espinogramas y radiografías dinámicas. Se eligió la vía posterior como vía de abordaje con barras y tornillos, y en algunos casos la combinación con ganchos. Se evaluaron los resultados del tratamiento quirúrgico (de acuerdo a la opinión del médico), que fueron catalogados como buenos en un 64%. CONCLUSIONES: Se realizó una encuesta de opinión sobre el tratamiento de la cifosis torácica causada por enfermedad de Scheuermann .y se analizaron 25 formularios de respuestas de calificados cirujanos de columna, de diferentes países de Ibero/Latinoamérica miembros de SILACO. La encuesta ha permitido establecer normas de conducta terapéuticas (ortopédicas y quirúrgicas) para el tratamiento de esta afección.<br>OBJETIVO: Obter os parâmetros a serem considerados para realizar o tratamento da cifose torácica de Scheuermann. MÉTODOS: Os dados foram obtidos por meio de um questionário que foi respondido por 25 membros da SILACO (Sociedad Ibero-Latino-americana de Columna) e análise dos resultados das respostas. RESULTADOS: Como tratamento ortopédico, a maioria optou pelo uso do colete de Milwaukee indicado para pacientes pré-púberes e pós-púberes com curvas maiores que 60° e curvas de menos de 60° acompanhadas de dor. O tempo de uso diário do colete foi de 22 horas até atingir Risser 4 ou 5. A taxa de abandono do plano terapêutico foi de 48%. Em relação ao tratamento cirúrgico, a maioria afirmou que as indicações estão relacionadas com localização da deformidade, valor angular, dor, idade e a estética. A extensão da área da artrodese foi determinada por meio de radiografias totais de coluna e dinâmicas. A abordagem posterior foi escolhida como a via de acesso preferida, utilizando-se hastes, parafusos e associação com ganchos. CONCLUSÃO: Realizamos uma pesquisa sobre o tratamento da cifose torácica decorrente de doença Scheuermann. Analisamos 25 formulários de resposta de cirurgiões de coluna qualificados de diferentes países membros da SILACO. A pesquisa permitiu estabelecer normas de conduta terapêutica (ortopédicas e cirúrgicas) para tratamento dessa afecção.<br>OBJECTIVE: To determine which parameters should be considered to address the treatment of thoracic Scheuermann kyphosis. METHOD: A survey information with a questionnaire applied to 25 informants, colleagues from different countries of Ibero-Latin American members of SILACO (Sociedad Ibero-Latinoamericana de Columna) and to analyze the results. RESULTS: Regarding to the orthopedic treatment the majority tended towards the use of Milwaukee brace for pre-pubertal and post-pubertal patients with curves greater than 60º and in curves of less than 60º if they had pain. Time of use: Twenty two hours per day until reaching Risser of 4 or 5. The rejection rate of the therapeutic plan was 48%. Regarding surgical treatment, the majority established that the indications are related to the location of the deformity, the angular value, pain, age and aesthetics. The extension of the area to be fused was determined by the total column and dynamic X-rays. Posterior approach was chosen to access; rod and screws, and in some cases the combination with hooks. CONCLUSION: We conducted a survey about the treatment of thoracic kyphosis due to Scheuermann disease and analyzed 25 response forms of qualified spine surgeons from different countries that are SILACO members. The survey has allowed to establish standards of management (orthopedic and surgical) for the treatment of this condition

    Clinical measurement of the thoracic kyphosis : a study of the intra-rater reliability in subjects with and without shoulder pain

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical sagittal plane assessment of the thoracic kyphosis angle is considered an essential component of the postural examination of patients presenting with upper body pain syndromes. Cervical headaches and conditions involving the shoulder, such as subacromial pain syndrome, have all been associated with an increase in the thoracic kyphosis. Concomitantly a decrease in the thoracic kyphosis as a result of a stretching and strengthening rehabilitation programme is believed to be associated with a reduction in symptoms and pain and improvement in function. Clinicians generally measure the sagittal plane kyphosis angle visually. There is no certainty that this method is reliable or is capable of measuring angular changes over time or in response to intervention. As such a simple and reliable clinical method of measuring the thoracic kyphosis would enable clinicians to record this information. The aim of this investigation was to determine the intra-tester reliability of measuring the thoracic kyphosis angle using a clinical method METHODS: Measurements were made in 45 subjects with and 45 subjects without upper body symptoms. Measurements were made with the subjects in relaxed standing. Two gravity dependent inclinometers were used to measure the kyphosis. The first was placed over the region of the 1st and 2nd thoracic spinous processes. The other, over the region of the 12th thoracic and 1st lumbar spinous processes. The angle produced by each inclinometer was measured 3 times in succession. Each set of 3 measurements was made on two occasions (separated by a minimum of 30 minutes and additional data collection involving 46 further measurements of posture and movement on the same and an additional subject before the thoracic kyphosis measurements were re-measured) by one rater. The reliability of the measurements was analyzed using 2-way ANOVA intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), 95% confidence intervals (CI) and standard error of measurement (SEM) for precision, for a single measurement [ICC(single)] and the average of 3 measures [ICC(average)]. The assessor remained 'blinded' to data input and the measurements were staggered to reduce examiner bias. RESULTS: The measurement of the thoracic kyphosis as used in this investigation was found to have excellent intra-rater reliability for both subjects with and without symptoms. The ICC(single) results for the subjects without symptoms were, .95; (95% CI .91-.97). The corresponding ICC(average) results were; .97; (95% CI .95-.99). The results for the subjects with symptoms were; 93; (95% CI .88-.96), for ICC(single) and for ICC(average); .97; (95% CI .94-.98). The SEM results for subjects without and with symptoms were 1.0 degrees and 1.7 degrees , respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this immediate test-retest reliability study suggest that the clinical measurement of the thoracic kyphosis using gravity dependent inclinometers demonstrates excellent intra-rater reliability. Additional research is required to determine the inter-rater reliability of this method