607 research outputs found

    Bee assemblage (Hymenoptera, Apidae) of an area of natural grasslands in Vila Velha State Park and comparisons with bee surveys in other Brazilian areas of grasslands and cerrado

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    A assemblĂ©ia de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apidae) de uma ĂĄrea restrita de campos naturais do Parque Estadual de Vila Velha, ParanĂĄ e comparaçÔes com ĂĄreas de campos e cerrado. Foram realizadas coletas sistemĂĄticas de abelhas em uma ĂĄrea restrita no Parque Estadual de Vila Velha, ParanĂĄ, no perĂ­odo de outubro de 2003 a setembro de 2004. Essa amostragem visou gerar subsĂ­dios para comparaçÔes entre ĂĄreas de campo dentro do Parque e com outras ĂĄreas de vegetação aberta brasileiras. A ĂĄrea de estudo possui cerca de quatro hectares e foi subdividida em quatro subĂĄreas contĂ­nuas e com o mesmo perĂ­metro. As abelhas em flores e em vĂŽo foram capturadas com auxĂ­lio de rede entomolĂłgica. Foram coletados 1.459 espĂ©cimes pertencentes a 122 espĂ©cies de abelhas. Estas espĂ©cies estĂŁo distribuĂ­das em 51 gĂȘneros, 20 tribos e cinco subfamĂ­lias. As plantas visitadas correspondem a 93 espĂ©cies, pertencentes a 62 gĂȘneros e 29 famĂ­lias. Neste estudo e em outro estudo realizado anteriormente em outra ĂĄrea do Parque foram coletadas 222 espĂ©cies sendo 74 espĂ©cies em comum as duas ĂĄreas e uma soma de 148 espĂ©cies restritas a uma ou outra ĂĄrea. Ainda, registros histĂłricos de abelhas para Vila Velha elevam a riqueza conhecida para 261 espĂ©cies. O Ă­ndice de similaridade de Morisita entre as ĂĄreas foi de 0,50 quando utilizadas as plantas como variĂĄveis e 0,88 quando utilizados gĂȘneros e espĂ©cies de abelhas, revelando uma notĂĄvel heterogeneidade. ComparaçÔes entre as ĂĄreas do Parque Estadual de Vila Velha e ĂĄreas de campos e cerrado foram realizadas atravĂ©s do Ă­ndice de similaridade e da anĂĄlise de correspondĂȘncia. Foram observados dois agrupamentos fortemente evidentes, referentes aos campos e ao cerrado. A anĂĄlise de correspondĂȘncia sugere que alguns gĂȘneros podem ser relacionados a determinadas formaçÔes vegetais. Esse estudo indica que a fauna de abelhas de Vila Velha Ă© composta principalmente por gĂȘneros relacionados Ă s ĂĄreas de campos, porĂ©m com presença de elementos de cerrado.Systematic samplings of bees were conducted at a site in Vila Velha State Park, ParanĂĄ state, Brazil, from October 2003 to September 2004. This study aimed at gathering data to compare the bee fauna of grassland sites of Vila Velha with other Brazilian bee assemblages from areas covered with open plant formations. The study area has four hectares and was subdivided in four contiguous subareas of one hectare each for sampling purposes. Bees visiting flowers or in flight were captured with entomological nets. A total of 1.459 specimens, belonging to 122 bee species, 51 genera, 20 tribes and five subfamilies, were collected. The bees visited a total of 93 plant species belonging to 62 genera and 29 families. Summing the present assemblage with that from a previous study in another site at the Park resulted in a total of 222 bee species, 74 of which are species shared between the two sites and 148 were found at one of the sites only. Additional data from historic samplings at Vila Velha rise the known richness to 261 species. The Morisita similarity index between the areas is 0.50 when visited plants species are used as variables and 0.88 when using bee genera and species. The fauna of Vila Velha was compared to other bee assemblages from natural grasslands and cerrado areas using similarity indexes and correspondence analysis. Two groupings, one composed by grasslands sites and the other by cerrado sites, were recovered by the analyses. Also, the correspondence analysis indicates that some bee genera are associated to specific plant formations. Based on this study, the bee fauna of Vila Velha is composed mainly by genera related to grasslands with presence of some elements from the cerrado.CNPqTesouro Naciona

