39 research outputs found

    An integrated approach to coastal and biological observations

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    Maritime economy, ecosystem-based management and climate change adaptation and mitigation raise emerging needs on coastal ocean and biological observations. Integrated ocean observing aims at optimizing sampling strategies and cost-efficiency, sharing data and best practices, and maximizing the value of the observations for multiple purposes. Recently developed cost-effective, near real time technology such as gliders, radars, ferrybox, and shallow water Argo floats, should be used operationally to generate operational coastal sea observations and analysis. Furthermore, value of disparate coastal ocean observations can be unlocked with multi-dimensional integration on fitness-for-the-purpose, parameter and instrumental. Integration of operational monitoring with offline monitoring programs, such as those for research, ecosystem-based management and commercial purposes, is necessary to fill the gaps. Such integration should lead to a system of networks which can deliver data for all kinds of purposes. Detailed integration activities are identified which should enhance the coastal ocean and biological observing capacity. Ultimately a program is required which integrates physical, biogeochemical and biological observation of the ocean, from coastal to deep-sea environments, bringing together global, regional, and local observation efforts

    Comparaison de méthodes d'évaluation de la production secondaire d'une population de l'annélide polychète Ditrupa arietina (O.F. Muller)

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    We compared the ability of three direct methods (increment summation, loss summation and instantaneous growth rate coefficient), the size-frequency method, and eight indirect methods (Banse and Mosher, Benke, Brey, Edgar, Morin and Bourassa, Plante and Downing, Robertson and Schwinghamer et al.) to measure or to predict the secondary production of a Mediterranean population of the polychaete Ditrupa arietina. This comparison was carried out both on the 1994 cohort during its two-year lifespan and on the entire population during the two years of the study (1994-1996). Our results showed that all three direct methods are more or less equivalent. Results referring to the year 1994-1995 showed a strong overestimation of the actual production by the size frequency method. This is attributed to the existence of an average individual maximal size below which the actual production equals zero. During the same year, the results obtained using indirect methods were highly variable, partly, but not solely, due to the type of environment for which the regression models were built. The incorporation of temperature as an independent variable within the most recent regression models did not contribute to improving the quality of the predictions. Results referring to the year 1995-1996 confirm the incapacity of both the size frequency and the indirect methods to predict changes in the P/B ratio in relation with age structure and recruitment irregularities. These results are discussed in the context of inferring productivities both at the population and the community level.Nous avons comparé les aptitudes de trois méthodes directes (sommation des incréments, sommation des pertes et coefficient de croissance instantanée), de la méthode de fréquence de taille et de huit méthodes indirectes (Banse et Mosher, Benke, Brey, Edgar, Morin et Bourassa, Plante et Downing, Robertson et Schwinghamer et al.) à mesurer ou à prédire le niveau de production secondaire d'une population méditerranéenne de l'annélide polychète Ditrupa arietina. Cette comparaison a porté à la fois sur la seule cohorte ayant recruté au printemps 1994 pendant ses deux années d'existence et sur l'ensemble de la population pendant les deux années d'étude (1994–1996). Dans l'ensemble, les résultats obtenus montrent la quasi-équivalence de toutes les méthodes directes. Une forte surestimation de la production réelle par la méthode de la fréquence de taille est observée avec les résultats de l'année 1994–1995, où l'existence d'une taille moyenne maximale au-delà de laquelle la production est nulle n'est pas prise en compte. Pour cette même année, les résultats obtenus par les méthodes indirectes sont très variables avec, entre autres, le type de milieu pour lesquels les modèles ont été établis. L'introduction de la température dans les modèles les plus récents ne semble pas améliorer la qualité des prédictions. Les résultats de l'année 1995–1996 confirment l'inaptitude de la méthode de fréquence de taille et des méthodes indirectes à rendre compte de l'évolution du rapport P/B en fonction de la structure d'âge et des irrégularités du recrutement. Ces résultats sont discutés en fonction de l'utilisation possible de ces méthodes pour inférer des productivités tant à l'échelle de populations monospécifiques qu'à celle de communautés benthiques dans leur ensemble

    Food source of intertidal nematodes in the Bay of Marennes-Oleron (France), as determined by dual stable isotope analysis

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    Nematodes living on an intertidal mudflat of the Marennes-Oleron Bay (France) were assayed for delta(13)C and delta(15)N ratios together with their potential food resources between July 1992 and May 1993. Results suggest that nematodes do not exploit all the components of the sedimented organic matter (SOM) pool at the same rate. Furthermore, based on coefficients of average trophic enrichment found in the literature for both C and N, the enrichment of nematodes in C-13 and their depletion in N-15 relative to SOM suggest that microphytobenthos constitutes their main food source in this particular environment

    Development and validation of a video analysis software for marine benthic applications

