931 research outputs found

    Phenotypes and Clinical Genotypes of Bruxism Patients: A Systematic Review

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    Background. Bruxism is a phenomenon where psychological and exogenous biological factors act in greater percentage. Several genetic polymorphisms have been described in GABAA receptors, and some have been associated with motor limitations, such as the rs1805057 polymorphism of the GABRB1 gene (GABAA), which found a haplotype associated with a lower limitation in movement in acute pain processes. The aim to identify the clinical phenotypes in bruxism patients. Eligibility criteria were as follows: observational studies, case control studies, odds ratios, bruxism, patients, and a keyword search that included [[bruxism]], OR [[temporomandibular joint disorders]] OR [[sleep bruxism]], OR [[awake bruxism]], OR [[polymorphism]] or [[GABAA]], or [[serotonin]] , using the Boolean operators AND, OR and NOT. Were included 210 identified records in databases; 50 records from other sources; 117 records were deleted after determining they were duplicates; 42 studies were included in qualitative synthesis ; finally, who met inclusion requirements 5 studies were included in synthesis. The comparison of global DNA methylation profiles in patients with bruxism shows a possible genetic influence on their etiology, indicating that patients with HTR2A rs2770304 alleles are at increased risk. the HTR2A rs2770304 allele leads to an increased risk of bruxism

    Can mud (silt and clay) concentration be used to predict soil organic carbon content within seagrass ecosystems?

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    © Author(s) 2016. The emerging field of blue carbon science is seeking cost-effective ways to estimate the organic carbon content of soils that are bound by coastal vegetated ecosystems. Organic carbon (Corg) content in terrestrial soils and marine sediments has been correlated with mud content (i.e., silt and clay, particle sizes <63μm), however, empirical tests of this theory are lacking for coastal vegetated ecosystems. Here, we compiled data (n Combining double low line 1345) on the relationship between Corg and mud contents in seagrass ecosystems (79 cores) and adjacent bare sediments (21 cores) to address whether mud can be used to predict soil Corg content. We also combined these data with the ?13C signatures of the soil Corg to understand the sources of Corg stores. The results showed that mud is positively correlated with soil Corg content only when the contribution of seagrass-derived Corg to the sedimentary Corg pool is relatively low, such as in small and fast-growing meadows of the genera Zostera, Halodule and Halophila, and in bare sediments adjacent to seagrass ecosystems. In large and long-living seagrass meadows of the genera Posidonia and Amphibolis there was a lack of, or poor relationship between mud and soil Corg content, related to a higher contribution of seagrass-derived Corg to the sedimentary Corg pool in these meadows. The relatively high soil Corg contents with relatively low mud contents (e.g., mud-Corg saturation) in bare sediments and Zostera, Halodule and Halophila meadows was related to significant allochthonous inputs of terrestrial organic matter, while higher contribution of seagrass detritus in Amphibolis and Posidonia meadows disrupted the correlation expected between soil Corg and mud contents. This study shows that mud is not a universal proxy for blue carbon content in seagrass ecosystems, and therefore should not be applied generally across all seagrass habitats. Mud content can only be used as a proxy to estimate soil Corg content for scaling up purposes when opportunistic and/or low biomass seagrass species (i.e., Zostera, Halodule and Halophila) are present (explaining 34 to 91% of variability), and in bare sediments (explaining 78% of the variability). The results obtained could enable robust scaling up exercises at a low cost as part of blue carbon stock assessments

    Trypanosoma rangeli is phylogenetically closer to Old World trypanosomes than to Trypanosoma cruzi.

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this record.Trypanosoma rangeli and Trypanosoma cruzi are generalist trypanosomes sharing a wide range of mammalian hosts; they are transmitted by triatomine bugs, and are the only trypanosomes infecting humans in the Neotropics. Their origins, phylogenetic relationships, and emergence as human parasites have long been subjects of interest. In the present study, taxon-rich analyses (20 trypanosome species from bats and terrestrial mammals) using ssrRNA, glycosomal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gGAPDH), heat shock protein-70 (HSP70) and Spliced Leader RNA sequences, and multilocus phylogenetic analyses using 11 single copy genes from 15 selected trypanosomes, provide increased resolution of relationships between species and clades, strongly supporting two main sister lineages: lineage Schizotrypanum, comprising T. cruzi and bat-restricted trypanosomes, and Tra[Tve-Tco] formed by T. rangeli, Trypanosoma vespertilionis and Trypanosoma conorhini clades. Tve comprises European T. vespertilionis and African T. vespertilionis-like of bats and bat cimicids characterised in the present study and Trypanosoma sp. Hoch reported in monkeys and herein detected in bats. Tco included the triatomine-transmitted tropicopolitan T. conorhini from rats and the African NanDoum1 trypanosome of civet (carnivore). Consistent with their very close relationships, Tra[Tve-Tco] species shared highly similar Spliced Leader RNA structures that were highly divergent from those of Schizotrypanum. In a plausible evolutionary scenario, a bat trypanosome transmitted by cimicids gave origin to the deeply rooted Tra[Tve-Tco] and Schizotrypanum lineages, and bat trypanosomes of diverse genetic backgrounds jumped to new hosts. A long and independent evolutionary history of T. rangeli more related to Old World trypanosomes from bats, rats, monkeys and civets than to Schizotrypanum spp., and the adaptation of these distantly related trypanosomes to different niches of shared mammals and vectors, is consistent with the marked differences in transmission routes, life-cycles and host-parasite interactions, resulting in T. cruzi (but not T. rangeli) being pathogenic to humans.This study was supported by grants awarded to MMGT and EPC from CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) PROAFRICA, PROSUL and UNIVERSAL programs, CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) PNIPB, PNPD and PROTAX programs, and FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation; process 2016/07487-0). Genome sequencing was supported by the Assembling the Tree of Life (ATOL) Project of the National Science Foundation, USA (NSF DEB-0830056), and TCC-USP (Trypanosomatid Culture Collection of the University of São Paulo) projects. OEA received PhD fellowships from CNPq (PROTAX) and COLCIENCIAS (Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation, Colombia); PAO is a postdoctoral fellow of CAPES (PNPD); LL and AGCM are supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from CAPES (PROTAX)

