1,824 research outputs found

    Multi-analyte profiling and pathway analysis of plasma for proteins associated with cancer-related fatigue syndrome in disease-free breast cancer patients after primary treatment.

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    CONTEXT: A significant number of women treated for breast cancer develop long-term fatigue afterwards. Previous research has suggested that fatigue may be due to a prolonged inflammatory response. However, there are conflicting results and the exact nature of the disturbance remains unclear. OBJECTIVES: To identify inflammatory markers associated with fatigue. METHODS: We recruited women from a breast cancer follow-up clinic and categorised them on the basis of a diagnostic interview as to whether they met the criteria for cancer-related fatigue syndrome (cases) or not (controls). We took plasma samples from each participant to analyse subsequently using a panel of 88 biological markers. RESULTS: 90 samples were analysed in total (45 cases and 45 controls). A factorial analysis of variance (using age as a fixed factor) demonstrated a number of differences in inflammatory cytokines. There were 28 significantly different analytes in total. Granulocyte colony stimulating factor was the most significantly different analyte (p<0.001). Many of the significant analytes were chemokine ligands found to be linked through an inflammatory pathway promoting T-cell and granulocyte production and activation. CONCLUSIONS: Our results add further weight to the hypothesis that cancer-related fatigue syndrome is associated with an increased pro-inflammatory immune response. Our findings indicate that these cytokine changes could underpin the subjective symptoms, such as perceived muscle weakness and concentration difficulties, experienced by women who feel fatigued after treatment

    Batch solution of small PDEs with the OPS DSL

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    In this paper we discuss the challenges and optimisations opportunities when solving a large number of small, equally sized discretised PDEs on regular grids. We present an extension of the OPS (Oxford Parallel library for Structured meshes) embedded Domain Specific Language, and show how support can be added for solving multiple systems, and how OPS makes it easy to deploy a variety of transformations and optimisations. The new capabilities in OPS allow to automatically apply data structure transformations, as well as execution schedule transformations to deliver high performance on a variety of hardware platforms. We evaluate our work on an industrially representative finance simulation on Intel CPUs, as well as NVIDIA GPUs

    Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis in the Differentiation of Epithelial Misplacement From Adenocarcinoma in Sigmoid Colonic Adenomatous Polyps

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from SAGE Publications via the DOI in this recordAvailability of Data and Material: The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable requestPurpose: The differential diagnosis of epithelial misplacement from invasive cancer in the colon is a challenging endeavour, augmented by the introduction of bowel cancer population screening. The main aim of the work is to test, as a proof-of concept study, the ability of the infrared spectroscopic imaging approach to differentiate epithelial misplacement from adenocarcinoma in sigmoid colonic adenomatous polyps. Methods: Ten samples from each of the four diagnostic groups, normal colonic mucosa, adenomatous polyps with low grade dysplasia, epithelial misplacement in adenomatous polyps and adenocarcinoma, were analysed using IR spectroscopic imaging and data processing methods. IR spectral images were subjected to data pre-processing and cluster analysis based segmentation to identify epithelial, connective tissue and stromal regions. Statistical analysis was carried out using principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis based cross validation, to classify spectral features according to the pathology, and the diagnostic attributes were compared. Results: The combined 4-group classification model on an average showed a sensitivity of 64%, a specificity of 88% and an accuracy of 76% for prediction based on a ‘single spectrum’, whilst a ‘majority-vote’ prediction on an average showed a sensitivity of 73%, a specificity of 90% and an accuracy of 82%. The 2-group model, for the differential diagnosis of epithelial misplacement versus adenocarcinoma, showed an average sensitivity and specificity of 82.5% for prediction based on a ‘single spectrum’ whilst a ‘majority-vote’ classification showed an average sensitivity and specificity of 90%. A 92% area under the curve (AUC) value was obtained when evaluating the classifier using the Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curves. Conclusions: IR spectroscopy shows promise in its ability to differentiate epithelial misplacement from adenocarcinoma in tissue sections, considered as one of the most challenging endeavours in population-wide diagnostic histopathology. Further studies with larger series, including cases with challenging diagnostic features are required to ascertain the capability of this modern digital pathology approach. In the long-term, IR spectroscopy based pathology which is relatively low-cost and rapid, could be a promising endeavour to consider for integration into the existing histopathology pathway, in particular for population based screening programmes where large number of samples are scrutinised.National Institute for Health Research (NIHR

    Clinical and genetic analysis of 29 Brazilian patients with Huntington’s disease-like phenotype

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    Huntington’s disease (HD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by chorea, behavioral disturbances and dementia, caused by a pathological expansion of the CAG trinucleotide in the HTT gene. Several patients have been recognized with the typical HD phenotype without the expected mutation. The objective of this study was to assess the occurrence of diseases such as Huntington’s disease-like 2 (HDL2), spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) 1, SCA2, SCA3, SCA7, dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA) and choreaacanthocytosis (ChAc) among 29 Brazilian patients with a HD-like phenotype. In the group analyzed, we found 3 patients with HDL2 and 2 patients with ChAc. The diagnosis was not reached in 79.3% of the patients. HDL2 was the main cause of the HD-like phenotype in the group analyzed, and is attributable to the African ancestry of this population. However, the etiology of the disease remains undetermined in the majority of the HD negative patients with HD-like phenotype. Key words: Huntington’s disease, Huntington’s disease-like, chorea-acanthocytosis, Huntington’s disease-like 2

