98 research outputs found

    Neuroprotective potential of isothiocyanates in an in vitro model of neuroinflammation

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    Isothiocyanates (ITCs), present as glucosinolate precursors in cruciferous vegetables, have shown anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticarcinogenic activities. Here, we compared the effects of three different ITCs on ROS production and on the expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2 and -9, which represent important pathogenetic factors of various neurological diseases. Primary cultures of rat astrocytes were activated by LPS and simultaneously treated with different doses of Allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), 2-Phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) and 2-Sulforaphane (SFN). Results showed that SFN and PEITC were able to counteract ROS production induced by H2O2. The zymographic analysis of cell culture supernatants evidenced that PEITC and SFN were the most effective inhibitors of MMP-9, whereas, only SFN significantly inhibited MMP-2 activity. PCR analysis showed that all the ITCs used significantly inhibited both MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression. The investigation on the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway demonstrated that ITCs modulate MMP transcription by inhibition of extracellular-regulated protein kinase (ERK) activity. Results of this study suggest that ITCs could be promising nutraceutical agents for the prevention and complementary treatment of neurological diseases associated with MMP involvement

    In Vitro Downregulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in Rat Glial Cells by CCR5 Antagonist Maraviroc: Therapeutic Implication for HIV Brain Infection

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    BACKGROUND: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) released by glial cells are important mediators of neuroinflammation and neurologic damage in HIV infection. The use of antiretroviral drugs able to combat the detrimental effect of chronic inflammation and target the exaggerated MMP activity might represent an attractive therapeutic challenge. Recent studies suggest that CCR5 antagonist maraviroc (MVC) exerts immunomodulant and anti-inflammatory activity beyond its anti-HIV properties. We investigated the in vitro effect of MVC on the activity of MMPs in astrocyte and microglia cultures. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Primary cultures of rat astrocytes and microglia were activated by exposure to phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or lypopolysaccharide (LPS) and treated in vitro with MVC. Culture supernatants were subjected to gelatin zymography and quantitative determination of MMP-9 and MMP-2 was done by computerized scanning densitometry. MMP-9 levels were significantly elevated in culture supernatants from both LPS- and PMA-activated astrocytes and microglia in comparison to controls. The treatment with MVC significantly inhibited in a dose-dependent manner the levels and expression of MMP-9 in PMA-activated astrocytes (p<0,05) and, to a lesser extent, in PMA-activated microglia. By contrast, levels of MMP-2 did not significantly change, although a tendency to decrease was seen in PMA-activated astrocytes after treatment with MVC. The inhibition of levels and expression of MMP-9 in PMA-activated glial cells did not depend on cytotoxic effects of MVC. No inhibition of MMP-9 and MMP-2 were found in both LPS-activated astrocytes and microglia. CONCLUSIONS: The present in vitro study suggests that CCR5 antagonist compounds, through their ability to inhibit MMP-9 expression and levels, might have a great potential for the treatment of HIV-associated neurologic damage

    Cerebrospinal Fluid B Cells Correlate with Early Brain Inflammation in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Background: There is accumulating evidence from immunological, pathological and therapeutic studies that B cells are key components in the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis (MS). Methodology/Principal Findings: In this prospective study we have for the first time investigated the differences in the inflammatory response between relapsing and progressive MS by comparing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cell profiles from patients at the onset of the disease (clinically isolated syndrome, CIS), relapsing-remitting (RR) and chronic progressive (CP) MS by flow cytometry. As controls we have used patients with other neurological diseases. We have found a statistically significant accumulation of CSF mature B cells (CD19+CD1382) and plasma blasts (CD19+CD138+) in CIS and RRMS. Both B cell populations were, however, not significantly increased in CPMS. Further, this accumulation of B cells correlated with acute brain inflammation measured by magnetic resonance imaging and with inflammatory CSF parameters such as the number of CSF leukocytes, intrathecal immunoglobulin M and G synthesis and intrathecal production of matri