    Gain control network conditions in early sensory coding

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    Gain control is essential for the proper function of any sensory system. However, the precise mechanisms for achieving effective gain control in the brain are unknown. Based on our understanding of the existence and strength of connections in the insect olfactory system, we analyze the conditions that lead to controlled gain in a randomly connected network of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. We consider two scenarios for the variation of input into the system. In the first case, the intensity of the sensory input controls the input currents to a fixed proportion of neurons of the excitatory and inhibitory populations. In the second case, increasing intensity of the sensory stimulus will both, recruit an increasing number of neurons that receive input and change the input current that they receive. Using a mean field approximation for the network activity we derive relationships between the parameters of the network that ensure that the overall level of activity of the excitatory population remains unchanged for increasing intensity of the external stimulation. We find that, first, the main parameters that regulate network gain are the probabilities of connections from the inhibitory population to the excitatory population and of the connections within the inhibitory population. Second, we show that strict gain control is not achievable in a random network in the second case, when the input recruits an increasing number of neurons. Finally, we confirm that the gain control conditions derived from the mean field approximation are valid in simulations of firing rate models and Hodgkin-Huxley conductance based models

    Human Mas-related G protein-coupled receptors-X1 induce chemokine receptor 2 expression in rat dorsal root ganglia neurons and release of chemokine ligand 2 from the human LAD-2 mast cell line

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    Primate-specific Mas-related G protein-coupled receptors-X1 (MRGPR-X1) are highly enriched in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons and induce acute pain. Herein, we analyzed effects of MRGPR-X1 on serum response factors (SRF) or nuclear factors of activated T cells (NFAT), which control expression of various markers of chronic pain. Using HEK293, DRG neuron-derived F11 cells and cultured rat DRG neurons recombinantly expressing human MRGPR-X1, we found activation of a SRF reporter gene construct and induction of the early growth response protein-1 via extracellular signal-regulated kinases-1/2 known to play a significant role in the development of inflammatory pain. Furthermore, we observed MRGPR-X1-induced up-regulation of the chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) via NFAT, which is considered as a key event in the onset of neuropathic pain and, so far, has not yet been described for any endogenous neuropeptide. Up-regulation of CCR2 is often associated with increased release of its endogenous agonist chemokine ligand 2 (CCL2). We also found MRGPR-X1-promoted release of CCL2 in a human connective tissue mast cell line endogenously expressing MRGPR-X1. Thus, we provide first evidence to suggest that MRGPR-X1 induce expression of chronic pain markers in DRG neurons and propose a so far unidentified signaling circuit that enhances chemokine signaling by acting on two distinct yet functionally co-operating cell types. Given the important role of chemokine signaling in pain chronification, we propose that interruption of this signaling circuit might be a promising new strategy to alleviate chemokine-promoted pain

    Impacto de la atención clínica suministrada por los farmacéuticos a los pacientes atendidos en el servicio de Hemato-Oncología en un hospital privado en Costa Rica.

