141 research outputs found

    Clinical, Electrodiagnostic Findings and Quality of Life of Dogs and Cats with Brachial Plexus Injury

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    Brachial plexus injury (BPI) represents a common consequence of road traffic accidents in humans and small animals. In humans, neuropathic pain is a common symptom after BPI. The aim of the study was to describe the clinical signs, the electrodiagnostic findings, the outcome and the quality of life (QoL) of a cohort of dogs and cats with BPI. Clinical records of 40 dogs and 26 cats with BPI were retrospectively reviewed. Specific attention was put on the evaluation of electrodiagnostic findings (35/40 dogs; 14/26 cats) and telephonic interview results (26/40 dogs; 18/26 cats). The most common neurological condition was the inability to bear weight and sensory deficits on the affected limb. Radial and ulnar motor nerve conduction studies (MNCSs) were absent respectively in 47% (radial) and 62% (ulnar) of dogs and 57% (radial) and 57% (ulnar) of cats. The absence of radial (p = 0.003) and ulnar (p = 0.007) MNCSs in dogs and ulnar MNCSs in cats (p = 0.02) was significantly associated to the amputation of the affected limb. The owners described signs of pain/discomfort in 73% of dogs and 56% of cats. This is the first report suggesting that neuropathic pain/discomfort should be adequately considered in order to improve the QoL

    Degenerative Myelopathy in Hovawart Dogs: Molecular Characterization, Pathological Features and Accumulation of Mutant Superoxide Dismutase 1 Protein

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    Degenerative myelopathy (DM) is an adult-onset, progressive neurological disease affecting several breeds of dog. Homozygosity or compound heterozygosity for the canine superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) gene mutations, possibly modulated by the modifier SP110 locus, are associated with a high risk for DM. Although the pathophysiological mechanisms are largely unknown, a role for mutant SOD1 in causing neuronal degeneration has been postulated. Three Hovawart dogs, 9e12 years of age, developed slowly progressive incoordination and weakness of the pelvic limbs leading to non-ambulatory flaccid paraparesis and muscle atrophy. Neuropathological lesions comprised axonal degeneration and loss of ascending and descending spinal pathways, which were most severe in the mid- to caudal thoracic segments. Accumulation of mutant SOD1 protein in neurons and reactive astrocytes was demonstrated by immunolabelling with the 16G9 antibody against the mutant SOD1 protein (p.E40K amino acid substitution). All three dogs were homozygous for the c.118A allele, but none had the SP110 ‘risk’ haplotype, suggesting a weak association of SP110 with the onset of DM in this breed. Our data suggest that the Hovawart breed is predisposed to the SOD1:c.118G>A mutation, which is associated with the development of DM. Prevention of DM could be achieved with the help of strategies based on epidemiological and genetic testing

    Histochemical Analysis of Herniated Disc Tissue Surgically Removed from 27 Dogs

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    Hernias of intervertebral discs are a common canine disease that is usually treated surgically. Recently, a histological scoring system for surgically removed canine intervertebral herniated discs has been developed by scoring the lesions of both the anulus fibrosus (AF) and the nucleus pulposus (NP). Since the proportion of AF and NP in the surgical samples may vary, depending on the surgical approach, the aim of this study is to grade separately the lesions in AF and NP and to modify the previously described scoring system adding three parameters: inflammation, mineralization and neovascularization. Possible association of the modified grading system with clinical parameters were statistically assessed. Herniated disc material was collected from 27 dogs. AF was present in 10/27 cases and was classified as grade 2 in 4 cases, grade 3 in 5 cases and grade 4 in 1 case. The NP was present in all 27 cases and was classified as grade 2 in 1 case, grade 3 in 5 cases, grade 4 in 9 cases and grade 5 in 12 cases. A statistically significant association was evidenced between short pre-operative period and higher grade of both the NP and of the AF (P<0.01). Separating the grades of the AF and NP can be useful for a fair assessment of degeneration, and circumventing the limitation of the qualitative and quantitative variability of samples

    Zoonoses Surveillance in Italy (2000-2009): Investigation on Animals with Neurological Symptoms

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    Zoonoses are defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as \u201cThose diseases and infections naturally transmitted between vertebrae animals and man\u201d (WHO 1959) (Palmer et al., 1998). They may be caused by viruses, bacteria, including chlamidiae and rickettsiae, fungi, protozoa, helminths and arthropods (Krauss et al., 2003), and transmitted directly (through contact with skin, hair, eggs, blood or secretions) or indirectly (by insect vectors and ingestion of contaminated food). Currently, 1415 pathogens for humans have been identified and of these approximately 61% (868) are agents of zoonoses, some of which manifest with neurological signs; 132 agents are also associated with emerging zoonoses (Asjo et al., 2007; Matassa, 2007; Taylor et al. , 2001). Neurological zoonoses are widespread, especially in the developing countries where they are not even diagnosed in most cases. Emerging zoonoses of recently identified pathogens are Lyme disease, cryptosporidiosis, West Nile disease, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy, and possible variants of the avian influenza virus, which have found new favourable conditions for spreading. In contrast, re-emerging zoonoses are well-known diseases considered as eradicated in a given country but recur with an exponentially increasing incidence, such as tuberculosis, leptospirosis, rabies (Matassa, 2007)

