222 research outputs found

    Ballistic transport and surface scattering in (In,Ga)As-InP heterostructure narrow channels

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    Narrow conduction channels are fabricated from an In0.75Ga0.25As-InP heterostructure using electron-beam lithography and dry etching. The etched surface is realized to be smooth by employing a reactive ion etching. The etching-induced surface conduction is eliminated by removing the damaged surface layer using a diluted HCl solution. The negligible surface depletion for the In-rich quantum well enables to create conducting channels in arbitrary geometries such as in a circular shape. We evidence the presence of a ballistic contribution in the electron transport by demonstrating a rectification of rf excitations that is achieved by the magnetic-field-tuned transmission asymmetry in the circularly-shaped channels. The absence of the surface depletion is shown to cause, on the other hand, a surface scattering for the electrons confined in the channels. An increase of the resistance, including its anomalous enhancement at low temperatures, is induced by the gas molecules attached to the sidewalls of the channels. We also report a large persistent photoconduction, which occurs as a parallel conduction in the undoped InP barrier layer.Peer Reviewe

    Trifluoromethyl Fluorosulfonate (CF3OSO2F) and Trifluoromethoxy Sulfur Pentafluoride (CF3OSF5) – Two Gaseous Sulfur(VI) Compounds with Insulating Properties

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    In this work, we analyzed trifluoromethyl fluorosulfonate (CF3OSO2F) and trifluoromethoxy sulfur pentafluoride (CF3OSF5) regarding their potential use as dielectrics by investigating some of their intrinsic and extrinsic properties. Both compounds show a higher breakdown voltage than SF6 with averaged relative breakdown voltages of 1.3±0.2 for CF3OSO2F and 1.4±0.2 for CF3OSF5 compared to SF6 with 1.0. Like the dielectric (CF3)2CFCN, both compounds decompose during the breakdown process. The decomposition products were analyzed by IR spectroscopy and GCIR methods. Furthermore, the molecular structures of both gaseous compounds CF3OSO2F and CF3OSF5 have been determined by in situ crystallization, and their physical properties were determined as well

    Electron effective mass in Sn-doped monoclinic single crystal β\beta-gallium oxide determined by mid-infrared optical Hall effect

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    The isotropic average conduction band minimum electron effective mass in Sn-doped monoclinic single crystal β\beta-Ga2_2O3_3 is experimentally determined by mid-infrared optical Hall effect to be (0.284±0.013)m0(0.284\pm0.013)m_{0} combining investigations on (010010) and (2ˉ01\bar{2}01) surface cuts. This result falls within the broad range of values predicted by theoretical calculations for undoped β\beta-Ga2_2O3_3. The result is also comparable to recent density functional calculations using the Gaussian-attenuation-Perdue-Burke-Ernzerhof hybrid density functional, which predict an average effective mass of 0.267m00.267m_{0} (arXiv:1704.06711 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]). Within our uncertainty limits we detect no anisotropy for the electron effective mass, which is consistent with most previous theoretical calculations. We discuss upper limits for possible anisotropy of the electron effective mass parameter from our experimental uncertainty limits, and we compare our findings with recent theoretical results

    Формирование городской идентичности как способ развития туристского потенциала г.Томска

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    Следствием глобализации становится унификация современных городов. Происходит нивелирование их уникальных черт: их культурной, социальной и визуальной идентичности. Процесс постепенной утраты уникальности и традиций города неизбежно влечет за собой снижение его привлекательности для туристов. Город, без ярко выраженного "лица": узнаваемого визуального образа и устойчивых смысловых ассоциаций, неизбежно, сдает свои позиции на современном высоко конкурентном рынке туристских услуг.The consequence of globalization is the unification of modern cities. There is a leveling of their unique features: their cultural, social and visual identity. The process of gradual loss of uniqueness and traditions. The city, without a pronounced "face": a recognizable visual image and stable semantic associations, inevitably, surrenders its positions in the modern highly competitive market of tourist services

    The role of mechanotransduction versus hypoxia during simulated orthodontic compressive strain—an in vitro study of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts

