2,676 research outputs found

    Relationship Between Inhaled Corticosteroid Adherence and Airway Obstruction Severity Among Persistent Asthma Patients

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    Inhaled corticosteroid is the foundation therapy in controlling persistent asthma in order to reduce inflammation and prevent deterioration of lung function. There were 75% of asthma patients in RSUD Dr. Soedarso with uncontrolled asthma. Low adherence to inhaled corticosteroid therapy was suspected. This research was conducted to assess relationship between inhaled corticosteroid adherence and severity of airway obstruction through forced expiratory volume1/forced expiratory volume1prediction value and forced expiratory volume1/vital lung capacityprediction ratio. This was an analytic study with cross-sectional design. Data were taken from July 2014 until March 2015. There were 35 subjects who met the criteria. Patient identity, Medication Adherence Report Scale for Asthma score, and spirometry test were obtained directly from the samples. Variables including inhaled corticosteroid  adherence, Forced Expiratory Volume (FEV1)/FEVprediction1 value and FEV1/Functional Vital Capacity (FVCpredictio)n ratio were observed. Marginal Homogeneity analysis of the data found significant proportion difference between inhaled corticosteroid  adherence and Forced Expiratory Volume1/Forced Expiratory Volumeprediction1 value (p<0.001) and significant proportion difference between inhaled corticosteroid adherence and VEP1/KVP  prediction ratio (p<0.001). Low adherence to inhaled corticosteroid therapy causes failure in inflammation suppression and leads to airway remodelling which in turn lead to deterioration of lung function

    Capacidade de absorção de nutrientes do capim-marandu (Brachiaria brizantha) e da planta daninha Malva (Urena lobata) em função do pH.

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    A capacidade competitiva entre plantas daninhas e cultivadas é influenciada por vários fatores, entre eles o pH do meio onde as plantas crescem. Dessa forma, analisaram-se os efeitos da variação do pH sobre o desenvolvimento e os teores dos nutrientes fósforo, potássio, cálcio e magnésio acumulado na parte aérea e nas raízes do capim-marandu (Brachiaria brizantha) e da planta daninha malva (Urena lobata). Para isso, foram preparadas soluções nutritivas com os seguintes valores de pH: 3,5; 4,5; 5,5; e 6,5. Os trabalhos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação, por um período experimental de 42 dias. A gramínea forrageira e a planta daninha responderam diferentemente à variação do pH. O capim-marandu apresentou maior sensibilidade às variações do pH, tendo sido a produção de matéria seca da parte aérea e das raízes sempre crescente em função do aumento do pH. Por sua vez, a produção de matéria seca das duas frações da planta daninha não foi influenciada pela variação do pH. Comparativamente, o capim-marandu apresentou maior habilidade para absorver nutrientes em pH 6,5, enquanto a malva apresentou maior habilidade em condições de pH extremo (3,5 e 6,5). Independentemente do pH da solução nutritiva e da parte da planta analisada, os teores de fósforo, potássio, cálcio e magnésio foram, quase sempre, mais elevados na planta daninha do que no capim-marandu, demonstrando que a malva apresenta maior habilidade para extrair esses nutrientes do sol

    Ruminal fermentation and degradation, kinetic flow of the digesta and milk fatty acid composition of cows fed chopped elephantgrass supplemented with soybean oil.

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    Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the ruminal parameters of fermentation and degradation, kinetic flow of rumen digesta, and milk fatty acid composition of cows fed 52% chopped elephantgrass-based diets containing 0.0% (control), 1.5%, 3.0% and 4.5% soybean oil (SO) on a dry matter (DM) basis. Four rumen-cannulated Holstein x Gyr dairy cows with an average milk production of 15.6 ± 3.0 kg day-1 and 90 ± 25 days in milk were allocated in a 4 x 4 Latin square design. The results were analyzed by mixed models. Significant differences were declared at P&#8804;0.05, and P-values from 0.05 < P &#8804; 0.10 were considered as a trend. The inclusion of SO in the diet had no effect on the ruminal pH or total volatile fatty acid concentration, but there was a quadratic effect on the ruminal ammonia nitrogen content and a trend for a linear reduction (P=0.07) in the molar proportion of rumen acetate. Linear reductions were also observed in the DM and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) effective degradabilities of elephantgrass forage, but the fluid and particulate passage rates in the rumen and the DM and NDF intakes were unchanged by SO inclusion in the diet. Milk production, protein and lactose contents and yields were unaltered by dietary SO levels. There were linear reductions in the milk fat and total solids contents, but there was no effect of dietary treatments on their yields. The inclusion of soybean oil in the diet of Holstein x Gyr cows fed chopped elephantgrass improved the nutritional quality of milk fat as a result of increased contents of oleic, rumenic and vaccenic acids, which are beneficial to human health, and a concomitant reduction in hypercholesterolemic saturated fatty acids such as lauric, myristic and palmitic acids

