4,543 research outputs found

    Single channel blind source separation based local mean decomposition for Biomedical applications

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    Single Channel Blind Source Separation (SCBSS) is an extreme case of underdetermined (more sources and fewer sensors) Blind Source Separation (BSS) problem. In this paper, we propose a novel technique using Local Mean Decomposition (LMD) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) combined with single channel BSS (LMD-ICA). First, the LMD was used to decompose the single channel source into a series of data sequences, which are called as Product Functions (PF), then, ICA algorithm was used to process PFs to get similar independent components and extract the original signals. A comparison was made between LMD-ICA and previously proposed single channel ICA method (EEMD-ICA). The real time experimental results demonstrated the advantage of the proposed single channel source separation method for artifact removal and in biomedical source separation applications. © 2013 IEEE

    Edge Shear Flows and Particle Transport near the Density Limit in the HL-2A Tokamak

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    Edge shear flow and its effect on regulating turbulent transport have long been suspected to play an important role in plasmas operating near the Greenwald density limit nG n_G . In this study, equilibrium profiles as well as the turbulent particle flux and Reynolds stress across the separatrix in the HL-2A tokamak are examined as nG n_G is approached in ohmic L-mode discharges. As the normalized line-averaged density nˉe/nG \bar{n}_e/n_G is raised, the shearing rate of the mean poloidal flow ωsh \omega_{\rm sh} drops, and the turbulent drive for the low-frequency zonal flow (the Reynolds power PRe \mathcal{P}_{Re} ) collapses. Correspondingly, the turbulent particle transport increases drastically with increasing collision rates. The geodesic acoustic modes (GAMs) gain more energy from the ambient turbulence at higher densities, but have smaller shearing rate than low-frequency zonal flows. The increased density also introduces decreased adiabaticity which not only enhances the particle transport but is also related to a reduction in the eddy-tilting and the Reynolds power. Both effects may lead to the cooling of edge plasmas and therefore the onset of MHD instabilities that limit the plasma density

    Inversion of provenance data and sediment load into spatially varying erosion rates

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    Sediment fingerprinting methods aim to determine the relative contribution of different source areas in detrital sediments based on natural properties – fingerprints – of the source areas. Here, we use U/Th–Pb age signatures as fingerprints, assuming that the age signal is not altered during erosion–transportation–deposition events, and given that recent technological advances enable precise dating of large amounts of grains. We introduce a formal inversion method that allows to disentangle the amalgamation of source contributions in detrital zircon data and enables to convert this information into an erosion rate map starting from the spatial distribution of zircon age signatures. Relying on the least‐squares method and using prior and covariance information to deal with non‐uniqueness, we show, using synthetic and natural examples, that we are able to retrieve erosion rate patterns of a catchment when the age distribution and zircon fertility for each source area are well known. Moreover, we show that not only zircon age fingerprints but also other tracers such as mineral content can be used. Furthermore, we found that adding data from samples taken at the outlet of tributaries improves the estimation of erosion rate patterns. We conclude that the least squares inverse model applied to detrital data has great potential for investigating erosion rates

    Computational Polyethylene-Ceramic Composite Plate Design and Optimization

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    A composite designed Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) reinforced by a material with a failure mode that will strengthen the system may significantly improve on modern armor designs. UHMWPE is considerably less dense than steel or high density ceramics. It is reasonable to consider making improvements to the weight-performance of armor by using the lower density UHMWPE and combining it with inserts of a high-density ceramic. A cellular ceramic encapsulated by rubber may significantly increase the amount of kinetic energy a composite will absorb through a phase transition. It is theorized that a series of ceramic inserts distributed in a polymer matrix will result in an increased impact resistance. Shock propagation in the ceramic will be minimal, and the elastomeric properties of the polymer will provide maximum tensile support. The ceramic inserts will act as a stress concentrator and physical resistor to the impacting object. When the ceramic inserts are shattered by the impactor they will impart a resistive force by forcing additional deformation in the polymer matrix. Study of design variations by examination of multiple geometries for the ceramic inserts will maximize the impact resistance of the structure. The resistance of the structure is enhanced by providing a multi-dimensional failure mode. The ceramic, once shattered, will still occupy space, forcing additional plastic deformation, and additional deformation in the impactor

