16,999 research outputs found

    The three-dimensional noncommutative Gross-Neveu model

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    This work is dedicated to the study of the noncommutative Gross-Neveu model. As it is known, in the canonical Weyl-Moyal approach the model is inconsistent, basically due to the separation of the amplitudes into planar and nonplanar parts. We prove that if instead a coherent basis representation is used, the model becomes renormalizable and free of the aforementioned difficulty. We also show that, although the coherent states procedure breaks Lorentz symmetry in odd dimensions, in the Gross-Neveu model this breaking can be kept under control by assuming the noncommutativity parameters to be small enough. We also make some remarks on some ordering prescriptions used in the literature.Comment: 10 pages, IOP article style; v3: revised version, accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    T-Duality in 2-D Integrable Models

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    The non-conformal analog of abelian T-duality transformations relating pairs of axial and vector integrable models from the non abelian affine Toda family is constructed and studied in detail.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, v.2 misprints corrected, reference added, to appear in J. Phys.

    Mercado de leite: uma análise dos preços recebidos pelos produtores nos últimos anos.

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    A dinâmica do setor leiteiro nos últimos anos, principalmente a partir dos anos 90, tem sido motivo de vários estudos. Entre outras constatações, esses estudos apontam para o crescimento da oferta de leite, decorrente de expressivas taxas de crescimento na produção interna, via um contínuo incremento da produtividade, e também das substanciais importações que foram realizadas. Em relação ao preço do leite, observa-se uma queda persistente ao longo das últimas três décadas, documentada por Barros e Rizzieri (2001), Yamaguchi (2001) e Gomes, S. (2002). O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever e discutir o comportamento do preço recebido pelos produtores de leite após a implantação do Plano Real, cobrindo o período compreendido entre janeiro de 1995 até fevereiro de 2004

    On the aether-like Lorentz-breaking actions

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    We demonstrate the generation of the CPT-even, aether-like Lorentz-breaking actions for the scalar and electromagnetic fields via their appropriate Lorentz-breaking coupling to spinor fields in three, four and five space-time dimensions. Besides, we show that the aether-like terms for the spinor field also can be generated as a consequence of the same couplings. Also we discuss the dispersion relations in the theories with aether-like Lorentz-breaking terms and find the tree-level effective (Breit) potential for fermion scattering and the one-loop effective potential corresponding to the action of the scalar field.Comment: 18 pages, version accepted to Physical Review

    Algumas características da oferta do leite.

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    O objetivo do trabalho é estimar a curva de oferta de leite, utilizando dados do período 1970-2001. O modelo estimado possibilita examinar a principal conclusão das comissões de inquérito de algumas assembléias estaduais, pela qual a queda anormal observada no preço do leite, na entressafra de 2001, foi atribuída ao poder de oligopsônio das firmas que processam o leite. Ainda mais, os consumidores não se beneficiaram dos preços baixos em nível de produtor. Assim, a margem de comercialização sofreu, por aquela visão, considerável acréscimo.Na publicação: Eliseu Alves

    The Link between General Relativity and Shape Dynamics

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    We show that one can construct two equivalent gauge theories from a linking theory and give a general construction principle for linking theories which we use to construct a linking theory that proves the equivalence of General Relativity and Shape Dynamics, a theory with fixed foliation but spatial conformal invariance. This streamlines the rather complicated construction of this equivalence performed previously. We use this streamlined argument to extend the result to General Relativity with asymptotically flat boundary conditions. The improved understanding of linking theories naturally leads to the Lagrangian formulation of Shape Dynamics, which allows us to partially relate the degrees of freedom.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Structural properties of crumpled cream layers

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    The cream layer is a complex heterogeneous material of biological origin which forms spontaneously at the air-milk interface. Here, it is studied the crumpling of a single cream layer packing under its own weight at room temperature in three-dimensional space. The structure obtained in these circumstances has low volume fraction and anomalous fractal dimensions. Direct means and noninvasive NMR imaging technique are used to investigate the internal and external structure of these systems.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted in J. Phys. D: Appl. Phy

