3 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Attribute-based Signatures

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    "Attribute-based Signatures (ABS) are a powerful tool allowing users with attributes issued by authorities to sign messages while also proving that their attributes satisfy some policy. ABS schemes provide a flexible and privacy-preserving approach to authentication since the signer's identity and attributes remain hidden within the set of users sharing policy-conform attributes. Current ABS schemes exhibit some limitations when it comes to the management and issuance of attributes. In this thesis we address the lack of support for hierarchical attribute management, a property that is prevalent in traditional PKIs where certification authorities are organised into hierarchies and signatures are verified along roots of trust.Hierarchical Attribute-based Signatures (HABS) introduced in this work support delegation of attributes along paths from a top-level authority down to the users while also ensuring that signatures produced by these users do not leak their delegation paths, thus extending the original privacy guarantees of ABS schemes. Our HABS security properties ensure unforgeability of signatures in the presence of collusion attacks and contains an extended traceability property allowing a dedicated tracing authority to identify the signer and reveal its attribute delegation paths. We include a public verification procedure for the accountability of the tracing authority. We propose two HABS constructions in the bilinear group setting, the first is generic utilising standard cryptographic building blocks and the latter is a direct construction. We formally prove their security in the standard and generic group model respectively.An important yet challenging property for privacy-preserving ABS is revocation, which may be applied to signers or some of the attributes they possess. Existing ABS schemes lack efficient revocation of either signers or their attributes, relying on generic costly proofs. Moreover, in HABS there is a further need to support efficient revocation of authorities on the delegation paths, which is not provided by our previous HABS constructions.Our final chapter proposes a HABS construction with a Verifier-Local Revocation (VLR) property. We extend the original HABS security model to address revocation and develop a new attribute delegation technique with appropriate VLR mechanism, which also implies the first non-hierarchical ABS scheme to support VLR. Moreover, our scheme supports inner-product signing policies, offering a wider class of attribute relations than previous HABS schemes, and is the first to be based on lattices, which are thought to offer post-quantum security.We anticipate that HABS will be useful for privacy-preserving authentication in applications requiring hierarchical delegation of attribute-issuing rights and where knowledge of delegation paths might leak information about signers and their attributes, e.g., in intelligent transport systems where vehicles may require certain attributes to authenticate themselves to the infrastructure but remain untrackable by the latter.

    Biometric-Authenticated Searchable Encryption

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    We introduce Biometric-Authenticated Keyword Search (BAKS), a novel searchable encryption scheme that relieves clients from managing cryptographic keys and relies purely on client's biometric data for authenticated outsourcing and retrieval of files indexed by encrypted keywords. BAKS utilises distributed trust across two servers and the liveness assumption which models physical presence of the client; in particular, BAKS security is guaranteed even if clients' biometric data, which often has low entropy, becomes public. We formalise two security properties, Authentication and Indistinguisha-bility against Chosen Keyword Attacks, which ensure that only a client with a biometric input sufficiently close to the registered template is considered legitimate and that neither of the two servers involved can learn any information about the encrypted keywords. Our BAKS construction further supports outsourcing and retrieval of files using multiple keywords and flexible search queries (e.g., conjunction, disjunction and subset-type queries). An additional update mechanism allows clients to replace their registered biometrics without requiring re-encryption of outsourced keywords , which enables smooth user migration across devices supporting different types of biometrics

    Asynchronous Remote Key Generation: An Analysis of Yubico's Proposal for W3C WebAuthn

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    WebAuthn, forming part of FIDO2, is a W3C standard for strong authentication, which employs digital signatures to authenticate web users whilst preserving their privacy. Owned by users, WebAu-thn authenticators generate attested and unlinkable public-key credentials for each web service to authenticate users. Since the loss of authenticators prevents users from accessing web services, usable recovery solutions preserving the original WebAuthn design choices and security objectives are urgently needed. We examine Yubico's recent proposal for recovering from the loss of a WebAuthn authenticator by using a secondary backup authenticator. We analyse the cryptographic core of their proposal by modelling a new primitive, called Asynchronous Remote Key Generation (ARKG), which allows some primary authenticator to generate unlinkable public keys for which the backup authenticator may later recover corresponding private keys. Both processes occur asynchronously without the need for authenticators to export or share secrets, adhering to WebAuthn's attestation requirements. We prove that Yubico's proposal achieves our ARKG security properties under the discrete logarithm and PRF-ODH assumptions in the random oracle model. To prove that recovered private keys can be used securely by other cryptographic schemes, such as digital signatures or encryption schemes, we model compositional security of ARKG using composable games by Brzuska et al. (ACM CCS 2011), extended to the case of arbitrary public-key protocols. As well as being more general, our results show that private keys generated by ARKG may be used securely to produce unforgeable signatures for challenge-response protocols, as used in WebAuthn. We conclude our analysis by discussing concrete instantiations behind Yubico's ARKG protocol, its integration with the WebAuthn standard, performance, and usability aspects. CCS CONCEPTS • Security and privacy → Key management; Multi-factor au-thentication; Pseudonymity, anonymity and untraceability