782 research outputs found

    Iterative test suites refinement for elastic computing systems

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    Elastic computing systems can dynamically scale to continuously and cost-effectively provide their required Quality of Service in face of time-varying workloads, and they are usually implemented in the cloud. Despite their wide-spread adoption by industry, a formal definition of elasticity and suitable procedures for its assessment and verification are still missing. Both academia and industry are trying to adapt established testing procedures for functional and non-functional properties, with limited effectiveness with respect to elasticity. In this paper we propose a new methodology to automatically generate test-suites for testing the elastic properties of systems. Elasticity, plasticity, and oscillations are first formalized through a convenient behavioral abstraction of the elastic system and then used to drive an iterative test suite refinement process. The outcomes of our approach are a test suite tailored to the violation of elasticity properties and a human-readable abstraction of the system behavior to further support diagnosis and fix

    Biology and new records of the invasive species Branchiomma bairdi (Annelida: Sabellidae) in the Mediterranean Sea

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    The first observations on the reproductive biology of the alien polychaete Branchiomma bairdi (McIntosh, 1885) (Sabellidae) in the Mediterranean Sea are provided as well as additional Mediterranean records of the species, which can help to understand its introduction and spreading. Re-examination of the specimens from Miseno harbour (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy) revealed the presence of B. bairdi in the central-Mediterranean since September 2004. The histological study of individuals collected in Malta revealed that the species is a simultaneous hermaphrodite, developing male and female gametes in the same body segments; embryos are brooded inside the parent tube. However, there is also evidence of asexual reproduction. The species shows a different reproductive pattern from the previously reported population from the eastern-Pacific; this demonstrates its great plasticity and adaptability. Branchiomma bairdi has an invasive behaviour, colonizing large areas in relatively short-time, and reaching relatively high densities (c.a. 50 individuals/m2). Its expansion to several Mediterranean localities is largely a consequence of the high capacity of this species to colonize extremely different habitats and substrates, the occurrence of sexual and asexual reproductive strategies, and the combination of both. Furthermore, B. bairdi appears to be particularly abundant in confined areas and areas degraded due to anthropogenic impacts. Finally, our findings strongly suggest that the pathway of introduction in the Mediterranean, previously hypothesized as the Suez Canal (Lessepsian migration), is most likely via the Strait of Gibraltar

    Investigation on the microbiological hazards in an artisanal soft cheese produced in northern Italy and its production environment in different seasonal periods

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    The present study aimed at assessing the occurrence of microbiological hazards (Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli O157) in an artisanal soft cheese produced in northern Italy. In the same product total bacterial count, lactic acid bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae were enumerated, and pH and water activity measured in two batches sampled in summer and winter. Samples of raw materials, environmental swabs from the production processes and cheese during 15 days of storage at 2 and 8°C as well as dynamic temperature of 2°C for 5 days and 8°C for 10 days were collected and tested. The load of total bacterial count was significantly higher in the winter batch in comparison to the summer one, with a significant increase at the end of the storage period also noticed for lactic acid bacteria. Statistical higher values of pH were registered in raw materials and end of storage in winter batch. S. aureus was con-firmed only in the winter batch within samples (n=4) of stored cheese. On plates used for E. coli O157 detection, colonies of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Klebsiella oxy-toca were isolated. The results suggest that the highest bacterial population in the winter batch was associated to a higher pH in stored cheese and a higher number of bio-logical hazards identified. Their isolation started in the maturation room suggesting this step as relevant for possible cheese contamination

    Invasions of the non-indigenous red alga Lophocladia lallemandii (Montagne) F. Schmitz off the Island of Ischia (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy)

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    This paper describes the distribution and spread of the non-indigenous red alga Lophocladia lallemandii (Montagne) F. Schmitz along the coast of the Island of Ischia (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Lophocladia lallemandii was monitored through surveys from July 2019 to January 2020 at the Capo Sant’Angelo (Ischia), where L. lallemandii was observed, but not reported, in the years preceding the invasion of the upper rocky infralittoral shore reported here. It is noteworthy that a large portion of the study area is included within one of the two “B no-take” zones of the Marine Protected Area of the “Regno di Nettuno” (“Neptune’s Realm”). During the surveys, the alga was first observed in the middle of July 2019 and totally disappeared by the middle of January 2020. Algal cover showed two peaks in August (55%) and November (58.5%). Fertile thalli (tetrasporophytes) of L. lallemandii were observed in all of the analysed samples. Thalli were not always strongly attached to the substrate or other algae and could often be easily detached by strong hydrodynamic conditions. These detached thalli were found laying on the bottom in dense turfs or floating or stranding on the beach. Noteworthy were the macroflora and fauna, the latter essentially composed by mollusks and amphipods, living among the branches of the alga, and various fishes hiding within the thick algal turf. These observations indicate that this alga may be a source of food and refuge for the native animal community of the upper rocky infralittoral zone

    Relationships between Meiofaunal Biodiversity and Prokaryotic Heterotrophic Production in Different Tropical Habitats and Oceanic Regions

