56 research outputs found

    Notch and Senescence.

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    Cellular senescence, previously thought of as an autonomous tumour suppressor mechanism, is emerging as a phenotype and effector present throughout the life of an organism from embryogenesis to senile decline. Senescent cells have powerful non-autonomous effects upon multiple players within their microenvironment mainly through their secretory phenotype. How senescent cells co-ordinate numerous, sometimes functionally contrasting outputs through their secretome had previously been unclear. The Notch pathway, originally identified for its involvement in Drosophila wing development, has more recently been found to underpin diverse effects in human cancer. Here we discuss recent findings that suggest that Notch is intimately involved in the development of senescence and how it acts to co-ordinate the composition and functional effects of the senescence secretome. We also highlight the complex physical and functional interplay between Notch and p53, critical to both senescence and cancer. Understanding the interplay between Notch, p53 and senescence could allow us develop the therapeutics of the future for cancer and ageing

    Rho GTPases as therapeutic targets in Alzheimer’s disease

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    The progress we have made in understanding Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathogenesis has led to the identification of several novel pathways and potential therapeutic targets. Rho GTPases have been implicated as critical components in AD pathogenesis, but their various functions and interactions make understanding their complex signaling challenging to study. Recent advancements in both the field of AD and Rho GTPase drug development provide novel tools for the elucidation of Rho GTPases as a viable target for AD. Herein, we summarize the fluctuating activity of Rho GTPases in various stages of AD pathogenesis and in several in vitro and in vivo AD models. We also review the current pharmacological tools such as NSAIDs, RhoA/ROCK, Rac1, and Cdc42 inhibitors used to target Rho GTPases and their use in AD-related studies. Finally, we summarize the behavioral modifications following Rho GTPase modulation in several AD mouse models. As key regulators of several AD-related signals, Rho GTPases have been studied as targets in AD. However, a consensus has yet to be reached regarding the stage at which targeting Rho GTPases would be the most beneficial. The studies discussed herein emphasize the critical role of Rho GTPases and the benefits of their modulation in AD

    Opposing roles for calcineurin and ATF3 in squamous skin cancer

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    Calcineurin inhibitors such as cyclosporin A (CsA) are the mainstay of immunosuppressive treatment for organ transplant recipients. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the skin is a major complication of treatment with these drugs, with a 65 to 100-fold higher risk than in the normal population. By contrast, the incidence of basal cell carcinoma (BCC), the other major keratinocyte-derived tumour of the skin, of melanoma and of internal malignancies increases to a significantly lesser extent. Here we report that genetic and pharmacological suppression of calcineurin/nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT) function promotes tumour formation in mouse skin and in xenografts, in immune compromised mice, of H-ras(V12) (also known as Hras1)-expressing primary human keratinocytes or keratinocyte-derived SCC cells. Calcineurin/NFAT inhibition counteracts p53 (also known as TRP53)-dependent cancer cell senescence, thereby increasing tumorigenic potential. ATF3, a member of the 'enlarged' AP-1 family, is selectively induced by calcineurin/NFAT inhibition, both under experimental conditions and in clinically occurring tumours, and increased ATF3 expression accounts for suppression of p53-dependent senescence and enhanced tumorigenic potential. Thus, intact calcineurin/NFAT signalling is critically required for p53 and senescence-associated mechanisms that protect against skin squamous cancer development

    Combined CSL and p53 downregulation promotes cancer-associated fibroblast activation.

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    Stromal fibroblast senescence has been linked to ageing-associated cancer risk. However, density and proliferation of cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs) are frequently increased. Loss or downmodulation of the Notch effector CSL (also known as RBP-Jκ) in dermal fibroblasts is sufficient for CAF activation and ensuing keratinocyte-derived tumours. We report that CSL silencing induces senescence of primary fibroblasts from dermis, oral mucosa, breast and lung. CSL functions in these cells as a direct repressor of multiple senescence- and CAF-effector genes. It also physically interacts with p53, repressing its activity. CSL is downmodulated in stromal fibroblasts of premalignant skin actinic keratosis lesions and squamous cell carcinomas, whereas p53 expression and function are downmodulated only in the latter, with paracrine FGF signalling as the probable culprit. Concomitant loss of CSL and p53 overcomes fibroblast senescence, enhances expression of CAF effectors and promotes stromal and cancer cell expansion. The findings support a CAF activation-stromal co-evolution model under convergent CSL-p53 control

    EGFR signalling as a negative regulator of Notch1 gene transcription and function in proliferating keratinocytes and cancer

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    The Notch1 gene has an important role in mammalian cell-fate decision and tumorigenesis. Upstream control mechanisms for transcription of this gene are still poorly understood. In a chemical genetics screen for small molecule activators of Notch signalling, we identified epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) as a key negative regulator of Notch1 gene expression in primary human keratinocytes, intact epidermis and skin squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). The underlying mechanism for negative control of the Notch1 gene in human cells, as well as in a mouse model of EGFR-dependent skin carcinogenesis, involves transcriptional suppression of p53 by the EGFR effector c-Jun. Suppression of Notch signalling in cancer cells counteracts the differentiation-inducing effects of EGFR inhibitors while, at the same time, synergizing with these compounds in induction of apoptosis. Thus, our data reveal a key role of EGFR signalling in the negative regulation of Notch1 gene transcription, of potential relevance for combinatory approaches for cancer therapy