485 research outputs found

    Linfagioma QuĂ­stico MediastĂ­nico: Um Caso ClĂ­nico

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    Os autores referem o caso clĂ­nico de uma criança de 2 anos, sexo masculino e raça negra, que apresentava estridor desde os 2 meses de idade e na qual foi diagnosticado um linfangioma quĂ­stico mediastĂ­nico. A remoção cirĂșrgica levou ao desaparecimento da sintomatologia. É feita uma revisĂŁo teĂłrica sobre esta temĂĄtica abrangendo aspectos epidemiolĂłgicos, clĂ­nicos e terapĂȘuticos. Salientam a importĂąncia dos diferentes exames complementares para o diagnĂłstico definitivo

    Efeito da pré-embebição na germinação de sementes de coentro (Coriandro sativum L.).

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    Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar o comportamento fisiolĂłgico das sementes de coentro submetidas a diferentes perĂ­odos de imersĂŁo em ĂĄgua, visando acelerar e uniformizar o processo germinativo

    Coincidence measurement of residues and light particles in the reaction 56Fe+p at 1 GeV per nucleon with SPALADIN

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    The spallation of 56^{56}Fe in collisions with hydrogen at 1 A GeV has been studied in inverse kinematics with the large-aperture setup SPALADIN at GSI. Coincidences of residues with low-center-of-mass kinetic energy light particles and fragments have been measured allowing the decomposition of the total reaction cross-section into the different possible de-excitation channels. Detailed information on the evolution of these de-excitation channels with excitation energy has also been obtained. The comparison of the data with predictions of several de-excitation models coupled to the INCL4 intra-nuclear cascade model shows that only GEMINI can reasonably account for the bulk of collected results, indicating that in a light system with no compression and little angular momentum, multifragmentation might not be necessary to explain the data.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, revised version accepted in Phys. Rev. Let

    A comparison between preterm and full-term infants\u2019 preference for faces [Uma compara\ue7\ue3o entre rec\ue9m-nascidos prematuros e a termo na prefer\ueancia por faces]

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    Objective: Visual preference for faces at birth is the product of a multimodal sensory experience experienced by the fetus even during the gestational period. The ability to recognize faces allows an ecologically advantageous interaction with the social environment. However, perinatal events such as premature birth, may adversely affect the adequate development of this capacity. In this study, we evaluated the preference for facial stimuli in preterm infants within the first few hours after birth. Methods: This is a cross-sectional observational study of 59 newborns, 28 preterm and 31 full-term infants. The babies were assessed in the first hours of life, with two white boards in the shape of a head and neck: one with the drawing of a face similar to the human face (natural face), and one with the drawing of misaligned eyes, mouth and nose (distorted face). After the newborn fixated the eyes on the presented stimulus, it was slowly moved along the visual field. The recognition of the stimulus was considered present when the baby had eye or head movements toward the stimulus. Results: The preterm infants, in addition to showing a lower occurrence of orientation movements for both stimuli, on average (1.8 ± 1.1 to natural faces and 2.0 ± 1.2 for distorted ones) also showed no preference for any of them (p = 0.35). Full-term newborns showed a different behavior, in which they showed a preference for natural faces (p = 0.002) and a higher number of orientations for the stimulus, for both natural (3.2 ± 0.8) and distorted faces (2.5 ± 0.9). Conclusion: Preterm newborns recognize facial stimuli and disclose no preference for natural faces, different from full-term newborns. Resumo: Objetivo: A preferĂȘncia visual por faces ao nascimento Ă© produto de uma experiĂȘncia sensorial multimodal vivenciada pelo feto ainda no perĂ­odo gestacional. A habilidade de reconhecer faces possibilita uma interação ecologicamente vantajosa com o ambiente social. Entretanto, eventos perinatais, como o nascimento prematuro, podem prejudicar o desenvolvimento adequado dessa habilidade. Nesse trabalho, avaliamos a preferĂȘncia por estĂ­mulos faciais de recĂ©m-nascidos prematuros nas primeiras horas apĂłs o nascimento. MĂ©todos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional transversal realizado com 59 recĂ©m-nascidos, 28 prematuros e 31 nascidos termos. Os bebĂȘs foram avaliados, nas primeiras horas de vida, com duas pranchas brancas em formato de cabeça e pescoço: uma com o desenho de uma face similar ao rosto humano (face natural), e outra com o desenho de olhos, boca e nariz desalinhados (face distorcida). ApĂłs o recĂ©m-nascido fixar o olhar no estĂ­mulo apresentado o mesmo era lentamente movimentado ao longo do campo visual. O reconhecimento do estĂ­mulo foi considerado presente quando o bebĂȘ apresentou movimentos dos olhos ou cabeça em direção ao estĂ­mulo. Resultados: Os recĂ©m-nascidos prematuros alĂ©m de apresentarem menor ocorrĂȘncia de movimentos de orientação para ambos os estĂ­mulos, em mĂ©dia (1,8 ± 1,1 para faces naturais e 2,0 ± 1,2 para faces distorcidas), tambĂ©m nĂŁo apresentaram preferĂȘncia por qualquer um deles (p = 0,35). Diferente foi o comportamento dos recĂ©m-nascidos a termo que apresentaram preferĂȘncia por faces naturais (p = 0,002) e um nĂșmero maior de orientaçÔes para o estĂ­mulo, tanto para faces naturais (3,2 ± 0,8) quanto para faces distorcidas (2,5 ± 0,9). ConclusĂŁo: RecĂ©m-nascidos prematuros reconhecem os estĂ­mulos faciais e nĂŁo apresentam preferĂȘncia por faces naturais, diferente de recĂ©m-nascidos a termos. Keywords: Model of visual recognition, Visual perception, Newborn, Preterm infant, Full-term infant, Palavras-chave: Reconhecimento visual de modelos, Percepção visual, RecĂ©m-nascido, Prematuro, Nascimento a term

