996 research outputs found

    Multimode quantum interference of photons in multiport integrated devices

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    We report the first demonstration of quantum interference in multimode interference (MMI) devices and a new complete characterization technique that can be applied to any photonic device that removes the need for phase stable measurements. MMI devices provide a compact and robust realization of NxM optical circuits, which will dramatically reduce the complexity and increase the functionality of future generations of quantum photonic circuits

    Use of a Hybrid Adeno-Associated Viral Vector Transposon System to Deliver the Insulin Gene to Diabetic NOD Mice.

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    Previously, we used a lentiviral vector to deliver furin-cleavable human insulin (INS-FUR) to the livers in several animal models of diabetes using intervallic infusion in full flow occlusion (FFO), with resultant reversal of diabetes, restoration of glucose tolerance and pancreatic transdifferentiation (PT), due to the expression of beta (β)-cell transcription factors (β-TFs). The present study aimed to determine whether we could similarly reverse diabetes in the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse using an adeno-associated viral vector (AAV) to deliver INS-FUR ± the β-TF Pdx1 to the livers of diabetic mice. The traditional AAV8, which provides episomal expression, and the hybrid AAV8/piggyBac that results in transgene integration were used. Diabetic mice that received AAV8-INS-FUR became hypoglycaemic with abnormal intraperitoneal glucose tolerance tests (IPGTTs). Expression of β-TFs was not detected in the livers. Reversal of diabetes was not achieved in mice that received AAV8-INS-FUR and AAV8-Pdx1 and IPGTTs were abnormal. Normoglycaemia and glucose tolerance were achieved in mice that received AAV8/piggyBac-INS-FUR/FFO. Definitive evidence of PT was not observed. This is the first in vivo study using the hybrid AAV8/piggyBac system to treat Type 1 diabetes (T1D). However, further development is required before the system can be used for gene therapy of T1D

    Achilles tendon moment arm length is smaller in children with cerebral palsy than in typically developing children

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    When studying muscle and whole-body function in children with cerebral palsy (CP), knowledge about both internal and external moment arms is essential since they determine the mechanical advantage of a muscle over an external force. Here we asked if Achilles tendon moment arm (MAAT) length is different in children with CP and age-matched typically developing (TD) children, and if MAAT can be predicted from anthropometric measurements. Sixteen children with CP (age: 10y 7 m ± 3y, 7 hemiplegia, 12 diplegia, GMFCS level: I (11) and II (8)) and twenty TD children (age: 10y 6 m ± 3y) participated in this case-control study. MAAT was calculated at 20° plantarflexion by differentiating calcaneus displacement with respect to ankle angle. Seven anthropometric variables were measured and related to MAAT. We found normalized MAAT to be 15% (∼7 mm) smaller in children with CP compared to TD children (p = 0.003). MAAT could be predicted by all anthropometric measurements with tibia length explaining 79% and 72% of variance in children with CP and TD children, respectively. Our findings have important implications for clinical decision making since MAAT influences the mechanical advantage about the ankle, which contributes to movement function and is manipulated surgically

    Gas-liquid flow hydrogenation of nitroarenes: Efficient access to a pharmaceutically relevant pyrrolobenzo[1,4]diazepine scaffold

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    Using a Tube-in-Tube device based on the amorphous Teflon AF-2400 fluoropolymer, a series of nitroarenes was hydrogenated to afford the corresponding aniline compounds. The system was then applied to the construction of a pyrrolobenzo[1,4]diazapene scaffold through a tandem hydrogenation-condensation-hydrogenation sequence


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    Dinosaur footprints are found in the Glen Rose Formation and other Lower Cretaceous stratigraphic units over much of central Texas (Pittman, 1989; Rogers, 2002; Farlow et al., 2006). Dinosaur tracks were discovered in the rocky bed of the Paluxy River, near the town of Glen Rose, Texas, early in the 20th Century (Jasinski, 2008; Farlow et al., 2012b). Ellis W. Shuler of Southern Methodist University did pioneering studies on the dinosaur tracks (Shuler 1917, 1935, 1937), and Langston (1974) summarized much of the early literature. What really put the dinosaur footprints of the Paluxy River on the map, though, were the herculean efforts that Roland T. Bird of the American Museum of Natural History made to secure trackway slabs for display at that institution and at the Texas Memorial Museum in Austin (Bird, 1985; Jasinski, 2008). In 1970 Dinosaur Valley State Park was created to protect the dinosaur footprints. This guidebook briefly summarizes earlier work, and also serves as an interim report of research of our group still in progress, concerned with identifying the makers of the Paluxy River footprints, and determining what those animals were up to as they made their tracks. We will offer some comparisons of the dinosaur tracks of the Glen Rose Formation with those from other ichnofaunas around the world. The last quarter-century has seen an explosive increase in the technical literature dealing with dinosaur footprints, and we cannot possibly cite all of the relevant studies. For the sake of brevity we will emphasize publications from the present century, and summary papers and books, as much as possible. Even with this restriction, however, the literature is so vast that the literature-cited “tail” of this report starts to wag the “dog” of the text

    Super-resolving phase measurements with a multi-photon entangled state

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    Using a linear optical elements and post-selection, we construct an entangled polarization state of three photons in the same spatial mode. This state is analogous to a ``photon-number path entangled state'' and can be used for super-resolving interferometry. Measuring a birefringent phase shift, we demonstrate two- and three-fold improvements in phase resolution.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Insulin trafficking in a glucose responsive engineered human liver cell line is regulated by the interaction of ATP-sensitive potassium channels and voltage- gated calcium channels