    Application of Infrared Thermal Imaging in a Violinist with Temporomandibular Disorder

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    Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) consist of a group of pathologies that affect the masticatory muscles, temporomandibular joints (TMJ), and/or related structures. String instrumentalists, like many orchestra musicians, can spend hours with head postures that may influence the biomechanical behavior of the TMJ and the muscles of the craniocervicomandibular complex (CCMC). The adoption of abnormal postures acquired during performance by musicians can lead to muscular hyperactivity of the head and cervical muscles, with the possible appearance of TMD. Medical infrared thermography is a non-invasive procedure that can monitor the changes in the superficial tissue related to blood circulation and may serve as a complement to the clinical examination. The objective of this study was to use infrared thermography to evaluate, in one subject, the cutaneous thermal changes adjacent to the CCMC that occur before, during, and after playing a string instrument

    Unbiased taxonomic annotation of metagenomic samples

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    The classification of reads from a metagenomic sample using a reference taxonomy is usually based on first mapping the reads to the reference sequences and then classifying each read at a node under the lowest common ancestor of the candidate sequences in the reference taxonomy with the least classification error. However, this taxonomic annotation can be biased by an imbalanced taxonomy and also by the presence of multiple nodes in the taxonomy with the least classification error for a given read. In this article, we show that the Rand index is a better indicator of classification error than the often used area under thereceiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve andF-measure for both balanced and imbalanced reference taxonomies, and we also address the second source of bias by reducing the taxonomic annotation problem for a whole metagenomic sample to a set cover problem, for which a logarithmic approximation can be obtained in linear time and an exact solution can be obtained by integer linear programming. Experimental results with a proof-of-concept implementation of the set cover approach to taxonomic annotation in a next release of the TANGO software show that the set cover approach further reduces ambiguity in the taxonomic annotation obtained with TANGO without distorting the relative abundance profile of the metagenomic sample.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Experimental and numerical simulations of oblique extreme wave conditions in front of a breakwater's trunk and round head

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    ABSTARCT: Climate change studies already reported sea level rise as an accepted scenario, which induces changes in nearshore wave conditions. A large range of new experiences including water level, run-up, overtopping, hydrodynamic data for different wave steepnesses and directions was performed in the Leibniz UniversitÀt Hannover (LUH) wave basin for a rubble mound breakwater with a slope of 1(V):2(H). This work presents, focusing on oblique extreme wave conditions, numerical simulations of the hydrodynamics in that experiment using OpenFOAMŸ. Results of the wave generation boundary conditions and their propagation, namely elevation of the water level free-surface and velocity data at specific locations are compared and discussed with data from experimental measurements acquired by acoustic wave gauges and acoustic doppler velocimeter (ADV) / Vectrino equipment. Although an exact match between numerical and laboratory values was not reached, an appropriate incident wave angle and a reasonable amplitude of velocities and water depths was achieved and the same happened to the statistics of those values

    A assembléia de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apidae) de uma årea restrita de campos naturais do Parque Estadual de Vila Velha, Paranå e comparaçÔes com åreas de campos e cerrado