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    Our aim in the EU funded JERICO project was to develop a flexible and scalable imaging platform that could be used in the widest possible set of ecological situations. Depending on research objectives, both image acquisition and analysis procedures may indeed differ. Up to now the attempts for automating image analysis procedures have consisted of the development of pieces of software specifically designed for a given objective. This led to the conception of a new software: AVIExplore. Its general architecture and its three constitutive modules: AVIExplore – Mobile, AVIExplore – Fixed and AVIExplore – ScriptEdit are presented. AVIExplore provides a unique environment for video analysis. Its main features include: (1) image selection tools allowing for the division of videos in homogeneous sections, (2) automatic extraction of targeted information, (3) solutions for long-term time-series as well as large scale image acquisition, (4) real time acquisition and in some cases real time analysis, (5) a large range of customized image-analysis possibilities through a script editor. The flexibility of use of AVIExplore is illustrated and validated by three case studies: (1) Coral identification and mapping, (2) Identification and quantification of different types of behaviors in a mud shrimp, and (3) Quantification of filtering activity in a passive suspension-feeder. The accuracy of the software is measured comparing with visual assessment. It is: 90.2%, 82.7%, and 98.3% for the three case studies, respectively. Some of the advantages and current limitations of the software as well as some of its foreseen advancements are then briefly discussed

    Comparison of the performance of two biotic indices based on the MacroBen database

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    The pan-European MacroBen database was used to compare the AZTI Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) and the Benthic Quality Index (BQIES), 2 biotic indices which rely on 2 distinct assessments of species sensitivity/tolerance (i.e. AMBI EG and BQI E[S]0.05) and which up to now have only been compared on restricted data sets. A total of 12 409 stations were selected from the database. This subset (indicator database) was later divided into 4 marine and 1 estuarine subareas. We computed E(S50)0.0 in 643 taxa, which accounted for 91.8% of the total abundances in the whole marine indicator database. AMBI EG and E(S50)0.05 correlated poorly. Marked heterogeneities in E(S50)0.0 between the marine and estuarine North Sea and between the 4 marine subareas suggest that sensitivity/tolerance levels vary among geographical areas. High values of AMBI were always associated with low values of BQIES, which underlines the coherence of these 2 indices in identifying stations with a bad ecological status (ES). Conversely, low values of AMBI were sometimes associated with low values of BQIES resulting in the attribution of a good ES by AMBI and a bad ES by BQIES. This was caused by the dominance of species classified as sensitive by AMBI and tolerant by BQIES. Some of these species are known to be sensitive to natural disturbance, which highlights the tendency of BQIES to automatically classify dominant species as tolerant. Both indices thus present weaknesses in their way of assessing sensitivity/tolerance levels (i.e. existence of a single sensitivity/tolerance list for AMBI and the tight relationship between dominance and tolerance for BQIES). Future studies should focus on the (1) clarification of the sensitivity/tolerance levels of the species identified as problematic, and (2) assessment of the relationships between AMBI EG and E(S50)0.05 within and between combinations of geographical areas and habitats

    Impact of natural (storm) and anthropogenic (trawling) sediment resuspension on particulate organic matter in coastal environments

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    In order to assess the impact of natural and anthropogenic sediment resuspension on quantity, biochemical composition and bioavailability of particulate organic matter (POM), two field investigations were carried out in two shallow coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea. In the Gulf of Lions, we investigated the impact of a storm resuspension of sediment, whereas in the Thermaikos Gulf we investigated the impact of bottom trawling. Resuspension in the Gulf of Lions determined the increase of sedimentation rates, modified the composition of the organic fraction of settling particles and decreased the labile fraction of POM, as indicated by a drop in the enzymatically hydrolysable amino acid fraction. The increase in the refractory fraction, following short-term storm-induced resuspension, increased also the contribution of glycine and decreased the contribution of aspartic acid contents to the total amino acid pools. Trawling activities in Thermaikos Gulf determined a significant increase in suspended POM concentrations and important changes in its biochemical composition. After trawling, the protein to carbohydrate ratio decreased (as a result of a major input of sedimentary carbohydrates at the water-sediment interface) and the fraction of enzymatically hydrolysable biopolymeric C decreased by ≈30%, thus reducing the bioavailability of resuspended organic particles. Results of the present study indicate that changes in suspended POM, induced by storms and trawling activities, can have similar consequences on benthic systems and on food webs. In fact, the potential benefit of increased organic particle concentration for suspension feeders, is depressed by the shift of suspended food particles towards a more refractory composition

    Temporal changes in the biochemical composition of particulate organic matter sedimentation in the Bay of Banyuls-sur-Mer