    Fate of conjugated natural and synthetic steroid estrogens in crude sewage and activated sludge batch studies

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    This document is the unedited author's version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in Environmental Science & Technology, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review. To access the final edited and published work see http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/es801952h.Steroids are excreted from the human body in the conjugated form but are present in sewage influent and effluent as the free steroid, the major source of estrogenic activity observed in water courses. The fate of sulfate and glucuronide conjugated steroid estrogens was investigated in batch studies using activated sludge grown on synthetic sewage in a laboratory-scale Husmann simulation and crude sewage from the field. A clear distinction between the fate of sulfate and glucuronide conjugates was observed in both matrices, with sulfated conjugates proving more recalcitrant and glucuronide deconjugation preferential in crude sewage. For each conjugate, the free steroid was observed in the biotic samples. The degree of free steroid formation was dependent on the conjugate moiety, favoring the glucuronide. Subsequent degradation of the free steroid (and sorption to the activated sludge solid phase) was evaluated. Deconjugation followed the first order reaction rate with rate constants for 17α-ethinylestradiol 3-glucuronide, estriol 16α-glucuronide, and estrone 3-glucuronide determined as 0.32, 0.24, and 0.35 h respectively. The activated sludge solid retention time over the range of 3−9 days had 74 to 94% of sulfate conjugates remaining after 8 h. In contrast, a correlation between increasing temperature and decreasing 17α-ethinylestradiol 3-glucuronide concentrations in the activated sludge observed no conjugate present in the AS following 8 h at 22 °C Based on these batch studies and literature excretion profiles, a hypothesis is presented on which steroids and what form (glucuronide, sulfate, or free) will likely enter the sewage treatment plant.EPSR

    Negative Even Grade mKdV Hierarchy and its Soliton Solutions

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    In this paper we provide an algebraic construction for the negative even mKdV hierarchy which gives rise to time evolutions associated to even graded Lie algebraic structure. We propose a modification of the dressing method, in order to incorporate a non-trivial vacuum configuration and construct a deformed vertex operator for sl^(2)\hat{sl}(2), that enable us to obtain explicit and systematic solutions for the whole negative even grade equations

    Alimentos e alimentação de ovinos e caprinos no semi-árido brasileiro.

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    A baixa qualidade e a escassez de forragem, especialmente durante a seca estacional, agravadas pelas doenças que normalmente acometem os rebanhos, são os principais fatores limitantes para a produtividade animal no Nordeste Semi-Árido. De modo geral, nos sistemas de produção extensivos os ganhos obtidos durante o período de relativa abundância pouco mais fazem que repor a condição corporal perdida durante o período de escassez. Ao longo das últimas décadas, estudos desenvolvidos pela Embrapa e seus diversos parceiros têm apontado alternativas para a redução, ou mesmo para a eliminação das perdas verificadas durante o período seco, garantindo incrementos no desempenho animal. Dentre estas, merecem destaque a melhoria das pastagens nativas, a suplementação alimentar (feno, silagem, subprodutos da agricultura e da agroindústria e concentrados protéicos e energéticos), além do cultivo de forrageiras com propósitos específicos (pastagens irrigadas, bancos de proteína etc.). O uso racional dos recursos forrageiros permite elevar a eficiência dos sistemas de produção, indicando o potencial para a competitividade da pecuária nordestina no cenário nacional. Entretanto, necessário se torna uma ampla disseminação dos novos conhecimentos entre os técnicos e produtores envolvidos com o agronegócio da caprinocultura e da ovinocultura. O presente trabalho reúne informações sobre o manejo e sobre o valor nutritivo dos diversos recursos forrageiros disponíveis no semi-árido. Objetiva, no âmbito geral, destacar os novos conhecimentos com vistas a inserir o produtor nordestino no competitivo mercado de produtos derivados dos pequenos ruminantes domésticos.bitstream/CNPC/20675/1/doc67.pd