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    During orthodontic tooth movement (OTM) mechanical forces trigger pseudo-inflammatory, osteoclastogenic and remodelling processes in the periodontal ligament (PDL) that are mediated by PDL fibroblasts via the expression of various signalling molecules. Thus far, it is unknown whether these processes are mainly induced by mechanical cellular deformation (mechanotransduction) or by concomitant hypoxic conditions via the compression of periodontal blood vessels. Human primary PDL fibroblasts were randomly seeded in conventional six-well cell culture plates with O-2-impermeable polystyrene membranes and in special plates with gas-permeable membranes (Lumox (R), Sarstedt), enabling the experimental separation of mechanotransducive and hypoxic effects that occur concomitantly during OTM. To simulate physiological orthodontic compressive forces, PDL fibroblasts were stimulated mechanically at 2 g.cm(-2) for 48 h after 24 h of pre-incubation. We quantified the cell viability by MTT assay, gene expression by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) and protein expression by western blot/enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). In addition, PDL-fibroblast-mediated osteoclastogenesis (TRAP(+) cells) was measured in a 72-h coculture with RAW264.7 cells. The expression of HIF-1 alpha, COX-2, PGE2, VEGF, COL1A2, collagen and ALPL, and the RANKL/OPG ratios at the mRNA/protein levels during PDL-fibroblast-mediated osteoclastogenesis were significantly elevated by mechanical loading irrespective of the oxygen supply, whereas hypoxic conditions had no significant additional effects. The cellular-molecular mediation of OTM by PDL fibroblasts via the expression of various signalling molecules is expected to be predominantly controlled by the application of force (mechanotransduction), whereas hypoxic effects seem to play only a minor role. In the context of OTM, the hypoxic marker HIF-1 alpha does not appear to be primarily stabilized by a reduced O-2 supply but is rather stabilised mechanically

    Age impairs soluble guanylyl cyclase function in mouse mesenteric arteries

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    Endothelial dysfunction (ED) comes with age, even without overt vessel damage such as that which occurs in atherosclerosis and diabetic vasculopathy. We hypothesized that aging would affect the downstream signalling of the endothelial nitric oxide (NO) system in the vascular smooth muscle (VSM). With this in mind, resistance mesenteric arteries were isolated from 13-week (juvenile) and 40-week-old (aged) mice and tested under isometric conditions using wire myography. Acetylcholine (ACh)-induced relaxation was reduced in aged as compared to juvenile vessels. Pretreatment with L-NAME, which inhibits nitrix oxide synthases (NOS), decreased ACh-mediated vasorelaxation, whereby differences in vasorelaxation between groups disappeared. Endothelium-independent vasorelaxation by the NO donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) was similar in both groups; however, SNP bolus application (10(-6) mol L(-1)) as well as soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) activation by runcaciguat (10(-6) mol L(-1)) caused faster responses in juvenile vessels. This was accompanied by higher cGMP concentrations and a stronger response to the PDE5 inhibitor sildenafil in juvenile vessels. Mesenteric arteries and aortas did not reveal apparent histological differences between groups (van Gieson staining). The mRNA expression of the α1 and α2 subunits of sGC was lower in aged animals, as was PDE5 mRNA expression. In conclusion, vasorelaxation is compromised at an early age in mice even in the absence of histopathological alterations. Vascular smooth muscle sGC is a key element in aged vessel dysfunction

    [pain]Byte VR Storytelling & Classical Ballet

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    This initial stage paper focuses on the Virtual Reality (VR) experience of the [pain]Byte ballet. The live and VR experience debut October 1st 2017, as part of the Brighton digital festival. Specifically, the development of the VR environment to compliment live performance by using the same choreography to create an option capture element of the VR story telling experience. Reviewing Virtual & Alternative reality gaming & storytelling works and the use of VR for chronic pain management (Chen, Win). Does the VR experience compare to that of the live theatre for the audience? The data visualisations and VR environment will be continuations of the Network Simulator, [data]Storm 2015. We are visualising and comparing the pain pathway system to that of a social network. Linking pain signals to viral/negative messaging for some of the visuals. The main purpose of the pieces links to how “we" present ourselves online, these better or veiled versions of ourselves. For chronic pain sufferers, this can be daily activity in the real world. The paper concludes by identifying some future directions for the research project. The Ballet: [pain]Byte is a data driven dance classical ballet performance and VR (virtual reality) experience. [pain]Byte, is about chronic pain and biomedical engineering, in particular the use of implanted technology - neuromodulation (Al-Kaisey et al). Using data as a medium for storytelling, what it means to be in chronic pain. The live augmented theatre and VR experience research focuses on how an audience’s exposure and understanding are impacted by the difference mediums used for [pain]byte