    ABCB1 c.-6-180 T > G polymorphism and clinical risk factors in a multi-breed cohort of dogs with refractory idiopathic epilepsy

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    Epilepsy is the most common chronic neurological disorder in dogs. Approximately 20-30% of dogs do not achieve satisfactory seizure control with two or more anti-epileptic drugs at appropriate dosages. This condition, defined as refractory epilepsy, is a multifactorial condition involving both acquired and genetic factors. The P glycoprotein might play and important role in the pathophysiological mechanism and it is encoded by the ABCB1 gene. An association between a single nucleotide variation of the ABCB1 gene (c.-6-180 T &gt; G) and phenobarbital resistance has previously been reported in a Border collie population with idiopathic epilepsy. To date, the presence and relevance of this polymorphism has not been assessed in other breeds. A multicentre retrospective, case-control study was conducted to investigate associations between ABCB1 c.-6-180 T &gt; G, clinical variables, and refractoriness in a multi-breed population of dogs with refractory idiopathic epilepsy. A secondary aim was to evaluate the possible involvement of the ABCB1 c.-6-180 T &gt; G single nucleotide variation this population. Fifty-two refractory and 50 responsive dogs with idiopathic epilepsy were enrolled. Of these, 45 refractory and 50 responsive (control) dogs were genotyped. The G allele was found in several breeds, but there was no evidence of association with refractoriness (P = 0.69). The uncertain role of the c.-6-180T&gt;G variation was further suggested by an association between the T/T genotype with both refractoriness and responsiveness in different breeds. Furthermore, high seizure density (cluster seizure) was the main clinical risk factor for refractory idiopathic epilepsy (P = 0.003)

    Medical management of spinal epidural empyema in five dogs

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    CASE DESCRIPTION 5 dogs were examined because of clinical signs of myelopathy, including signs of pain associated with the spinal region and rapidly progressive neurologic deficits. CLINICAL FINDINGS In all dogs, results of MRI were consistent with spinal epidural empyema. Concurrent infectious processes were identified at adjacent or distant sites in all dogs, including diskospondylitis, prostatitis, dermatitis, paraspinal infection following a penetrating injury, urinary tract infection, and pyothorax. Bacteria were isolated from 3 dogs; Escherichia coli was isolated from blood, urine, and prostatic wash samples from 1 dog; a Pasteurella sp was isolated from a percutaneous aspirate from an adjacent infected wound in a second dog; and a Corynebacterium sp was isolated from a thoracic fluid sample from a third dog. For the remaining 2 dogs, results of bacterial culture were negative. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME All dogs showed clinical improvement within 2 weeks after initiation of antimicrobial treatment, and all had an excellent long-term outcome. CLINICAL RELEVANCE In dogs, spinal epidural empyema has previously been regarded as a surgical emergency. Findings for dogs in the present report suggested that, as is the case for humans, selected dogs with spinal epidural empyema may be successfully managed with medical treatment alone

    Juvenile-onset polyneuropathy in American Staffordshire Terriers

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    Background: The only hereditary neurologic disorder described so far in American Staffordshire Terriers is adult-onset cerebellar degeneration secondary to ceroid lipofuscinosis. We have seen several dogs with a newly recognized neurological disease characterized by locomotor weakness with or without respiratory signs and juvenile onset consistent with degenerative polyneuropathy of genetic origin. Objectives: To characterize a novel polyneuropathy in juvenile American Staffordshire Terriers. Animals: Fourteen American Staffordshire Terriers presented with clinical signs consistent with juvenile-onset polyneuropathy at 5 veterinary hospitals between May 2005 and July 2017. Methods: Case series. Dogs were included retrospectively after a diagnosis of degenerative polyneuropathy had been confirmed by nerve biopsy. Clinical, pathological, electrophysiological, histological data, and outcome were reviewed and a pedigree analysis performed. Results: All dogs displayed clinical signs of neuromuscular disease with generalized motor and sensory involvement, associated with focal signs of laryngeal paralysis (10/14 dogs) and megaesophagus (1/14 dogs). Histopathological findings were consistent with degenerative polyneuropathy. Follow-up was available for 11 dogs, and 3 dogs were euthanized shortly after diagnosis. In these 11 dogs, the disease was slowly progressive and the animals maintained good quality of life with ability to walk. Pedigree analysis was mostly consistent with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Juvenile polyneuropathy, associated with laryngeal paralysis, is a newly described entity in American Staffordshire Terriers, and results from degenerative neuropathy. When surgery for laryngeal paralysis is performed, lifespan may be similar to that of normal dogs even though affected dogs have locomotor disturbance
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