    Isotopic Dependence of the Nuclear Caloric Curve

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    The A/Z dependence of projectile fragmentation at relativistic energies has been studied with the ALADIN forward spectrometer at SIS. A stable beam of 124Sn and radioactive beams of 124La and 107Sn at 600 MeV per nucleon have been used in order to explore a wide range of isotopic compositions. Chemical freeze-out temperatures are found to be nearly invariant with respect to the A/Z of the produced spectator sources, consistent with predictions for expanded systems. Small Coulomb effects (\Delta T \approx 0.6 MeV) appear for residue production near the onset of multifragmentation.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publ. in Phys. Rev. Let

    Tracing a phase transition with fluctuations of the largest fragment size: Statistical multifragmentation models and the ALADIN S254 data

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    A phase transition signature associated with cumulants of the largest fragment size distribution has been identified in statistical multifragmentation models and examined in analysis of the ALADIN S254 data on fragmentation of neutron-poor and neutron-rich projectiles. Characteristics of the transition point indicated by this signature are weakly dependent on the A/Z ratio of the fragmenting spectator source. In particular, chemical freeze-out temperatures are estimated within the range 5.9 to 6.5 MeV. The experimental results are well reproduced by the SMM model.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multifragmentation and Related Topics (IWM2009), Catania, Italy, November 2009

    Oval Domes: History, Geometry and Mechanics

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    An oval dome may be defined as a dome whose plan or profile (or both) has an oval form. The word Aoval@ comes from the latin Aovum@, egg. Then, an oval dome has an egg-shaped geometry. The first buildings with oval plans were built without a predetermined form, just trying to close an space in the most economical form. Eventually, the geometry was defined by using arcs of circle with common tangents in the points of change of curvature. Later the oval acquired a more regular form with two axis of symmetry. Therefore, an “oval” may be defined as an egg-shaped form, doubly symmetric, constructed with arcs of circle; an oval needs a minimum of four centres, but it is possible also to build polycentric ovals. The above definition corresponds with the origin and the use of oval forms in building and may be applied without problem until, say, the XVIIIth century. Since then, the teaching of conics in the elementary courses of geometry made the cultivated people to define the oval as an approximation to the ellipse, an “imperfect ellipse”: an oval was, then, a curve formed with arcs of circles which tries to approximate to the ellipse of the same axes. As we shall see, the ellipse has very rarely been used in building. Finally, in modern geometrical textbooks an oval is defined as a smooth closed convex curve, a more general definition which embraces the two previous, but which is of no particular use in the study of the employment of oval forms in building. The present paper contains the following parts: 1) an outline the origin and application of the oval in historical architecture; 2) a discussion of the spatial geometry of oval domes, i. e., the different methods employed to trace them; 3) a brief exposition of the mechanics of oval arches and domes; and 4) a final discussion of the role of Geometry in oval arch and dome design

    Isospin dependent multifragmentation of relativistic projectiles

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    The N/Z dependence of projectile fragmentation at relativistic energies has been studied with the ALADIN forward spectrometer at the GSI Schwerionen Synchrotron (SIS). Stable and radioactive Sn and La beams with an incident energy of 600 MeV per nucleon have been used in order to explore a wide range of isotopic compositions. For the interpretation of the data, calculations with the statistical multifragmentation model for a properly chosen ensemble of excited sources were performed. The parameters of the ensemble, representing the variety of excited spectator nuclei expected in a participant-spectator scenario, are determined empirically by searching for an optimum reproduction of the measured fragment-charge distributions and correlations. An overall very good agreement is obtained. The possible modification of the liquid-drop parameters of the fragment description in the hot freeze-out environment is studied, and a significant reduction of the symmetry-term coefficient is found necessary to reproduce the mean neutron-to-proton ratios /Z and the isoscaling parameters of Z<=10 fragments. The calculations are, furthermore, used to address open questions regarding the modification of the surface-term coefficient at freeze-out, the N/Z dependence of the nuclear caloric curve, and the isotopic evolution of the spectator system between its formation during the initial cascade stage of the reaction and its subsequent breakup.Comment: 23 pages, 29 figures, published in Physical Review

    Neutron recognition in the LAND detector for large neutron multiplicity

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    The performance of the LAND neutron detector is studied. Using an event-mixing technique based on one-neutron data obtained in the S107 experiment at the GSI laboratory, we test the efficiency of various analytic tools used to determine the multiplicity and kinematic properties of detected neutrons. A new algorithm developed recently for recognizing neutron showers from spectator decays in the ALADIN experiment S254 is described in detail. Its performance is assessed in comparison with other methods. The properties of the observed neutron events are used to estimate the detection efficiency of LAND in this experiment.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure
