170 research outputs found
Neste artigo, evidenciamos o saber-fazer dos trabalhadores navais, especialmente os carpinteiros e os calafates na produção ou recuperação dos barcos de madeira de forma artesanal nos estaleiros tradicionais localizados à beira-rio do bairro do São Raimundo, na zona Oeste da cidade de Manaus. Salientamos as condições de trabalho precárias e seu esvaimento em decorrência da modernização dos antigos estaleiros e surgimentos dos novos que utilizam outras matérias-primas e novas tecnologias e, ainda, devido a proibição do uso da madeira pelas instituições ambientais e do pouco interesse dos mais jovens em dar continuidade a esta prática cultural presente nas formas de trabalho desde a colonização. Apoiamo-nos em uma bibliografia, em pesquisa de campo desenvolvida nos anos de 2014 a 2016, por meio de entrevistas com esses trabalhadores que resistem a reprodução da arte da construção naval, essencial para o mundo do trabalho nos estaleiros tradicionais que, hoje, ainda compõem a paisagem das cenas e cenários à beira-rio da Amazônia.Palavras-Chave: trabalhadores navais, estaleiros tradicionais, precarização, paisagem urbana-fluvial
Effect of natural nodulation in the development of leguminous trees on soils of cerrado in Tocantins
Experiments were performed in a greenhouse to evaluate the effect of natural nodulation in the development of Pacara Earpod Tree (Enterolobium contorsiliquum) and Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) is soil with different uses in Tocantins. We used three soil samples of woods, cultivated areas four and in a degraded area, in pots in a completely randomized design with four replications. In both species nodulation was observed in all soils studies areas with better nodulation occurring in soil cultivation, providing a higher accumulation of biomass. Soil from the degraded area the two species showed nodule number and biomass of nodules significant, with potential for use in disturbed areas, with characteristics of degraded soils.Experimentos foram realizados em casa de vegetação para avaliar o efeito da nodulação natural no desenvolvimento da Pacara Earpod Tree (Enterolobium contorsiliquum) e Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala) é um solo com diferentes usos no Tocantins. Foram utilizadas três amostras de solo de mata, áreas cultivadas quatro e em área degradada, em vasos, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Em ambas as espécies, a nodulação foi observada em todas as áreas de estudo do solo, com melhor nodulação ocorrendo no cultivo do solo, proporcionando maior acúmulo de biomassa. No solo da área degradada, as duas espécies apresentaram número de nódulos e biomassa de nódulos significativos, com potencial para uso em áreas perturbadas, com características de solos degradados.
Complex B Vitamin Improves Performance of Mediterranean Buffalo Calves in Artificial Suckling from Birth to Weaning
The aim of this study was to evaluate the ponderal development, blood parameters and hematological from buffalo calves in artificial suckling supplemented with vitamin-mineral additive from birth to weaning. 18 buffalo calves were used and divided into two random groups: 1) control group; 2) group supplemented with vitamin B complex (Metacell ®). To evaluation of the ponderal development, the calves were weighed weekly and measured the thoracic perimeter, height and body length. Blood samples were collected weekly throughout the experimental period by jugular vein puncture. The group of calves supplemented with additives showed the greatest ponderal development in relation to the control group. Similarly the group of calves supplemented with additive has higher concentration of total cholesterol, urea and total protein. However there was no additive effect on the levels of glucose, albumin and beta-hydroxybutyrate. The values of leukocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes increased with the oral use of the additive in relation to the control group. This study supports the definition of reference values for the evaluation of buffalo calves during suckling period. The additive use to buffalo calves improves ponderal performance without significantly alter the metabolic profile
Características seminais de ovinos suplementados ou não com uréia e diferentes fontes de enxofre
Twelve adult Santa Inês crossbred rams with similar weight and age employed in a randomized design for 60 days period to evaluate three treatments: A. 100% of degradable protein requirement (control); B. 100% of degradable protein requirement + 3% urea + inorganic sulphur (99%S) and C. 100% of degradable protein requirement +3% urea + organic sulphur (21,5% S). Every week seminal collections were made through artificial vagina; blood collections were made to analyze plasma N-ureic levels and measured live weight and scrotal circumference. In semen samples were studied volume, microscopic waves, vigor, motility, concentration, total sperm per ejaculate, total feasible sperm per ejaculate, membrane sperm integrity, acrosomal integrity, percent of abnormal spermatozoa and N-ureic level in seminal plasma. Treatments experimental animals receiving presented blood and seminal plasma N-ureic levels higher than the ones of control treatment (p < 0,05). There was significant difference between organic and inorganic sources of sulphur in the following semen characteristics (p < 0,05): treatment C presented microscopic waves (4,57), motility (85,69%), vigor (4,66) and total sperm per ejaculate (9,02 x 10(9)) higher than treatment B; and the percentage of secondary sperm