    Avaliação da capacidade combinatória de dez linhagens de milho doce.

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    No ano agricola 1989/90 foram avaliados no CNPMS/EMBRAPA em Sete Lagoas-MG, 45 hibridos simples de milho-doce, obtidos de um cruzamento dialelico completo entre 10 linhagens S4 e suas linhagens parentais. O delineamento utilizado foi blocos ao acaso com 3 repeticoes. Foram estimados os efeitos das capacidades geral (CGC) e especifica (CEC) de combinacao para os caracteres peso de espiga verde sem palha/ha, com cerca de 70% de umidade (PESP), numero de espigas comerciais/ha (NEC) e indice de aproveitamento (IA), razao entre os pesos das espigas sem e com palha. Foi utilizado o metodo 2, modelo 1, de Griffing (1956) para a analise de capacidade combinatoria. Os efeitos de CGC e CEC foram significativos (P < 0,01) para todos os caracteres. As linhagens com maior PESP foram (...

    Perspectivas do uso do ataque sulfúrico (H2SO4 1:1) e da dissolução alcalina (NaOH 0,5 N) para a analise mineralógica expedita de solos com B textural e B latossólico.

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    Descrição de um.procedimento analitíco para a quantificação dos principais minerais de solos cor B textural e B latossélico (fração argila). O grupo das canditas é determinado por dissolução seletiva com NaOH 0,5 N após a desestabilização térmica a 550 graus Celsius duraante duas horas, mas sem que a amostra sofra nenhum tratamento prévio de natureza química....bitstream/item/62681/1/CNPS-BOL.-PESQ.-34-84.pdfTrabalho apresentado no 19. Congresso Brasileiro de Ciencia do Solo

    Method development for the analysis of volatile compounds in olive oil.

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    Olive oil consists mainly of triglycerides, in about 97 to 99% by weight. The minor compounds are a complex mixture of polar, apolar and amphiphilic substances, such as tocopherols, phenolic compounds, sterols, chlorophyll, carotenoids, terpene acids, monoglycerides and diglycerides, free fatty acids and volatile compounds. These volatiles are the compounds directly responsible for the aroma of the oil. Extra virgin olive oil has a complex aroma with more than 100 volatile compounds identified, among aldehydes, alcohols, esters, hydrocarbons, ketones and furans. The objective of this study was to develop an analytical method for volatile compounds in olive oils using solid-phase microextraction (SPME), gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID). For the SPME, different parameters like flask size (4, 10 and 20 mL), sampling temperatures (40 and 60 °C), headspace conditioning (10 and 60 min) and fiber exposure times (15 and 40 min) were tested. For GC analyses two different internal standards, methyl octanoate and tetradecane, were tested, as well as sub-ambient oven temperatures with liquid nitrogen. A 1 g of sample and a divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PMDS) fiber were used in all the tests. Analytical curves from the FID data were constructed for linearity evaluation, whereas internal standard was used for quantification ofcompounds such as 3-hexenol, 2-hexanal and limonene. Identification was performed based on mass spectra, co-injection of standards and retention indices data. The best conditions for SPME analysis were sample temperature of 40 °C, 10 min of headspace conditioning and fiber exposure for 40 min, in a 4 mL flask. For the chromatographic analyzes, tetradecane was chosen as the internal standard. Oven temperature program with cryofocusing led to a much better separation and, therefore, better quantitation and identification of the morevolatile compounds.De 15 a 16 maio 2019. Trabalhos apresentados de forma oral