593 research outputs found

    Age of second language acquisition affects nonverbal conflict processing in children : an fMRI study

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    Background: In their daily communication, bilinguals switch between two languages, a process that involves the selection of a target language and minimization of interference from a nontarget language. Previous studies have uncovered the neural structure in bilinguals and the activation patterns associated with performing verbal conflict tasks. One question that remains, however is whether this extra verbal switching affects brain function during nonverbal conflict tasks. Methods: In this study, we have used fMRI to investigate the impact of bilingualism in children performing two nonverbal tasks involving stimulus-stimulus and stimulus-response conflicts. Three groups of 8-11-year-old children - bilinguals from birth (2L1), second language learners (L2L), and a control group of monolinguals (1L1) - were scanned while performing a color Simon and a numerical Stroop task. Reaction times and accuracy were logged. Results: Compared to monolingual controls, bilingual children showed higher behavioral congruency effect of these tasks, which is matched by the recruitment of brain regions that are generally used in general cognitive control, language processing or to solve language conflict situations in bilinguals (caudate nucleus, posterior cingulate gyrus, STG, precuneus). Further, the activation of these areas was found to be higher in 2L1 compared to L2L. Conclusion: The coupling of longer reaction times to the recruitment of extra language-related brain areas supports the hypothesis that when dealing with language conflicts the specialization of bilinguals hampers the way they can process with nonverbal conflicts, at least at early stages in life

    Simulation of CO2–N2 expansion tunnel flow for the study of radiating bluntbody shock layers

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    A 25MJ/kg CO2–N2 expansion tunnel condition has been developed for the X2 impulse facility at the University of Queensland. A hybrid Lagrangian and Navier–Stokes computational simulation technique is found to give good correlation with experimentally measured shock speeds and pressure traces. The use of an inertial diaphragm model for describing secondary diaphragm rupture is found to estimate between 4% and 25% more CO2 recombination over the test time than the widely accepted holding-time model. The obtained freestream conditions are assessed for application to proposed bluntbody spectroscopy and subscale aeroshell experiments. The chemically and vibrationally excited freestream test gas is found to prevent exact thermochemical similarity from being achieved, and the strong radiation–flowfield coupling characteristic of Mars aerocapture conditions cannot be reproduced experimentally

    The small Ca2+-binding protein CSE links Ca2+ signalling with nitrogen metabolism and filament integrity in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120

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    Background Filamentous cyanobacteria represent model organisms for investigating multicellularity. For many species, nitrogen-fixing heterocysts are formed from photosynthetic vegetative cells under nitrogen limitation. Intracellular Ca2+ has been implicated in the highly regulated process of heterocyst differentiation but its role remains unclear. Ca2+ is known to operate more broadly in metabolic signalling in cyanobacteria, although the signalling mechanisms are virtually unknown. A Ca2+-binding protein called the Ca2+ Sensor EF-hand (CSE) is found almost exclusively in filamentous cyanobacteria. Expression of asr1131 encoding the CSE protein in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 was strongly induced by low CO2 conditions, and rapidly downregulated during nitrogen step-down. A previous study suggests a role for CSE and Ca2+ in regulation of photosynthetic activity in response to changes in carbon and nitrogen availability. Results In the current study, a mutant Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 strain lacking asr1131 (Delta cse) was highly prone to filament fragmentation, leading to a striking phenotype of very short filaments and poor growth under nitrogen-depleted conditions. Transcriptomics analysis under nitrogen-replete conditions revealed that genes involved in heterocyst differentiation and function were downregulated in Delta cse, while heterocyst inhibitors were upregulated, compared to the wild-type.Conclusions These results indicate that CSE is required for filament integrity and for proper differentiation and function of heterocysts upon changes in the cellular carbon/nitrogen balance. A role for CSE in transmitting Ca2+ signals during the first response to changes in metabolic homeostasis is discussed.</div
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