abnormality (5,37%) was lower than treatment B.Doze carneiros machos adultos mestiços Santa Inês de mesma idade e porte semelhante foram empregados em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, por um período experimental de 60 dias. Os animais foram distribuídos para três tratamentos: A. 100% das exigências em proteína degradável no rúmen (controle); B. 100% das exigências em proteína degradável no rúmen + 3% de uréia + enxofre (99% S) e C. 100% das exigências em proteína degradável no rúmen + 3% de uréia + enxofre quelatado (21,5% S). Semanalmente foram colhidas amostras de sêmen obtidas com emprego de vagina artificial e de sangue para determinação da concentração de nitrogênio uréico plasmático, assim como realizadas pesagens dos animais e aferições de circunferência escrotal. No sêmen foram analisados: volume e turbilhonamento; vigor, motilidade e concentração espermática; total de espermatozóides e total de espermatozóides viáveis no ejaculado; integridade de membrana e de acrossoma; morfologia espermática e concentração de nitrogênio uréico no plasma seminal. Os animais suplementados com uréia apresentaram níveis de N-uréico no plasma sanguíneo e seminal significativamente maiores que os encontrados nos do tratamentos controle (p<0,05). Houve diferença significativa entre as fontes de enxofre utilizadas (p<0,05) quanto às características do sêmen estudadas, o tratamento C apresentando valores maiores para turbilhonamento (4,57), motilidade espermática (85,69%), vigor espermático (4,66) e total de espermatozóides por ejaculado (9,02 x 10(9)), além de uma porcentagem inferior de defeitos menores (5,37%) quando comparado ao tratamento B
Isolation and phenotypic characterization of rhizobia that nodulate cowpea in the Cerrado in Tocantins State, Brazil
Em função das características nutricionais e de rusticidade, o feijão caupi tornou-se importante fonte de proteína nas regiões Norte e Nordeste do Brasil. O feijão caupi se beneficiada fixação biológica do nitrogênio (FBN) e pode receber parte do nitrogênio necessário para a cultura via simbiose, o que reduz os custos de produção. Com o objetivo de contribuir com a otimização do processo de FBN na cultura do feijão caupi (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp) no cerrado do Tocantins, através da efetividade de populações e diversidade de isolados de rizóbio obtidos em sete áreas com e sem cultivos agrícolas, foram realizados isolamento e caracterização fenotípicas (pH do meio, tempo de crescimento, características das colônias e de muco). Foram obtidos 72 isolados de rizóbio e avaliados em um dendrograma onde mostraram uma grande diversidade com a formação de 18 grupos e cinco grandes grupos com similaridade de 70%. O estudo das características fisiológicas e morfológicas revela uma diversidade bastante ampla dos isolados de rizóbio e costuma estar relacionado com estudos em nível de DNA.Depending on the nutritional characteristics and hardiness, the cowpea has become an important source of protein in North and Northeast regions of Brazil. The cowpea benefits from biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) and may receive part of the nitrogen needed for culture via symbiosis, which reduces production costs. Aiming to contribute to the optimization of the BNF in the culture of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp) in the cerrado of Tocantins, through the effectiveness of populations and diversity of rhizobia obtained in seven areas with and without crops , phenotypic isolation and characterization were performed (pH, time of growth characteristics of the colonies and mucus). We obtained 72 rhizobia and evaluated in a dendrogram showed a great diversity, with the formation of 18 groups and the five large groups with 70% similarity. The study of morphological and physiological characteristics reveals a fairly wide diversity of rhizobia and is usually related to studies at the DNA level
Length of carotid stenosis predicts peri-procedural stroke or death and restenosis in patients randomized to endovascular treatment or endarterectomy.
BACKGROUND: The anatomy of carotid stenosis may influence the outcome of endovascular treatment or carotid endarterectomy. Whether anatomy favors one treatment over the other in terms of safety or efficacy has not been investigated in randomized trials.
METHODS: In 414 patients with mostly symptomatic carotid stenosis randomized to endovascular treatment (angioplasty or stenting; n = 213) or carotid endarterectomy (n = 211) in the Carotid and Vertebral Artery Transluminal Angioplasty Study (CAVATAS), the degree and length of stenosis and plaque surface irregularity were assessed on baseline intraarterial angiography. Outcome measures were stroke or death occurring between randomization and 30 days after treatment, and ipsilateral stroke and restenosis ≥50% during follow-up. RESULTS: Carotid stenosis longer than 0.65 times the common carotid artery diameter was associated with increased risk of peri-procedural stroke or death after both endovascular treatment [odds ratio 2.79 (1.17-6.65), P = 0.02] and carotid endarterectomy [2.43 (1.03-5.73), P = 0.04], and with increased long-term risk of restenosis in endovascular treatment [hazard ratio 1.68 (1.12-2.53), P = 0.01]. The excess in restenosis after endovascular treatment compared with carotid endarterectomy was significantly greater in patients with long stenosis than with short stenosis at baseline (interaction P = 0.003). Results remained significant after multivariate adjustment. No associations were found for degree of stenosis and plaque surface.