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    Systematic samplings of bees were conducted at a site in Vila Velha State Park, ParanĂĄ state, Brazil, from October 2003 to September 2004. This study aimed at gathering data to compare the bee fauna of grassland sites of Vila Velha with other Brazilian bee assemblages from areas covered with open plant formations. The study area has four hectares and was subdivided in four contiguous subareas of one hectare each for sampling purposes. Bees visiting flowers or in flight were captured with entomological nets. A total of 1.459 specimens, belonging to 122 bee species, 51 genera, 20 tribes and five subfamilies, were collected. The bees visited a total of 93 plant species belonging to 62 genera and 29 families. Summing the present assemblage with that from a previous study in another site at the Park resulted in a total of 222 bee species, 74 of which are species shared between the two sites and 148 were found at one of the sites only. Additional data from historic samplings at Vila Velha rise the known richness to 261 species. The Morisita similarity index between the areas is 0.50 when visited plants species are used as variables and 0.88 when using bee genera and species. The fauna of Vila Velha was compared to other bee assemblages from natural grasslands and cerrado areas using similarity indexes and correspondence analysis. Two groupings, one composed by grasslands sites and the other by cerrado sites, were recovered by the analyses. Also, the correspondence analysis indicates that some bee genera are associated to specific plant formations. Based on this study, the bee fauna of Vila Velha is composed mainly by genera related to grasslands with presence of some elements from the cerrado.A assemblĂ©ia de abelhas (Hymenoptera, Apidae) de uma ĂĄrea restrita de campos naturais do Parque Estadual de Vila Velha, ParanĂĄ e comparaçÔes com ĂĄreas de campos e cerrado. Foram realizadas coletas sistemĂĄticas de abelhas em uma ĂĄrea restrita no Parque Estadual de Vila Velha, ParanĂĄ, no perĂ­odo de outubro de 2003 a setembro de 2004. Essa amostragem visou gerar subsĂ­dios para comparaçÔes entre ĂĄreas de campo dentro do Parque e com outras ĂĄreas de vegetação aberta brasileiras. A ĂĄrea de estudo possui cerca de quatro hectares e foi subdividida em quatro subĂĄreas contĂ­nuas e com o mesmo perĂ­metro. As abelhas em flores e em vĂŽo foram capturadas com auxĂ­lio de rede entomolĂłgica. Foram coletados 1.459 espĂ©cimes pertencentes a 122 espĂ©cies de abelhas. Estas espĂ©cies estĂŁo distribuĂ­das em 51 gĂȘneros, 20 tribos e cinco subfamĂ­lias. As plantas visitadas correspondem a 93 espĂ©cies, pertencentes a 62 gĂȘneros e 29 famĂ­lias. Neste estudo e em outro estudo realizado anteriormente em outra ĂĄrea do Parque foram coletadas 222 espĂ©cies sendo 74 espĂ©cies em comum as duas ĂĄreas e uma soma de 148 espĂ©cies restritas a uma ou outra ĂĄrea. Ainda, registros histĂłricos de abelhas para Vila Velha elevam a riqueza conhecida para 261 espĂ©cies. O Ă­ndice de similaridade de Morisita entre as ĂĄreas foi de 0,50 quando utilizadas as plantas como variĂĄveis e 0,88 quando utilizados gĂȘneros e espĂ©cies de abelhas, revelando uma notĂĄvel heterogeneidade. ComparaçÔes entre as ĂĄreas do Parque Estadual de Vila Velha e ĂĄreas de campos e cerrado foram realizadas atravĂ©s do Ă­ndice de similaridade e da anĂĄlise de correspondĂȘncia. Foram observados dois agrupamentos fortemente evidentes, referentes aos campos e ao cerrado. A anĂĄlise de correspondĂȘncia sugere que alguns gĂȘneros podem ser relacionados a determinadas formaçÔes vegetais. Esse estudo indica que a fauna de abelhas de Vila Velha Ă© composta principalmente por gĂȘneros relacionados Ă s ĂĄreas de campos, porĂ©m com presença de elementos de cerrado

    Wound healing and hyper-hydration - a counter intuitive model

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    Winters seminal work in the 1960s relating to providing an optimal level of moisture to aid wound healing (granulation and re-epithelialisation) has been the single most effective advance in wound care over many decades. As such the development of advanced wound dressings that manage the fluidic wound environment have provided significant benefits in terms of healing to both patient and clinician. Although moist wound healing provides the guiding management principle confusion may arise between what is deemed to be an adequate level of tissue hydration and the risk of developing maceration. In addition, the counter-intuitive model ‘hyper-hydration’ of tissue appears to frustrate the moist wound healing approach and advocate a course of intervention whereby tissue is hydrated beyond what is a normally acceptable therapeutic level. This paper discusses tissue hydration, the cause and effect of maceration and distinguishes these from hyper-hydration of tissue. The rationale is to provide the clinician with a knowledge base that allows optimisation of treatment and outcomes and explains the reasoning behind wound healing using hyper-hydration

    Do Neuro-Muscular Adaptations Occur in Endurance-Trained Boys and Men?

