715 research outputs found
Estatus de las tortugas marinas en Montserrat (Caribe oriental)
The status of marine turtles in Montserrat (Eastern Caribbean) is reviewed following five years of monitoring (1999–2003). The mean number of nests recorded during the annual nesting season (June–October) was 53 (± 24.9 SD; range: 13–43). In accordance with earlier reports, the nesting of hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata) and green (Chelonia mydas) turtles was confirmed on several beaches around the island. Only non–nesting emergences were documented for loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) and there was no evidence of nesting by leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea); however, it is possible that additional survey effort would reveal low density nesting by these species. Officially reported turtle capture data for 1993–2003 suggest that a mean of 0.9 turtle per year (± 1.2 SD; range: 0–4) were landed island–wide, with all harvest having occurred during the annual open season (1 October to 31 May). Informed observers believe that the harvest is significantly under–reported and that fishermen avoid declaring their catch by butchering turtles at sea (both during and outside the open season). Of concern is the fact that breeding adults are potentially included in the harvest, and that the open season partially coincides with the breeding season. The present study has shown that although Montserrat is not a major nesting site for sea turtles, it remains important on a regional basis for the Eastern Caribbean.Se ha estudiado la situación de las tortugas marinas en Montserrat (Caribe oriental) mediante un seguimiento de cinco años (1999–2003). El número medio de nidos registrados durante la estación anual de nidificación (junio–octubre) fue de 53 (± 24.9 SD; rango: 13–143). En concordancia con informes anteriores, se confirmó la nidificacón de las tortugas carey (Eretmochelys imbricata) y verde (Chelonia mydas) en varias playas alrededor de la isla. En la tortuga boba (Caretta caretta) sólo se registraron salidas sin nidificación, y no se encontraron pruebas de que la tortuga laúd (Dermochelys coriacea) nidificase; sin embargo, es posible que ulteriores estudios pongan de manifiesto una baja densidad de nidificación de esta especie. Los datos oficiales de capturas de tortugas (1993–2003) sugieren que en toda la isla llegaban a tierra una media de 0.9 tortugas anuales (± 1.2 SD; rango: 0–4), produciéndose todas las capturas cuando se habÃa levantado la veda. Observadores bien documentados creen que las cifras de recolección están significativamente falseadas a la baja, y que los pescadores evitan declarar sus capturas sacrificando las tortugas en el mar (con la veda abierta o cerrada). Es preocupante que en esta caza puedan incluirse tortugas que crÃan, y que el perÃodo de captura permitida coincide en parte con la estación reproductora. Este estudio demuestra que aunque Montserrat no es un lugar principal de nidificación de las tortugas marinas, sigue siendo importante a escala regional en el Caribe oriental
Cnidaria in UK coastal waters: description of spatio-temporal patterns and inter-annual variability
Note that the accepted version of this paper is available on open access in ORE at: http://hdl.handle.net/10871/15245Concern has been expressed over future biogeographical expansion and habitat capitalization by species of the phylum Cnidaria, as this may have negative implications on human activities and ecosystems. There is, however, a paucity of knowledge and understanding of jellyfish ecology, in particular species distribution and seasonality. Recent studies in the UK have principally focused on the Celtic, Irish and North Seas, but all in isolation. In this study we analyse data from a publicly- driven sightings scheme across UK coastal waters (2003–2011; 9 years), with the aim of increasing knowledge on spatial and temporal patterns and trends. We describe inter-annual variability, seasonality and patterns of spatial distribution, and compare these with existing historic literature. Although incidentally-collected data lack quantification of effort, we suggest that with appropriate data management and interpretation, publicly-driven, citizen-science-based, recording schemes can provide for large-scale (spatial and temporal) coverage that would otherwise be logistically and financially unattainable. These schemes may also contribute to baseline data from which future changes in patterns or trends might be identified. We further suggest that findings from such schemes may be strengthened by the inclusion of some element of effort-corrected data collection
Fiscal Policy and the Economics of Financial Balances
This paper presents the main features of the macroeconomic model being used at The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, which has proven to be a useful tool in tracking the current financial and economic crisis. We investigate the connections of the model to the New Cambridge approach, and discuss other recent approaches to the evolution of financial balances for all sectors of the economy. We will finally show the effects of fiscal policy in the model, and its implications for the proposed fiscal stimulus on the U.S. economy. We show that the New Cambridge hypothesis, which claimed that the private sector financial balance would be stable relative to income in the short run, does not hold for the short term in our model, but it does hold for the medium/long term. This implies that the major impact of the fiscal stimulus in the long run will be on the external imbalance, unless other measures are taken
Spatial ecology of loggerhead turtles: Insights from stable isotope markers and satellite telemetry
This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordAim
Using a combination of satellite telemetry and stable isotope analysis (SIA), our aim was to identify foraging grounds of loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) at important rookeries in the Mediterranean, examine foraging ground fidelity, and across 25 years determine the proportion of nesting females recruiting from each foraging region to a major rookery in Cyprus.