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    Type I diabetes is caused by the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta (â) cells [1]. Current treatment requires multiple daily injections of insulin to control blood glucose levels. Tight glucose control lowers, but does not eliminate, the onset of diabetic complications, which greatly reduce the quality and longevity of life for patients. Transplantation of pancreatic tissue as a treatment is restricted by the scarcity of donors and the requirement for lifelong immunosuppression to preserve the graft, which carries adverse side-effects. This is of particular concern as Type 1 diabetes predominantly affects children. Lack of glucose control could be overcome by genetically engineering "an artificial â-cell" that is capable of synthesising, storing and secreting insulin in response to metabolic signals. The donor cell type must be readily accessible and capable of being engineered to synthesise, process, store and secrete insulin under physiological conditions

    Pan-Chromatic observations of the Recurrent Nova LMC 2009a (LMC 1971b)

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    Nova LMC 2009a is confirmed as a Recurrent Nova (RN) from positional coincidence with nova LMC 1971b. The observational data set is one of the most comprehensive for any Galactic or extragalactic RN: optical and near-IR photometry from outburst until over 6 years later; optical spectra for the first 6 months, and Swift satellite Ultraviolet and X-ray observations from 9 days to almost 1 year post-outburst. We find MV=8.4±0.8r±0.7sM_V = -8.4\pm0.8_{\mathrm{r}}\pm0.7_{\mathrm{s}} and expansion velocities between 1000 and 4000 km s1^{-1}. Coronal line emission before day 9 indicates shocks in the ejecta. Strengthening of He II λ\lambda4686 preceded the emergence of the Super-Soft Source (SSS) in X-rays at 6370\sim63-70 days, which was initially very variable. Periodic modulations, P=1.2P=1.2 days, most probably orbital in nature, were evident in the UV and optical from day 43. Subsequently, the SSS shows an oscillation with the same period but with a delay of 0.28P. The progenitor system has been identified; the secondary is most likely a sub-giant feeding a luminous accretion disk. Properties of the SSS infer a white dwarf (WD) mass 1.1MMWD1.3M1.1 \mathrm{M}_\odot \lesssim M_{\rm WD} \lesssim 1.3 \mathrm{M}_\odot. If the accretion occurs at constant rate, M˙acc3.62.5+4.7×107M\dot{\it{M}}_{\rm acc} \simeq 3.6^{+4.7}_{-2.5} \times 10^{-7} \mathrm{M}_\odot yr1^{-1} is needed, consistent with nova models for an inter-eruption interval of 38 years, low outburst amplitude, progenitor position in the color-magnitude diagram, and spectral energy distribution at quiescence. We note striking similarities between LMC 2009a and the Galactic nova KT Eri, suggesting that KT Eri is a candidate RN

    Successful Outcomes with Oral Fluoroquinolones Combined with Rifampicin in the Treatment of Mycobacterium ulcerans: An Observational Cohort Study

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    Buruli ulcer is a necrotizing infection of skin and subcutaneous tissue caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans and is the third most common mycobacterial disease worldwide (after tuberculosis and leprosy). In recent years its treatment has radically changed, evolving from a predominantly surgically to a predominantly medically treated disease. The World Health Organization now recommends combined streptomycin and rifampicin antibiotic treatment as first-line therapy for Mycobacterium ulcerans infections. However, alternatives are needed where recommended antibiotics are not tolerated or accepted by patients, contraindicated, or not accessible nor affordable. This study describes the use of antibiotics, including oral fluoroquinolones, in the treatment of Mycobacterium ulcerans in south-eastern Australia. It demonstrates that antibiotics combined with surgery are highly effective in the treatment of Mycobacterium ulcerans. In addition, oral fluoroquinolone-containing antibiotic combinations are shown to be as effective and well tolerated as other recommended antibiotic combinations. Fluoroquinolone antibiotics therefore offer the potential to provide an alternative oral antibiotic to be combined with rifampicin for Mycobacterium ulcerans treatment, allowing more accessible and acceptable, less toxic, and less expensive treatment regimens to be available, especially in resource-limited settings where the disease burden is greatest

    Manipulative therapy in addition to usual medical care accelerates recovery of shoulder complaints at higher costs: economic outcomes of a randomized trial

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    Background: Shoulder complaints are common in primary care and have unfavourable long term prognosis. Our objective was to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of manipulative therapy of the cervicothoracic spine and the adjacent ribs in addition to usual medical care (UMC) by the general practitioner in the treatment of shoulder complaints. Methods: This economic evaluation was conducted alongside a randomized trial in primary care. Included were 150 patients with shoulder complaints and a dysfunction of the cervicothoracic spine and adjacent ribs. Patients were treated with UMC (NSAID's, corticosteroid injection or referral to physical therapy) and were allocated at random (yes/no) to manipulative therapy (manipulation and mobilization). Patient perceived recovery, severity of main complaint, shoulder pain, disability and general health were outcome measures. Data about direct and indirect costs were collected by means of a cost diary. Results: Manipulative therapy as add-on to UMC accelerated recovery on all outcome measures included. At 26 weeks after randomization, both groups reported similar recovery rates (41% vs. 38%), but the difference between groups in improvement of severity of the main complaint, shoulder pain and disability sustained. Compared to the UMC group the total costs were higher in the manipulative group ((sic)1167 vs.(sic)555). This is explained mainly by the costs of the manipulative therapy itself and the higher costs due sick leave from work. The cost effectiveness ratio showed that additional manipulative treatment is more costly but also more effective than UMC alone. The cost-effectiveness acceptability curve shows that a 50%-probability of recovery with AMT within 6 months after initiation of treatment is achieved at (sic)2876. Conclusion: Manipulative therapy in addition to UMC accelerates recovery and is more effective than UMC alone on the long term, but is associated with higher costs