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    Most research on the effects of endurance training has focused on endurance training's health-related benefits and metabolic effects in both children and adults. The purpose of this study was to examine the neuromuscular effects of endurance training and to investigate whether they differ in children (9.0-12.9 years) and adults (18.4-35.6 years). Maximal isometric torque, rate of torque development (RTD), rate of muscle activation (Q30), electromechanical delay (EMD), and time to peak torque and peak RTD were determined by isokinetic dynamometry and surface electromyography (EMG) in elbow and knee flexion and extension. The subjects were 12 endurance-trained and 16 untrained boys, and 15 endurance-trained and 20 untrained men. The adults displayed consistently higher peak torque, RTD, and Q30, in both absolute and normalized values, whereas the boys had longer EMD (64.7+/-17.1 vs. 56.6+/-15.4 ms) and time to peak RTD (98.5+/-32.1 vs. 80.4+/-15.0 ms for boys and men, respectively). Q30, normalized for peak EMG amplitude, was the only observed training effect (1.95+/-1.16 vs. 1.10+/-0.67 ms for trained and untrained men, respectively). This effect could not be shown in the boys. The findings show normalized muscle strength and rate of activation to be lower in children compared with adults, regardless of training status. Because the observed higher Q30 values were not matched by corresponding higher performance measures in the trained men, the functional and discriminatory significance of Q30 remains unclear. Endurance training does not appear to affect muscle strength or rate of force development in either men or boys

    Continuation-Passing C: compiling threads to events through continuations

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    In this paper, we introduce Continuation Passing C (CPC), a programming language for concurrent systems in which native and cooperative threads are unified and presented to the programmer as a single abstraction. The CPC compiler uses a compilation technique, based on the CPS transform, that yields efficient code and an extremely lightweight representation for contexts. We provide a proof of the correctness of our compilation scheme. We show in particular that lambda-lifting, a common compilation technique for functional languages, is also correct in an imperative language like C, under some conditions enforced by the CPC compiler. The current CPC compiler is mature enough to write substantial programs such as Hekate, a highly concurrent BitTorrent seeder. Our benchmark results show that CPC is as efficient, while using significantly less space, as the most efficient thread libraries available.Comment: Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation (2012). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1202.324

    Regulation of murine airway surface liquid volume by CFTR and Ca2+-activated Cl- conductances

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    Two Cl- conductances have been described in the apical membrane of both human and murine proximal airway epithelia that are thought to play predominant roles in airway hydration: (1) CFTR, which is cAMP regulated and (2) the Ca2+-activated Cl- conductance (CaCC) whose molecular identity is uncertain. In addition to second messenger regulation, cross talk between these two channels may also exist and, whereas CFTR is absent or defective in cystic fibrosis (CF) airways, CaCC is preserved, and may even be up-regulated. Increased CaCC activity in CF airways is controversial. Hence, we have investigated the effects of CFTR on CaCC activity and have also assessed the relative contributions of these two conductances to airway surface liquid (ASL) height (volume) in murine tracheal epithelia. We find that CaCC is up-regulated in intact murine CF tracheal epithelia, which leads to an increase in UTP-mediated Cl-/volume secretion. This up-regulation is dependent on cell polarity and is lost in nonpolarized epithelia. We find no role for an increased electrical driving force in CaCC up-regulation but do find an increased Ca2+ signal in response to mucosal nucleotides that may contribute to the increased Cl-/volume secretion seen in intact epithelia. CFTR plays a critical role in maintaining ASL height under basal conditions and accordingly, ASL height is reduced in CF epithelia. In contrast, CaCC does not appear to significantly affect basal ASL height, but does appear to be important in regulating ASL height in response to released agonists (e.g., mucosal nucleotides). We conclude that both CaCC and the Ca2+ signal are increased in CF airway epithelia, and that they contribute to acute but not basal regulation of ASL height