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    Introducción: El cáncer es una enfermedad que se caracteriza por el crecimiento no controlado de las células, el cual puede tratarse de muy diversas maneras. Es necesario prescribir tratamientos farmacológicos de soporte, a pacientes que sufren síndromes asociados con la enfermedad; así como premedicaciones para manejar efectos adversos de la terapia principal. Objetivo:  Evaluar el impacto del farmacéutico y de los servicios de farmacia clínica oncológica en los pacientes atendidos en el Hospital. Material y Métodos: El presente proyecto es un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte retrospectivo. La información del estudio se obtuvo de los registros clínicos electrónicos, de los pacientes tratados por cáncer y que fueron atendidos entre enero 2017 y diciembre 2019. Resultados: Se analizaron 54 expedientes, y se incluyeron en el estudio 40. El cáncer de mama y Linfoma no Hodgkin fueron los cánceres de mayor incidencia. El protocolo de premedicación más utilizado fue el que incluía dexametasona y antihistamínicos, el cual se usó en el 70.6% y 64.7% respectivamente. Se realizaron un total de 25 intervenciones a los médicos tratantes. Se destaca que se logró un 100% de aprobación de las intervenciones realizadas por el farmacéutico del servicio de hemato-oncología. La mayoría de las intervenciones fueron recomendaciones de terapia de soporte, seguido por intervenciones debido a las interacciones detectadas.  Conclusiones: En este estudio se evidencia la utilidad del farmacéutico clínico como parte del equipo multidisciplinario que aborda a los pacientes, con el fin de optimizar el tratamiento farmacológico asegurando la seguridad y eficacia de los medicamentos

    Impacto de la atención clínica suministrada por los farmacéuticos a los pacientes atendidos en el servicio de Hemato-Oncología en un hospital privado en Costa Rica.

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    Introducción: El cáncer es una enfermedad que se caracteriza por el crecimiento no controlado de las células, el cual puede tratarse de muy diversas maneras. Es necesario prescribir tratamientos farmacológicos de soporte, a pacientes que sufren síndromes asociados con la enfermedad; así como premedicaciones para manejar efectos adversos de la terapia principal. Objetivo:  Evaluar el impacto del farmacéutico y de los servicios de farmacia clínica oncológica en los pacientes atendidos en el Hospital. Material y Métodos: El presente proyecto es un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte retrospectivo. La información del estudio se obtuvo de los registros clínicos electrónicos, de los pacientes tratados por cáncer y que fueron atendidos entre enero 2017 y diciembre 2019. Resultados: Se analizaron 54 expedientes, y se incluyeron en el estudio 40. El cáncer de mama y Linfoma no Hodgkin fueron los cánceres de mayor incidencia. El protocolo de premedicación más utilizado fue el que incluía dexametasona y antihistamínicos, el cual se usó en el 70.6% y 64.7% respectivamente. Se realizaron un total de 25 intervenciones a los médicos tratantes. Se destaca que se logró un 100% de aprobación de las intervenciones realizadas por el farmacéutico del servicio de hemato-oncología. La mayoría de las intervenciones fueron recomendaciones de terapia de soporte, seguido por intervenciones debido a las interacciones detectadas.  Conclusiones: En este estudio se evidencia la utilidad del farmacéutico clínico como parte del equipo multidisciplinario que aborda a los pacientes, con el fin de optimizar el tratamiento farmacológico asegurando la seguridad y eficacia de los medicamentos

    El cómic es cosa seria. El cómic como mediación para la enseñanza en la educación superior Caso Universidad Nacional, Universidad de Medellín y Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

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    El problema planteado en esta investigación es estudiar el posible uso del cómiccomo mediación para la enseñanza en la educación superior. Su objetivo es establecerlas condiciones y características que debe tener el cómic para enseñar. El trabajoconsidera una muestra referenciada de informantes, y se desarrolla por medio deobservaciones, entrevistas en profundidad, redacción de diarios de campo y estudio defuentes documentales. Las principales conclusiones son que el cómic tiene potencialdidáctico, que ha sido poco utilizado para enseñar, y que las instituciones de educaciónsuperior deben propiciar su uso, e investigar para validar este potencial. Se plantea unapropuesta didáctica para fomentar la utilización del cómic en la educación superior.Los tres proponentes de esta investigación son docentes y utilizan la imagen en suslabores educativas

    Lattice Boltzmann simulations of soft matter systems

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    This article concerns numerical simulations of the dynamics of particles immersed in a continuum solvent. As prototypical systems, we consider colloidal dispersions of spherical particles and solutions of uncharged polymers. After a brief explanation of the concept of hydrodynamic interactions, we give a general overview over the various simulation methods that have been developed to cope with the resulting computational problems. We then focus on the approach we have developed, which couples a system of particles to a lattice Boltzmann model representing the solvent degrees of freedom. The standard D3Q19 lattice Boltzmann model is derived and explained in depth, followed by a detailed discussion of complementary methods for the coupling of solvent and solute. Colloidal dispersions are best described in terms of extended particles with appropriate boundary conditions at the surfaces, while particles with internal degrees of freedom are easier to simulate as an arrangement of mass points with frictional coupling to the solvent. In both cases, particular care has been taken to simulate thermal fluctuations in a consistent way. The usefulness of this methodology is illustrated by studies from our own research, where the dynamics of colloidal and polymeric systems has been investigated in both equilibrium and nonequilibrium situations.Comment: Review article, submitted to Advances in Polymer Science. 16 figures, 76 page