446 research outputs found

    Safety review of phenoxyethanol when used as a preservative in cosmetics

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    Phenoxyethanol, or 2-phenoxyethanol, has a large spectrum of antimicrobial activity and has been widely used as a preservative in cosmetic products for decades. It is effective against various Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, as well as against yeasts, and has only a weak inhibitory effect on resident skin flora. According to the European Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety, phenoxyethanol is safe for all consumers \u2013 including children of all ages \u2013 when used as a preservative in cosmetic products at a maximum concentration of 1%. Adverse systemic effects have been observed in toxicological studies on animals but only when the levels of exposure were many magnitudes higher (around 200-fold higher) than those to which consumers are exposed when using phenoxyethanol-containing cosmetic products. Despite its widespread use in cosmetic products, phenoxyethanol is a rare sensitizer. It can be considered as one of the most well-tolerated preservatives used in cosmetic products

    Danos da cigarrinha-das-pastagens, Deois flavopicta Stal (Homoptera: Cercopidae) em milho consorciado com braquiárias.

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    Evaluation of Microencapsulation of The UFV-AREG1 Bacteriophage in Alginate-Ca Microcapsules using Microfluidic Devices

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    The indiscriminate use of antibiotics and the emergence of resistant microorganisms have become a major challenge for the food industry. The purpose of this work was to microencapsulate the bacteriophage UFV-AREG1 in a calcium alginate matrix using microfluidic devices and to study the viability and efficiency of retention. The microcapsules were added to gel of propylene glycol for use as an antimicrobial in the food industry. The technique showed the number of the phage encapsulation, yielding drops with an average 100-250 μ\mum of diameter, 82.1 ±\pm 2% retention efficiency and stability in the gel matrix for 21 days. The gel added to the microencapsulated phage showed efficiency (not detectable on the surface) in reducing bacterial contamination on the surface at a similar level to antimicrobial chemicals (alcohol 70%). Therefore, it was possible to microencapsulate bacteriophages in alginate-Ca and apply the microcapsules in gels for use as sanitizers in the food industry.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    A exploração de algumas características agronômicas e morfológicas na seleção de Panicum maximum para condições silvipastoris.

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    Sistemas silvipastoris são uma alternativa sustentável de produção animal e vegetal e sua utilização tem crescido nos últimos anos. Seu sucesso depende da identificação de gramíneas tolerantes ao sombreamento. Com o objetivo de avaliar parâmetros genéticos que possam determinar a seleção e o melhoramento de Panicum maximum, foi realizado um experimento na Embrapa Gado de Corte, em Campo Grande, MS, em vasos, com 25 genótipos promissores sob três níveis de sombreamento artificial (0, 50 e 70%). Foram realizados quatro cortes e avaliados as produções das matérias secas total e foliar e de raízes no último corte, porcentagem de folhas, altura das plantas, número de perfilhos e valores SPAD. Altas herdabilidades foram encontradas para numero de perfilhos, porcentagem de folhas e altura das plantas, indicando uma elevada acurácia na seleção para estas características. Com exceção da variável matéria seca de raízes, as outras características apresentaram uma alta correlação entre os ambientes, portanto, a seleção pode ser realizada independente dos níveis de sombreamento. O número de perfilhos apresentou a maior variação genética disponível para a realização do melhoramento, devido ao seu alto coeficiente de variação genética. A variável produção de raízes, é importante na seleção de genótipos em condições de sombreamento, por ter sido a variável que mais foi afetada pelos níveis de sombreamento.CNPGC

    Preliminary Performance of \u3cem\u3ePanicum Maximum\u3c/em\u3e Accessions and Hybrids in Brazil

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    Due to the lack of high quality forages adapted to the distinct ecosystems in Brazil, a national network to evaluate 14 accessions, 4 hybrids and 5 commercial standards of Panicum maximum was established in 2002, in 5 regions of Brazil (states of Mato Grosso do Sul, Acre, Rondônia, Minas Gerais and in the Federal District). Staff of the Embrapa Beef Cattle group co-ordinated the network and pre-selected the accessions and hybrids (Jank, 1995; Jank et al., 2001; Resende et al., 2004). We present their performance as to leaf dry matter yield (LDMY) and leaf percentage (LP) obtained from 7 harvests in 2003-2004 in Mato Grosso do Sul
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