    Overlap in signaling between Smoothened and the α subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein G₁₃

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    The Hedgehog family of morphogens has long been known to utilize, through the 7-transmembrane protein Smoothened (Smo), the heterotrimeric G protein Gi in both canonical and noncanonical forms of signaling. Other G proteins, while not specifically utilized by Smo, may nonetheless provide access to some of the events controlled by it. We reported several years ago that the G protein G₁₃ activates one or more forms of the Gli family of transcription factors. While the Gli transcription factors are well known targets for Smo, the uncertain mechanism of activation by G₁₃ and the identity of the targeted Gli(s) limited predictions as to the extent to which G₁₃ might mimic Smo’s actions. We evaluate here the potential for overlap in G₁₃ and Smo signaling using C3H10T1/2 and 3T3-L1 cells as models of osteogenesis and adipogenesis, respectively. We find in C3H10T1/2 cells that a constitutively active form of Gα₁₃ (Gα₁₃QL) increases Gli1 mRNA, as does a constitutively active form of Smo (SmoA1). We find as well that Gα₁₃QL induces alkaline phosphatase activity, a marker of osteogenesis, albeit the induction is far less substantial than that achieved by SmoA1. In 3T3-L1 cells both Gα₁₃QL and SmoA1 markedly suppress adipogenic differentiation as determined by triglyceride accumulation. RNA sequencing reveals that Gα₁₃QL and SmoA1 regulate many of the same genes but that quantitative and qualitative differences exist. Differences also exist, we find, between SmoA1 and purmorphamine, an agonist for Smo. Therefore, while comparisons of constitutively active proteins are informative, extrapolations to the setting of agonists require care

    GPR160 de-orphanization reveals critical roles in neuropathic pain in rodents

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    Treating neuropathic pain is challenging and novel non-opioid based medicines are needed. Using unbiased receptomics, transcriptomic analyses, immunofluorescence and in situ hybridization, we found the expression of the orphan GPCR (oGPCR) Gpr160 and GPR160 increased in the rodent dorsal horn of the spinal cord (DH-SC) following traumatic nerve injury. Genetic and immunopharmacological approaches demonstrated that GPR160 inhibition in the spinal cord prevented and reversed neuropathic pain in male and female rodents without altering normal pain response. GPR160 inhibition in the spinal cord attenuated sensory processing in the thalamus, a key relay in the sensory discriminative pathways of pain. We also identified cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide (CARTp) as a GPR160 ligand. Inhibiting endogenous CARTp signaling in spinal cord attenuated neuropathic pain, whereas exogenous intrathecal (i.th.) CARTp evoked painful hypersensitivity through GPR160-dependent ERK and cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB). Our findings de-orphanize GPR160, identify it as a determinant of neuropathic pain and potential therapeutic target, and provide insights to its signaling pathways. CARTp is involved in many diseases including depression, reward and addiction, de-orphanization of GPR160 is a major step forward understanding the role of CARTp signaling in health and disease

    In silico genotyping of the maize nested association mapping population

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    Nested Association Mapping (NAM) has been proposed as a means to combine the power of linkage mapping with the resolution of association mapping. It is enabled through sequencing or array genotyping of parental inbred lines while using low-cost, low-density genotyping technologies for their segregating progenies. For purposes of data analyses of NAM populations, parental genotypes at a large number of Single Nucleotide Polymorphic (SNP) loci need to be projected to their segregating progeny. Herein we demonstrate how approximately 0.5 million SNPs that have been genotyped in 26 parental lines of the publicly available maize NAM population can be projected onto their segregating progeny using only 1,106 SNP loci that have been genotyped in both the parents and their 5,000 progeny. The challenge is to estimate both the genotype and genetic location of the parental SNP genotypes in segregating progeny. Both challenges were met by estimating their expected genotypic values conditional on observed flanking markers through the use of both physical and linkage maps. About 90%, of 500,000 genotyped SNPs from the maize HapMap project, were assigned linkage map positions using linear interpolation between the maize Accessioned Gold Path (AGP) and NAM linkage maps. Of these, almost 70% provided high probability estimates of genotypes in almost 5,000 recombinant inbred lines