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    Gross sedimentation rates (GSRs) were monitored together with meteorological data and the main biochemical characteristics of the collected material (i.e. organic content, C, N, total proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and available proteins) over a three year cycle at a shallow station (18 m) of the Bay of Banyuls, France. GSRs were between 0.26 (11/04/92) and 317.75 gDW m(-2) d(-1) (18/02/94). They followed an annual cycle with low and relatively constant values during spring and summer and high, variable Values during fall and winter. During the study GSRs correlated poorly (state of the sea, precipitation) or even non-significantly (wind speed) with the main meteorological parameters. GSRs correlated negatively with the organic content of the material collected within the sediment traps suggesting the importance of resuspension in controlling GSRs. This hypothesis is consistent with the fact that, among all the measured biochemical parameters, available proteins (i.e. enzymatically hydrolizable proteins) are the most negatively correlated with GSRs. Available proteins showed important temporal changes that are only partly described by changes in carbon and nitrogen contents. These results are discussed in relation to the conceptualisation and the modelling of benthic trophic networks. The major objectives of our research group within the framework of the second phase of the French "Programme National d'Oceanographie Cotiere" are briefly discussed.Les taux de sédimentation brute (GSR) ont été mesurés avec les principaux paramètres météorologiques et les principales caractéristiques biochimiques (i.e. matière organique, C, N, protéines totales, hydrates de carbone, lipides et protéines disponibles) sur une période de trois ans à une station (18 m de profondeur) située en baie de Banyuls, France. Les GSR sont compris entre 0,26 (11/04/92) and 317,75 g m−2 j−1 (18/02/94). Ils suivent un cycle annuel avec des valeurs faibles et relativement constantes durant la période printemps-été et des valeurs plus fortes et beaucoup plus variables durant la période automne-hiver. Les taux de sédimentation brute ne sont corrélés avec les paramètres météorologiques mesurés que faiblement (état de la mer, précipitation) ou même pas significativement (vitesse du vent). Les taux de sédimentation brute sont corrélés négativement avec les contenus organiques du matériel recueilli dans les pièges à particules, ce qui suggère l'importance du processus de resuspension dans le contrôle des taux de sédimentation brute. Cette hypothèse est en accord avec le fait que, parmi tous les paramètres biochimiques mesurés, les protéines disponibles (i.e. dégradables enzymatiquement) sont les plus négativement corrélées avec les taux de sédimentation brute. Les protéines disponibles montrent des variations temporelles importantes qui ne sont qu'imparfaitement décrites par les contenus en carbone et azote. Ces résultats sont discutés en relation avec la conceptualisation et la modélisation des réseaux trophiques benthiques. Les principaux objectifs de notre groupe lors de la seconde phase du Programme national d'océanographie côtière sont brièvement évoqués

    Relationship between sedimentary organic matter and benthic fauna within the Gulf of Lion: synthesis on the identification of new biochemical descriptors of sedimentary organic nutritional value

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    The abilities of several biochemical characteristics of sedimentary organic matter to describe quantitative changes in benthic fauna were assessed based on several surveys carried out within the Gulf of Lion during the last decade. Two sets of high frequency samplings were carried out both inshore and offshore, together with an assessment of seasonal variability along a depth gradient, and a synoptic assessment of mesoscale spatial variability. The considered biochemical parameters were: total organic matter, organic carbon, nitrogen, total proteins, available proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, total and available amino acids. The considered faunal parameters were the abundance and the biomass of both meio- and macrofauna. Our results contribute to unravel the relative importance of food digestibility and composition in controlling particulate organic matter nutritional value. Spectra of both total and available amino acids were almost constant irrespective of the seasons and/or the environments, which were studied during these surveys. This underlines the role of particulate organic matter digestibility relative to its ability to meet specific nutritional requirements in controlling benthic fauna. Multivariate analysis used to relate biochemical and faunal parameters suggest that available amino acids and lipids are the best descriptors of food nutritional value. In contrast with carbohydrates, these two parameters are both associated with the most labile fraction of particulate organic matter. This result suggests that the use of the sum of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids as a proxy for labile organic matter is precluded at least in areas similar to the Gulf of Lion.Les aptitudes de plusieurs des caractéristiques biochimiques de la matière organique particulaire sédimentée à décrire les changements quantitatifs de la faune benthique ont été comparées à partir des résultats de plusieurs campagnes de prélèvements ayant eu lieu dans le golfe du Lion au cours de ces dix dernières années. Ces travaux ont consisté en deux suivis haute fréquence conduits à une station littorale et à une station du large, en une évaluation de la variabilité saisonnière le long d’un gradient côte large, et, enfin, en une étude synoptique de la variabilité spatiale à mesoéchelle. Les paramètres biochimiques considérés sont la matière organique totale, le carbone organique, l’azote, les protéines totales, les protéines disponibles, les sucres, les lipides, les acides aminés totaux et les acides aminés disponibles. Les paramètres faunistiques considérés sont l’abondance et la biomasse de la meio- et de la macrofaune. Les résultats obtenus contribuent à délimiter l’importance relative de la digestibilité et de l’aptitude à satisfaire les besoins nutritionnels dans la définition de la valeur nutritive de la matière organique particulaire sédimentée. Ainsi, la constance des spectres en acides aminés totaux et disponibles quels que soient les environnements et les saisons étudiés, suggère-t-elle un plus grand rôle de la digestibilité de la matière organique particulaire que de son aptitude à satisfaire des besoins nutritionnels spécifiques dans le contrôle de la faune benthique. Par opposition aux sucres, les lipides et les acides aminés disponibles sont associés à la fraction la plus labile de la matière organique particulaire. Ceci rend inopérant l’usage de la somme des concentrations en protéines, sucres et lipides en tant qu’indice de la fraction labile de la matière organique, au moins dans les zones directement comparables au golfe du Lion