18 research outputs found

    High-Resolution 1.5-Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Tissue-Engineered Constructs: A Noninvasive Tool to Assess Three-Dimensional Scaffold Architecture and Cell Seeding

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    International audienceTissue-engineered scaffolds are made of biocompatible polymers with various structures, allowing cell seeding, growth, and differentiation. Noninvasive imaging methods are needed to study tissue-engineered constructs before and after implantation. Here, we show that high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed on a clinical 1.5-T device is a reliable technique to assess three-dimensional structures of porous scaffolds and to validate cell-seeding procedures. A high-temperature superconducting detection coil was used to achieve a resolution of 30Â30Â30 mm 3 when imaging the scaffolds. Three types of structures with tuneable architectures were prepared from naturally derived polysaccharides and evaluated as scaffolds for mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) culture. To monitor cell seeding, MSCs were magnetically labeled using simple incubation with anionic citrate-coated iron-oxide nanoparticles for 30 min. Iron uptake was quantified using single-cell magnetophoresis, and cell proliferation was checked for 7 days after labeling. Three-dimensional (3D) microstructures of scaffolds were assessed using MRI, revealing lamellar or globular porous organization according to the scaffold preparation process. MSCs with different iron load (5, 12 and 31 pg of iron per cell) were seeded on scaffolds at low density (132 cells=mm 3) and detected on 3D gradient-echo MR images according to phase distortions and areas of intensely low signal, whose size increased with cell iron load and echo time. Overall signal loss in the scaffold correlated with the number of seeded cells and their iron load. Different organizations of cells were observed depending on the scaffold architecture. After subcutaneous implantation in mice, scaffolds seeded with labeled cells could be distinguished in vivo from scaffold with nonlabeled cells by observation of signal and phase heterogeneities and by measuring the global signal loss. High-resolution 1.5-T MRI combined with efficient intracellular contrast agents shows promise for noninvasive 3D visualization of tissue-engineered constructs before and after in vivo implantation

    Front Cardiovasc Med

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    IntroductionInterventional cardiac MRI in the context of the treatment of cardiac arrhythmia requires submillimeter image resolution to precisely characterize the cardiac substrate and guide the catheter-based ablation procedure in real-time. Conventional MRI receiver coils positioned on the thorax provide insufficient signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and spatial selectivity to satisfy these constraints.MethodsA small circular MRI receiver coil was developed and evaluated under different experimental conditions, including high-resolution MRI anatomical and thermometric imaging at 1.5 T. From the perspective of developing a therapeutic MR-compatible catheter equipped with a receiver coil, we also propose alternative remote active detuning techniques of the receiver coil using one or two cables. Theoretical details are presented, as well as simulations and experimental validation.ResultsAnatomical images of the left ventricle at 170 µm in-plane resolution are provided on ex vivo beating heart from swine using a 2 cm circular receiver coil. Taking advantage of the increase of SNR at its vicinity (up to 35 fold compared to conventional receiver coils), real-time MR-temperature imaging can reach an uncertainty below 0.1°C at the submillimetric spatial resolution. Remote active detuning using two cables has similar decoupling efficiency to conventional on-site decoupling, at the cost of an acceptable decrease in the resulting SNR.DiscussionThis study shows the potential of small dimension surface coils for minimally invasive therapy of cardiac arrhythmia intraoperatively guided by MRI. The proposed remote decoupling approaches may simplify the construction process and reduce the cost of such single-use devices.Thermometrie cardiaque haute résolution sur une IRM clinique en utilisant des antennes intracardiaquesL'Institut de Rythmologie et modélisation CardiaqueFrance Life Imagin

    Reducing the screening during transmission using non-linear properties of high sensitivity superconductor radiofrequency coils for magnetic resonance micro imaging

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    International audienceIn MRI, high-temperature superconducting (HTS) radio frequency (RF) coils have been shown to greatly improve the signal-to-noise ratio. The nonlinear behavior of superconducting materials as a function of the emitted RF power is, nowadays, one of the principal technological obstacle limiting the use of these materials on a wider scale. It could be overcome by using HTS coil in reception mode only. Here we characterize these non-linear properties and use them to decouple the HTS coil during transmit mode. This preliminary study is a promising approach to use the highly sensitive HTS coils in reception mode only

    Multi-turn multi-gap transmission line resonators - Concept, design and first implementation at 4.7 T and 7 T

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    A novel design scheme for monolithic transmission line resonators (TLRs) is presented - the multi-turn multi-gap TLR (MTMG-TLR) design. The MTMG-TLR design enables the construction of TLRs with multiple turns and multiple gaps. This presents an additional degree of freedom in tuning self-resonant TLRs, as their resonance frequency is fully determined by the coil geometry (e.g. diameter, number of turns, conductor width, etc.). The novel design is evaluated at 4.7 T and 7 T by simulations and experiments, where it is demonstrated that MTMG-TLRs can be used for MRI, and that the B1 distribution of MTMG-TLRs strongly depends on the number and distribution of turns. A comparison to conventional loop coils revealed that the B1 performance of MTMG-TLRs is comparable to a loop coil with the same mean diameter; however, lower 10g SAR values were found for MTMG-TLRs. The MTMG-TLR design is expected to bring most benefits at high static field, where it allows for independent size and frequency selection, which cannot be achieved with standard TLR design. However, it also enables more accurate geometric optimization at low static field. Thereby, the MTMG-TLR design preserves the intrinsic advantages of TLRs, i.e. mechanical flexibility, high SAR efficiency, mass production, and coil miniaturization. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license.I 1371-B24(VLID)309739