    Effects of temperature on thick branes and the fermion (quasi-)localization

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    Following Campos's work [Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 141602 (2002)], we investigate the effects of temperature on flat, de Sitter (dS), and anti-de Following Campos's work [Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{88}, 141602 (2002)], we investigate the effects of temperature on flat, de Sitter (dS), and anti-de Sitter (AdS) thick branes in five-dimensional (5D) warped spacetime, and on the fermion (quasi-)localization. First, in the case of flat brane, when the critical temperature reaches, the solution of the background scalar field and the warp factor is not unique. So the thickness of the flat thick brane is uncertain at the critical value of the temperature parameter, which is found to be lower than the one in flat 5D spacetime. The mass spectra of the fermion Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes are continuous, and there is a series of fermion resonances. The number and lifetime of the resonances are finite and increase with the temperature parameter, but the mass of the resonances decreases with the temperature parameter. Second, in the case of dS brane, we do not find such a critical value of the temperature parameter. The mass spectra of the fermion KK modes are also continuous, and there is a series of fermion resonances. The effects of temperature on resonance number, lifetime, and mass are the same with the case of flat brane. Last, in the case of AdS brane, {the critical value of the temperature parameter can less or greater than the one in the flat 5D spacetime.} The spectra of fermion KK modes are discrete, and the mass of fermion KK modes does not decrease monotonically with increasing temperature parameter.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures, published versio

    Identification of Mendelian inconsistencies between SNP and pedigree information of sibs

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    Background Using SNP genotypes to apply genomic selection in breeding programs is becoming common practice. Tools to edit and check the quality of genotype data are required. Checking for Mendelian inconsistencies makes it possible to identify animals for which pedigree information and genotype information are not in agreement. Methods Straightforward tests to detect Mendelian inconsistencies exist that count the number of opposing homozygous marker (e.g. SNP) genotypes between parent and offspring (PAR-OFF). Here, we develop two tests to identify Mendelian inconsistencies between sibs. The first test counts SNP with opposing homozygous genotypes between sib pairs (SIBCOUNT). The second test compares pedigree and SNP-based relationships (SIBREL). All tests iteratively remove animals based on decreasing numbers of inconsistent parents and offspring or sibs. The PAR-OFF test, followed by either SIB test, was applied to a dataset comprising 2,078 genotyped cows and 211 genotyped sires. Theoretical expectations for distributions of test statistics of all three tests were calculated and compared to empirically derived values. Type I and II error rates were calculated after applying the tests to the edited data, while Mendelian inconsistencies were introduced by permuting pedigree against genotype data for various proportions of animals. Results Both SIB tests identified animal pairs for which pedigree and genomic relationships could be considered as inconsistent by visual inspection of a scatter plot of pairwise pedigree and SNP-based relationships. After removal of 235 animals with the PAR-OFF test, SIBCOUNT (SIBREL) identified 18 (22) additional inconsistent animals. Seventeen animals were identified by both methods. The numbers of incorrectly deleted animals (Type I error), were equally low for both methods, while the numbers of incorrectly non-deleted animals (Type II error), were considerably higher for SIBREL compared to SIBCOUNT. Conclusions Tests to remove Mendelian inconsistencies between sibs should be preceded by a test for parent-offspring inconsistencies. This parent-offspring test should not only consider parent-offspring pairs based on pedigree data, but also those based on SNP information. Both SIB tests could identify pairs of sibs with Mendelian inconsistencies. Based on type I and II error rates, counting opposing homozygotes between sibs (SIBCOUNT) appears slightly more precise than comparing genomic and pedigree relationships (SIBREL) to detect Mendelian inconsistencies between sib

    Jupiter's X‐Ray and UV Dark Polar Region

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    We present 14 simultaneous Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO)-Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations of Jupiter's Northern X-ray and ultraviolet (UV) aurorae from 2016 to 2019. Despite the variety of dynamic UV and X-ray auroral structures, one region is conspicuous by its persistent absence of emission: the dark polar region (DPR). Previous HST observations have shown that very little UV emission is produced by the DPR. We find that the DPR also produces very few X-ray photons. For all 14 observations, the low level of X-ray emission from the DPR is consistent (within 2-standard deviations) with scattered solar emission and/or photons spread by Chandra's Point Spread Function from known X-ray-bright regions. We therefore conclude that for these 14 observations the DPR produced no statistically significant detectable X-ray signature