Mediterranean Sea.
Between 1993 and 2018, we investigated the spatial ecology of loggerhead turtles from rookeries in Cyprus and Greece using satellite telemetry (n = 55 adults) and SIA of three elements (n = 296).
Satellite telemetry from both rookeries revealed the main foraging areas as the Adriatic region (Cyprus: 4% of individuals, Greece: 55%), Tunisian Plateau (Cyprus: 16%, Greece: 40%) and the eastern Mediterranean (Cyprus: 80%, Greece: 5%). Combining satellite telemetry and SIA allowed 64% of all nesting females to be assigned to; the Adriatic region (Cyprus: 2%, Greece: 38.5%), Tunisian Plateau (Cyprus: 47%, Greece: 38.5%) and the eastern Mediterranean (Cyprus: 51%, Greece: 23%), which are markedly different to proportions obtained using satellite telemetry. The proportion of the Cyprus nesting cohort using each foraging region did not change significantly, with the exception that individuals foraging in the Adriatic region are only present in the Cyprus nesting population from 2012. Repeat satellite tracking (n = 3) and temporal consistency in isotope ratios (n = 36) of Cyprus females, strongly suggest foraging ground fidelity over multiple decades.
Main conclusions
This study demonstrates the advantages of combining satellite telemetry and SIA to investigate spatial ecology at a population level. The importance of the Tunisian Plateau for foraging is demonstrated. This study indicates that females generally show high fidelity to foraging grounds and shows a potential recent shift to foraging in the Adriatic region for Cyprus females, while the importance of other regions persists across decades, thus providing baselines to develop and assess conservation strategies.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC
Fisher choice may increase prevalence of green turtle fibropapillomatosis disease
This document is protected by copyright and was first published by Frontiers. All rights reserved. It is reproduced with permission.Open access journalDisease in wildlife populations is often controlled through culling. But when healthy individuals are removed and diseased individuals are left in the population, it is anticipated that prevalence of disease increases. Although this scenario is presumably common in exploited populations where infected individuals are less marketable, it is not widely reported in the literature. We describe this scenario in a marine turtle fishery in the Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI), where green turtles are harvested for local consumption. During a 2-year period, we recorded the occurrence of fibropapillomatosis (FP) disease in green turtles (Chelonia mydas) captured during in-water surveys and compared it with that of turtles landed in the fishery. 13.4% (n = 32) of turtles captured during in-water surveys showed externally visible signs of FP. FP occurred at specific geographic locations where fishing also occurred. Despite the disease being prevalent in the size classes selected by fishers, FP was not present in any animals landed by the fishery (n = 162). The majority (61%) of fishers interviewed expressed that they had caught turtles with FP. Yet, 82% of those that had caught turtles with the disease chose to return their catch to the sea, thereby selectively harvesting healthy turtles and leaving those with the disease in the population. Our study illustrates that fisher choice may increase the prevalence of FP disease and highlights the importance of this widely neglected driver in the disease dynamics of exploited wildlife populations.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) CASE PhD studentshi
The importance of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags for measuring life-history traits of sea turtles
Capture-mark-recapture studies rely on the identification of individuals through time, using markers or tags, which are assumed to be retained. This assumption, however, may be violated, having implications for population models. In sea turtles, individual identification is typically based on external flipper tags, which can be combined with internal passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags. Despite the extensive use of flipper tags, few studies have modelled tag loss using continuous functions. Using a 26-year dataset for sympatrically nesting green (Chelonia mydas) and loggerhead (Caretta caretta) turtles, this study aims to assess how PIT tag use increases the accuracy of estimates of life-history traits. The addition of PIT tags improved female identification: between 2000 and 2017, 53% of green turtles and 29% of loggerhead turtles were identified from PIT tags alone. We found flipper and PIT tag losses were best described by decreasing logistic curves with lower asymptotes. Excluding PIT tags from our dataset led to underestimation of flipper tag loss, reproductive periodicity, reproductive longevity and annual survival, and overestimation of female abundance and recruitment for both species. This shows the importance of PIT tags in improving the accuracy of estimates of life-history traits. Thus, estimates where tag loss has not been corrected for should be interpreted with caution and could bias IUCN Red List assessments. As such, long-term population monitoring programmes should aim to estimate tag loss and assess the impact of loss on life-history estimates, to provide robust estimates without which population models and stock assessments cannot be derived accurately
Global review and inventory: how stable isotopes are helping us understand ecology and inform conservation of marine turtles
