26 research outputs found

    On the Polynomial Measurement Error Model

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    This paper discusses point estimation of the coefficients of polynomial measurement error (errors-in-variables) models. This includes functional and structural models. The connection between these models and total least squares (TLS) is also examined. A compendium of existing as well as new results is presented

    Evolution of the diatoms: insights from fossil, biological and molecular data

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    Molecular sequence analyses have yielded many important insights into diatom evolution, but there have been few attempts to relate these to the extensive fossil record of diatoms, probably because of unfamiliarity with the data available, which are scattered widely through the geological literature. We review the main features of molecular phylogenies and concentrate on the correspondence between these and the fossil record; we also review the evolution of major morphological, cytological and life cycle characteristics, and possible diatom origins. The first physical remains of diatoms are from the Jurassic, and well-preserved, diverse floras are available from the Lower Cretaceous. Though these are unequivocally identifiable as centric diatoms, none except a possible Stephanopyxis can be unequivocally linked to lineages of extant diatoms, although it is almost certain that members of the Coscinodiscophyceae (radial centrics) and Mediophyceae (polar centrics) were present; some display curious morphological features that hint at an unorthodox cell division mechanism and life cycle. It seems most likely that the earliest diatoms were marine, but recently discovered fossil deposits hint that episodes of terrestrial colonization may have occurred in the Mesozoic, though the main invasion of freshwaters appears to have been delayed until the Cenozoic. By the Upper Cretaceous, many lineages are present that can be convincingly related to extant diatom taxa. Pennate diatoms appear in the late Cretaceous and raphid diatoms in the Palaeocene, though molecular phylogenies imply that raphid diatoms did in fact evolve considerably earlier. Recent evidence shows that diatoms are substantially underclassified at the species level, with many semicryptic or cryptic species to be recognized; however, there is little prospect of being able to discriminate between such taxa in fossil material

    The distribution and utility of sea-level indicators in Eurasian sub-Arctic salt marshes (White Sea, Russia)

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    In support of efforts to reconstruct relative sea level (RSL), we investigated the utility of foraminifera, diatoms and bulk-sediment geochemistry (δ13C, C:N and parameters measured by Rock-Eval pyrolysis) as sea-level indicators in Eurasian sub-Arctic salt marshes. At three salt marshes (<15 km apart) in Dvina Bay (White Sea, Russia), we collected surface sediment samples along transects from subtidal to Taiga forest environments. Foraminifera at all sites formed bipartite assemblages, where elevations below mean high higher water (MHHW) were dominated by Miliammina spp. and elevations between MHHW and the highest occurrence of foraminifera were dominated by Jadammina macrescens and Balticammina pseudomacrescens. Five high-diversity groups of diatoms were identified and they displayed pronounced variability amongst the study sites. Bulk-sediment geochemistry recognized two groups (clastic-dominated environments below MHHW and organic-rich environments above MHHW). As one group included subtidal elevations and the other included supratidal elevations, we conclude that the measured geochemical parameters are not stand-alone sea-level indicators. Core JT2012 captured a regressive sediment succession of clastic, tidal-flat sediment overlain by salt-marsh organic silt and freshwater peat. The salt-marsh sediment accumulated at 2804±52 years before present and preserved foraminifera (Jadammina macrescens and Balticammina pseudomacrescens) with good analogy to modern assemblages indicating that RSL was +2.60±0.47 m at this time. Diatoms confirm that marine influence decreased through time, but the lack of analogy between modern and core assemblages limited their utility as sea-level indicators. Geochemical parameters also indicate a reduction in marine influence through time. We conclude that RSL reconstructions derived from salt-marsh sediment preserved beneath Eurasian sub-Arctic peatlands can provide valuable insight into the spatio-temporal evolution of the Fennoscandian and Eurasian ice sheets