CONCLUSIONS: Increasing stenosis length is an independent risk factor for peri-procedural stroke or death in endovascular treatment and carotid endarterectomy, without favoring one treatment over the other. However, the excess restenosis rate after endovascular treatment compared with carotid endarterectomy increases with longer stenosis at baseline. Stenosis length merits further investigation in carotid revascularisation trials
The Use of the Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (Picc) in the Hospital Environment
The study aimed to analyze the history of the use of the peripherally inserted central catheters in adult patients admitted to hospital from 2000 to 2007. The historical cohort approach was used with retrospective data collection from medical records of the Catheter Group of the Moinhos de Vento Hospital Association in Porto Alegre, RS, totaling 229 catheters inserted. The growth curve in the use of the PICC was from 1 catheter inserted in 2000 to 57 in 2007. The most prevalent pathology was oncology (17.9%, n=41). In relation to the indications of use, antibiotic use prevailed (54.1%, n=124). In the radiological confirmation the vena cava was prevalent (68.1%, n=156). The use of the PICC in the hospital environment is expanding and nursing has a fundamental role in its insertion, maintenance and removal.El estudio objetivó analizar el histórico de la utilización del catéter central de inserción periférica en pacientes adultos e internados en ambiente hospitalario de 2000 a 2007. Tuvo abordaje de cohorte histórico con recolección de datos retrospectivo en fichas del Grupo de Catéteres de la Asociación Hospitalaria Molinos de Viento en Porto Alegre, RS, totalizando 229 catéteres inseridos. La curva de crecimiento en la utilización del CCIP fue de 1 catéter inserido en 2000 a 57 inseridos en 2007. La prevalencia inherente a la patología fue oncológica (17,9%, n=41). En relación a las indicaciones de uso prevaleció la terapia con antibióticos (54,1%, n=124). En la confirmación radiológica la vena cava fue prevalente (68,1%, n=156). La utilización del CCIP en el ambiente hospitalario está en expansión y la enfermería tiene un papel fundamental en la inserción, manutención y remoción.O estudo objetivou analisar o histórico da utilização do cateter central de inserção periférica em pacientes adultos e internados, em ambiente hospitalar, de 2000 a 2007. Teve abordagem de coorte histórica, com coleta de dados retrospectiva em prontuários do Grupo de Cateteres da Associação Hospitalar Moinhos de Vento, em Porto Alegre, RS, totalizando 229 cateteres inseridos. A curva de crescimento na utilização do cateter central de inserção periférica (CCIP) foi de 1 cateter inserido em 2000 a 57 inseridos em 2007. A prevalência inerente à patologia foi a oncológica (17,9%, n=41). Em relação às indicações ao uso, prevaleceu a antibioticoterapia (54,1%, n=124). Na confirmação radiológica, a veia cava foi prevalente (68,1%, n=156). Pode-se concluir que a utilização do CCIP no ambiente hospitalar está em expansão e a enfermagem tem papel fundamental na inserção, manutenção e sua remoção
Factors Associated with Influenza Vaccination of Hospitalized Elderly Patients in Spain
Vaccination of the elderly is an important factor in limiting the impact of influenza in the community. The aim of this study was to investigate the factors associated with influenza vaccination coverage in hospitalized patients aged ≥ 65 years hospitalized due to causes unrelated to influenza in Spain. We carried out a cross-sectional study. Bivariate analysis was performed comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated patients, taking in to account sociodemographic variables and medical risk conditions. Multivariate analysis was performed using multilevel regression models. We included 1038 patients: 602 (58%) had received the influenza vaccine in the 2013-14 season. Three or more general practitioner visits (OR = 1.61; 95% CI 1.19-2.18); influenza vaccination in any of the 3 previous seasons (OR = 13.57; 95% CI 9.45-19.48); and 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination (OR = 1.97; 95% CI 1.38-2.80) were associated with receiving the influenza vaccine. Vaccination coverage of hospitalized elderly people is low in Spain and some predisposing characteristics influence vaccination coverage. Healthcare workers should take these characteristics into account and be encouraged to proactively propose influenza vaccination to all patients aged ≥ 65 year
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