    Body iron metabolism and pathophysiology of iron overload

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    Iron is an essential metal for the body, while excess iron accumulation causes organ dysfunction through the production of reactive oxygen species. There is a sophisticated balance of body iron metabolism of storage and transport, which is regulated by several factors including the newly identified peptide hepcidin. As there is no passive excretory mechanism of iron, iron is easily accumulated when exogenous iron is loaded by hereditary factors, repeated transfusions, and other diseased conditions. The free irons, non-transferrin-bound iron, and labile plasma iron in the circulation, and the labile iron pool within the cells, are responsible for iron toxicity. The characteristic features of advanced iron overload are failure of vital organs such as liver and heart in addition to endocrine dysfunctions. For the estimation of body iron, there are direct and indirect methods available. Serum ferritin is the most convenient and widely available modality, even though its specificity is sometimes problematic. Recently, new physical detection methods using magnetic resonance imaging and superconducting quantum interference devices have become available to estimate iron concentration in liver and myocardium. The widely used application of iron chelators with high compliance will resolve the problems of organ dysfunction by excess iron and improve patient outcomes

    Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Uses the Mannose-6-Phosphate Receptor to Cross the Blood-Brain Barrier

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    HIV-1 circulates both as free virus and within immune cells, with the level of free virus being predictive of clinical course. Both forms of HIV-1 cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and much progress has been made in understanding the mechanisms by which infected immune cells cross the blood-brain barrier BBB. How HIV-1 as free virus crosses the BBB is less clear as brain endothelial cells are CD4 and galactosylceramide negative. Here, we found that HIV-1 can use the mannose-6 phosphate receptor (M6PR) to cross the BBB. Brain perfusion studies showed that HIV-1 crossed the BBB of all brain regions consistent with the uniform distribution of M6PR. Ultrastructural studies showed HIV-1 crossed by a transcytotic pathway consistent with transport by M6PR. An in vitro model of the BBB was used to show that transport of HIV-1 was inhibited by mannose, mannan, and mannose-6 phosphate and that enzymatic removal of high mannose oligosaccharide residues from HIV-1 reduced transport. Wheatgerm agglutinin and protamine sulfate, substances known to greatly increase transcytosis of HIV-1 across the BBB in vivo, were shown to be active in the in vitro model and to act through a mannose-dependent mechanism. Transport was also cAMP and calcium-dependent, the latter suggesting that the cation-dependent member of the M6PR family mediates HIV-1 transport across the BBB. We conclude that M6PR is an important receptor used by HIV-1 to cross the BBB

    Trace elements in glucometabolic disorders: an update

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    Many trace elements, among which metals, are indispensable for proper functioning of a myriad of biochemical reactions, more particularly as enzyme cofactors. This is particularly true for the vast set of processes involved in regulation of glucose homeostasis, being it in glucose metabolism itself or in hormonal control, especially insulin. The role and importance of trace elements such as chromium, zinc, selenium, lithium and vanadium are much less evident and subjected to chronic debate. This review updates our actual knowledge concerning these five trace elements. A careful survey of the literature shows that while theoretical postulates from some key roles of these elements had led to real hopes for therapy of insulin resistance and diabetes, the limited experience based on available data indicates that beneficial effects and use of most of them are subjected to caution, given the narrow window between safe and unsafe doses. Clear therapeutic benefit in these pathologies is presently doubtful but some data indicate that these metals may have a clinical interest in patients presenting deficiencies in individual metal levels. The same holds true for an association of some trace elements such as chromium or zinc with oral antidiabetics. However, this area is essentially unexplored in adequate clinical trials, which are worth being performed

    Astrocyte scar formation aids central nervous system axon regeneration

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    Transected axons fail to regrow in the mature central nervous system. Astrocytic scars are widely regarded as causal in this failure. Here, using three genetically targeted loss-of-function manipulations in adult mice, we show that preventing astrocyte scar formation, attenuating scar-forming astrocytes, or ablating chronic astrocytic scars all failed to result in spontaneous regrowth of transected corticospinal, sensory or serotonergic axons through severe spinal cord injury (SCI) lesions. By contrast, sustained local delivery via hydrogel depots of required axon-specific growth factors not present in SCI lesions, plus growth-activating priming injuries, stimulated robust, laminin-dependent sensory axon regrowth past scar-forming astrocytes and inhibitory molecules in SCI lesions. Preventing astrocytic scar formation significantly reduced this stimulated axon regrowth. RNA sequencing revealed that astrocytes and non-astrocyte cells in SCI lesions express multiple axon-growth-supporting molecules. Our findings show that contrary to the prevailing dogma, astrocyte scar formation aids rather than prevents central nervous system axon regeneration

    The conundrum of iron in multiple sclerosis – time for an individualised approach

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