    Predator-Induced Vertical Behavior of a Ctenophore

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    Although many studies have focused on Mnemiopsis leidyi predation, little is known about the role of this ctenophore as prey when abundant in native and invaded pelagic systems. We examined the response of the ctenophore M. leidyi to the predatory ctenophore Beroe ovata in an experiment in which the two species could potentially sense each other while being physically separated. On average, M. leidyi responded to the predator’s presence by increasing variability in swimming speeds and by lowering their vertical distribution. Such behavior may help explain field records of vertical migration, as well as stratified and near-bottom distributions of M. leidyi

    Potential role of levocarnitine supplementation for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced fatigue in non-anaemic cancer patients

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    Ifosfamide and cisplatin cause urinary loss of carnitine, which is a fundamental molecule for energy production in mammalian cells. We investigated whether restoration of the carnitine pool might improve chemotherapy-induced fatigue in non-anaemic cancer patients. Consecutive patients with low plasma carnitine levels who experienced fatigue during chemotherapy were considered eligible for study entry. Patients were excluded if they had anaemia or other conditions thought to be causing asthenia. Fatigue was assessed by the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Fatigue quality of life questionnaire. Treatment consisted of oral levocarnitine 4 g daily, for 7 days. Fifty patients were enrolled; chemotherapy was cisplatin-based in 44 patients and ifosfamide-based in six patients. In the whole group, baseline mean Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Fatigue score was 19.7 (±6.4; standard deviation) and the mean plasma carnitine value was 20.9 μM (±6.8; standard deviation). After 1 week, fatigue ameliorated in 45 patients and the mean Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Fatigue score was 34.9 (±5.4; standard deviation) (P<.001). All patients achieved normal plasma carnitine levels. Patients maintained the improved Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Fatigue score until the next cycle of chemotherapy. In selected patients, levocarnitine supplementation may be effective in alleviating chemotherapy-induced fatigue. This compound deserves further investigations in a randomised, placebo-controlled study

    The capacity of short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides to stimulate faecal bifidobacteria: a dose-response relationship study in healthy humans

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    BACKGROUND: Short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scFOS) are well-known for their bifidogenicity. In a large study comprising 200 healthy volunteers, we determined the bifidogenic properties of 7 non-digestible carbohydrates administered at a dose of 10 g/d in the diet; we analysed dose-response relationships of the bifidogenic substrates at doses ranging from 2.5 to 10 g/d in comparison with a placebo. The aim of this presentation is to give more details about the dose-response effects of short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides (scFOS). METHODS: Forty healthy volunteers (18 males, 22 females) eating their usual diets were randomly divided into 5 groups of 8 subjects and received scFOS at a dose of 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10 g/d or a placebo for 7 d. Stools were collected before (day (d) 8) and at the end (day (d) 15) of sugar consumption, and tolerance was evaluated using a daily chart. RESULTS (M ± SEM): Bifidobacteria counts increase was higher in scFOS than in placebo group for all doses tested [2.5 g/d (from 9.15 ± 0.59 to 9.39 ± 0.70; P = 0.02); 5 g/d (from 10.21 ± 0.21 to 10.67 ± 0.22; P = 0.03); 7.5 g/d (from 9.28 ± 0.49 to 9.85 ± 0.35;P = 0.01); 10 g/d (from 9.00 ± 0.81 to 10.18 ± 0.60; P = 0.003)]. A significant correlation between the ingested dose of scFOS and faecal bifidobacteria counts was observed at d15 (r(2 )= 0.307, P < 0.001). Total anaerobes increased at the dose of 10 g/d. No significant differences were found for Bacteroides, Lactobacillus, enterobacteria or pH in any group. The frequency of digestive symptoms was not different between scFOS at any of the doses tested and placebo. Bloating was significantly more intense during scFOS ingestion at doses of 2.5 and 5 g/d, but not at doses of 7.5 and 10 g/d. Excess flatus, borborygmi and abdominal pain did not differ from the placebo at any of the doses tested. CONCLUSION: This study showed that scFOS is bifidogenic and well tolerated at doses ranging from 2.5 to 10 g/d, and that there is a dose-response relationship in healthy volunteers

    Subtidal macrozoobenthos communities from northern Chile during and post El Niño 1997–1998

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    Despite a large amount of climatic and oceanographic information dealing with the recurring climate phenomenon El Niño (EN) and its well known impact on diversity of marine benthic communities, most published data are rather descriptive and consequently our understanding of the underlying mechanisms and processes that drive community structure during EN are still very scarce. In this study, we address two questions on the effects of EN on macrozoobenthic communities: (1) how does EN affect species diversity of the communities in northern Chile? and (2) is EN a phenomenon that restarts community assembling processes by affecting species interactions in northern Chile? To answer these questions, we compared species diversity and co-occurrence patterns of soft-bottoms macrozoobenthos communities from the continental shelf off northern Chile during (March 1998) and after (September 1998) the strong EN event 1997–1998. The methods used varied from species diversity and species co-occurrence analyses to multivariate ordination methods. Our results indicate that EN positively affects diversity of macrozoobenthos communities in the study area, increasing the species richness and diversity and decreasing the species dominance. EN represents a strong disturbance that affects species interactions that rule the species assembling processes in shallow-water, sea-bottom environments