This is the final version. Available on open access from Inter Research via the DOI in this recordStable isotope analysis (SIA) has become a powerful and widely utilised tool in ecological studies, and more specifically has been used to answer conservation questions regarding key marine indicator species including marine turtles. Undertaking an exhaustive review of peer-reviewed literature, we summarise the current knowledge of marine turtle spatial, foraging, and reproductive ecology gained through stable isotope studies and highlight the considerable flexibility and ecological complexities in the life histories of the six species that have been studied. We demonstrate how SIA can inform conservation initiatives, identify threats faced, and provide pre- and post-disaster information that is otherwise unavailable. We summarise isotope ratios at a global scale and demonstrate intraspecific regional differences and interspecific overlap. We identify the geographical gaps in the current knowledge and the bias in the species studied. To facilitate future research we identify a comprehensive list of recommendations including the need for standardised protocols for tissue collection and analysis; the use of a third forensic marker to provide greater power of inference; combining complementary techniques to enhance the information gained; conducting long-term research; and a need for meta-analytic approaches to combine research findings to better understand the complexities of marine turtle ecology. This review provides a complete list of all published marine turtle stable isotope studies which are summarised in an open access inventory to enable researchers to add new studies and target future work.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC
Coexisting in the Peruvian Amazon: Interactions between fisheries and river dolphins
This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordThe freshwater tucuxi (Sotalia flluviatilis) and the Amazon River dolphin (Inia
geoffrensis) are endemic to the Amazon-Orinoco river basin. Their conservation is hindered
by human disturbance and uncertainty about total population size and distribution. In this
study, we used rapid assessment questionnaires to identify threats to river dolphins found in
Peru and to identify priority areas for their further study and conservation. We administered
questionnaires to fishers (surveyed 2010 n=162, 2015 n=251) and community members
(surveyed 2015 only; n=118) at 12 landing ports of the Peruvian Amazon, asking questions
about their knowledge, perception and interactions with river dolphins. Dolphins were
observed by interviewed fishers based across all ports except for Aguaytia port, which was
subsequently excluded from further analysis. Across the sampled ports in 2010, an average
of 86% of fishers (range: 59-100%; n=8 ports) associated dolphins with negative economic
impacts, largely due to net damage, with similar findings in the more extensive survey in
2015 (74%, 27-100%; n=11 ports). Bycatch of dolphins was also reported in 11 ports, with
a higher incidence in the state of Loreto, where up to 10 bycaught individuals per fisher per
year were reported for both time periods. The use of dolphins as bait has been practised
from at least 2010 (2010: 31% of fishers, 11-57%; 2015: 31%, 0-63%) and is prevalent
(>40%) in four of the surveyed ports (Caballococha, Bagazan, Requena and Manantay). Our
study can be used as a first reference to guide monitoring of river dolphin populations in
priority areas. Future efforts should revisit and extend this survey to other ports in Peru.
Doing so will enable detection of trends in fisheries conflicts with river dolphins and improve
the estimation of bycatch and direct take of dolphins in the Peruvian Amazo
Foraging ecology of Mediterranean juvenile loggerhead turtles: insights from C and N stable isotope ratios
Bycatch is one of the key threats to juvenile marine turtles in the Mediterranean Sea. As fishing methods are regional or habitat specific, the susceptibility of marine turtles may differ according to inter- and intra-population variations in foraging ecology. An understanding of these variations is necessary to assess bycatch susceptibility and to implement region-specific management. To determine if foraging ecology differs with region, sex, and size of juvenile loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta), stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen was performed on 171 juveniles from a range of foraging regions across the central and eastern Mediterranean Sea. Isotope ratios differed with geographical region, likely due to baseline variations in δ13C and δ15N values. The absence of sex-specific differences suggests that within an area, all comparably sized animals likely exploit similar foraging strategies, and therefore, their susceptibility to fisheries threats will likely be similar. The isotope ratios of juveniles occupying the North East Adriatic and North Levantine basin increased with size, potentially due to increased consumption of more prey items at higher trophic levels from a more neritic source. Isotope ratios of juveniles with access to both neritic and oceanic habitats did not differ with size which is consistent with them consuming prey items from both habitats interchangeably. With foraging habitats exploited differently among size classes in a population, the susceptibility to fisheries interactions will likely differ with size; therefore, region-specific management approaches will be needed
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