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    Tropical marine ecosystems are among the most diverse of the world oceans, so that assessing the linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem functions (BEF) is a crucial step to predict consequences of biodiversity loss. Most BEF studies in marine ecosystems have been carried out on macrobenthic diversity, whereas the influence of the meiofauna on ecosystem functioning has received much less attention. We compared meiofaunal and nematode biodiversity and prokaryotic heterotrophic production across seagrass, mangrove and reef sediments in the Caribbean, Celebes and Red Seas. For all variables we report the presence of differences among habitats within the same region, and among regions within the same habitat. In all regions, the richness of meiofaunal taxa in reef and seagrass sediments is higher than in mangrove sediments. The sediments of the Celebes Sea show the highest meiofaunal biodiversity. The composition of meiofaunal assemblages varies significantly among habitats in the same region. The nematode beta diversity among habitats within the same region is higher than the beta diversity among regions. Although one site per habitat was considered in each region, these results suggest that the composition of meiofaunal assemblages varies primarily among biogeographic regions, whereas the composition of nematode assemblages varies more considerably among habitats. Meiofauna and nematode biodiversity and prokaryotic heterotrophic production, even after the removal of covariate effects linked with longitude and the quantity and nutritional quality of organic matter, are positively and linearly linked both across regions and within each habitat type. Our results confirm that meiofauna and nematode biodiversity may influence benthic prokaryotic activity, which, in turn, implies that diversity loss could have negative impacts on ecosystem functioning in these systems

    Simulation study of Fermi level depinning in metal-MoS2 contacts

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    We used Density Functional Theory (DFT) to study the Fermi level pinning and Schottky barrier height in metal-MoS2 contacts. We showed that the Fermi level de-pinning could be attained by controlling the distance between the metal and MoS2. In particular, with proper buffer layers and the use of back-gated structures, the Schottky barrier height can be practically zeroed in some metal-MoS2 stacks, which is important to attain Ohmic contacts

    Nematode diversity patterns at different spatial scales in bathyal sediments of the Mediterranean Sea

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    Understanding biodiversity patterns and how they are driven at different spatial scales is a crucial issue in eco- logical studies. This is particularly evident for the deep sea, the largest biome of the biosphere, where information on the scales of spatial variation is very scant. Here, we investigated deep-sea nematodes species richness, turnover and func- tional diversity, and life strategies at different spatial scales (from local to macro-regional) to identify the factors that shape regional (γ) and macro-regional (ε) deep-sea diver- sity. This study was conducted in several deep-sea habitats (canyons, open slopes, deep-water corals, and bathyal plains) over > 2000 km across the whole Mediterranean Basin, at a bathymetric range comprised between ca. 600 and 1300 m. Our results indicate that the patterns of local (α) diversity across the deep Mediterranean follow the gradients of the trophic conditions, which decrease from the western to the eastern basins. For all of the sites and habitats, the α diversity is generally low. Conversely, the turnover diversity changes significantly among habitats (β diversity) and between re- gions (δ diversity), showing values of dissimilarity (based on species presence/absence matrixes) between 59 and 90 % for β diversity and between 81 and 89 % for δ diversity. This suggests that patterns and values of γ and ε diversities in the deep Mediterranean Sea are related to turnover diversity among habitats and between regions (β and δ diversities), rather than to the local biodiversity (α diversity). These re- sults indicate also that the differences in β and δ diversi- ties are even more important than those in α diversity for the comprehension of the drivers of biodiversity in the deep Mediterranean Sea. We conclude that the presence of differ- ent habitats and gradients in environmental conditions, by promoting a high turnover diversity across the Mediterranean Sea, may play a crucial role in the levels of γ diversity of deep-sea nematodes

    Investigation on the microbiological hazards in an artisanal salami produced in Northern Italy and its production environment in different seasonal periods

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    In the present study, the occurrence of Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli VTEC was investigated in two batches of artisanal Italian salami tested in winter and summer. Moreover, enumerations of total bacterial count, lactic acid bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae were performed as well as monitoring of water activity and pH. Samples were taken from raw materials, production process environment, semi-finished product and finished products. The results revealed an overall increase of total bacterial count and lactic acid bacteria during the ripening period, along with a decrease of Enterobacteriaceae, pH and water activity. No significant difference was observed between the two batches. The enterobacterial load appeared to decrease during the maturation period mainly due to a decrease in pH and water activity below the limits that allow the growth of these bacteria. E. coli VTEC, Salmonella spp. or L. monocytogenes were not detected in both winter and summer batches. However, Klebsiella pneumoniae was detected in both summer and winter products. Except for one isolate, no biological hazards were detected in the finished salami, proving the efficacy of the ripening period in controlling the occurrence of microbiological hazard in ripened salami. Further studies are required to assess the virulence potential of the Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates

    The first metazoa living in permanently anoxic conditions

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    Background: Several unicellular organisms (prokaryotes and protozoa) can live under permanently anoxic conditions. Although a few metazoans can survive temporarily in the absence of oxygen, it is believed that multi-cellular organisms cannot spend their entire life cycle without free oxygen. Deep seas include some of the most extreme ecosystems on Earth, such as the deep hypersaline anoxic basins of the Mediterranean Sea. These are permanently anoxic systems inhabited by a huge and partly unexplored microbial biodiversity.Results: During the last ten years three oceanographic expeditions were conducted to search for the presence of living fauna in the sediments of the deep anoxic hypersaline L'Atalante basin (Mediterranean Sea). We report here that the sediments of the L'Atalante basin are inhabited by three species of the animal phylum Loricifera (Spinoloricus nov. sp., Rugiloricus nov. sp. and Pliciloricus nov. sp.) new to science. Using radioactive tracers, biochemical analyses, quantitative X-ray microanalysis and infrared spectroscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy observations on ultra-sections, we provide evidence that these organisms are metabolically active and show specific adaptations to the extreme conditions of the deep basin, such as the lack of mitochondria, and a large number of hydrogenosome-like organelles, associated with endosymbiotic prokaryotes.Conclusions: This is the first evidence of a metazoan life cycle that is spent entirely in permanently anoxic sediments. Our findings allow us also to conclude that these metazoans live under anoxic conditions through an obligate anaerobic metabolism that is similar to that demonstrated so far only for unicellular eukaryotes. The discovery of these life forms opens new perspectives for the study of metazoan life in habitats lacking molecular oxygen