141 research outputs found

    high resolution glycoform profiling of intact therapeutic proteins by hydrophilic interaction chromatography mass spectrometry

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    Abstract Glycosylation is considered a critical quality attribute of therapeutic proteins. Protein heterogeneity introduced by glycosylation includes differences in the nature, number and position of the glycans. Whereas analysis of released glycans and glycopeptides provides information about the composition and/or position of the glycan, intact glycoprotein analysis allows assignment of individual proteoforms and co-occurring modifications. Yet, resolving protein glycoforms at the intact level is challenging. We have explored the capacity of hydrophilic liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HILIC-MS) for assessing glycosylation patterns of intact pharmaceutical proteins by analyzing the complex glycoproteins interferon-beta-1a (rhIFN-β − 1a) and recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO). Efficient glycoform separation was achieved using a superficially-porous amide HILIC stationary phase and trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) as eluent additive. In-source collision-induced dissociation proved to be very useful to minimize protein-signal suppression effects by TFA. Direct injection of therapeutic proteins in aqueous formulation was possible without causing extra band dispersion, provided that the sample injection volume was not larger than 2 μL. HILIC-MS of rhIFN-β − 1a and rhEPO allowed the assignment of, respectively, 15 and 51 glycoform compositions, next to a variety of posttranslational modifications, such as succinimide, oxidation and N-terminal methionine-loss products. MS-based assignments showed that neutral glycan units significantly contributed to glycoform separation, whereas terminal sialic acids only had a marginal effect on HILIC retention. Comparisons of HILIC-MS with the selectivity provided by capillary electrophoresis-MS for the same glycoproteins, revealed a remarkable complementarity of the techniques. Finally it was demonstrated that by replacing TFA for difluoroacetic acid, peak resolution somewhat decreased, but rhEPO glycoforms with relative abundances below 1% could be detected by HILIC-MS, increasing the overall rhEPO glycoform coverage to 72

    Glycovaccine Design: Optimization of Model and Antitubercular Carrier Glycosylation via Disuccinimidyl Homobifunctional Linker

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    Conjugation via disuccinimidyl homobifunctional linkers is reported in the literature as a convenient approach for the synthesis of glycoconjugate vaccines. However, the high tendency for hydrolysis of disuccinimidyl linkers hampers their extensive purification, which unavoidably results in side-reactions and non-pure glycoconjugates. In this paper, conjugation of 3-aminopropyl saccharides via disuccinimidyl glutarate (DSG) was exploited for the synthesis of glycoconjugates. A model protein, ribonuclease A (RNase A), was first considered to set up the conjugation strategy with mono- to tri- mannose saccharides. Through a detailed characterization of synthetized glycoconjugates, purification protocols and conjugation conditions have been revised and optimized with a dual aim: ensure high sugar-loading and avoid the presence of side reaction products. An alternative purification approach based on hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) allowed the formation of glutaric acid conjugates to be avoided, and a design of experiment (DoE) approach led to optimal glycan loading. Once its suitability was proven, the developed conjugation strategy was applied to the chemical glycosylation of two recombinant antigens, native Ag85B and its variant Ag85B-dm, that are candidate carriers for the development of a novel antitubercular vaccine. Pure glycoconjugates (≥99.5%) were obtained. Altogether, the results suggest that, with an adequate protocol, conjugation via disuccinimidyl linkers can be a valuable approach to produce high sugar-loaded and well-defined glycovaccines

    Immobilized enzyme reactors based on nucleoside phosphorylases and 2′-deoxyribosyltransferase for the in-flow synthesis of pharmaceutically relevant nucleoside analogues

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    In this work, a mono- and a bi-enzymatic analytical immobilized enzyme reactors (IMERs) were developed as prototypes for biosynthetic purposes and their performances in the in-flow synthesis of nucleoside analogues of pharmaceutical interest were evaluated. Two biocatalytic routes based on nucleoside 2′-deoxyribosyltransferase from Lactobacillus reuteri (LrNDT) and uridine phosphorylase from Clostridium perfrigens (CpUP)/purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Aeromonas hydrophila (AhPNP) were investigated in the synthesis of 2′-deoxy, 2′,3′-dideoxy and arabinonucleoside derivatives. LrNDT-IMER catalyzed the synthesis of 5-fluoro-2′-deoxyuridine and 5-iodo-2′-deoxyuridine in 65–59% conversion yield, while CpUP/AhPNP-IMER provided the best results for the preparation of arabinosyladenine (60% conversion yield). Both IMERs proved to be promising alternatives to chemical routes for the synthesis of nucleoside analogues. The developed in-flow system represents a powerful tool for the fast production on analytical scale of nucleosides for preliminary biological tests

    Immobilized trypsin systems coupled on-line to separation methods: recent developments and analytical applications

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    The ability to rapidly and efficiently digest and identify an unknown protein is of great utility for proteome studies. Identification of proteins via peptide mapping is generally accomplished through proteolytic digestion with enzymes such as trypsin. Limitations of this approach consist in manual sample manipulation steps and extended reaction times for proteolytic digestion. The use of immobilized trypsin for cleavage of proteins is advantageous in comparison with application of its soluble form. Enzymes can be immobilized on different supports and used in flow systems such as immobilized enzyme reactors (IMERs). This review reports applications of immobilized trypsin reactors in which the IMER has been integrated into separation systems such as reversed-phase liquid chromatography or capillary electrophoresis, prior to MS analysis. Immobilization procedures including supports, mode of integration into separation systems, and methods are described
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