119 research outputs found

    Traffic Noise and the Hyperbolic Plane

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    We consider the problem of sound propagation in a wind. We note that the rays, as in the absence of a wind, are given by Fermat's principle and show how to map them to the trajectories of a charged particle moving in a magnetic field on a curved space. For the specific case of sound propagating in a stratified atmosphere with a small wind speed we show that the corresponding particle moves in a constant magnetic field on the hyperbolic plane. In this way we give a simple `straightedge and compass' method to estimate the intensity of sound upwind and downwind. We construct Mach envelopes for moving sources. Finally, we relate the problem to that of finding null geodesics in a squashed anti-de Sitter spacetime and discuss the SO(3,1)Ă—RSO(3,1)\times \mathbb{R} symmetry of the problem from this point of view.Comment: Typos correcte

    Symmetry Constraints and the Electronic Structures of a Quantum Dot with Thirteen Electrons

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    The symmetry constraints imposing on the quantum states of a dot with 13 electrons has been investigated. Based on this study, the favorable structures (FSs) of each state has been identified. Numerical calculations have been performed to inspect the role played by the FSs. It was found that, if a first-state has a remarkably competitive FS, this FS would be pursued and the state would be crystal-like and have a specific core-ring structure associated with the FS. The magic numbers are found to be closely related to the FSs.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Twistor geometry of a pair of second order ODEs

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    We discuss the twistor correspondence between path geometries in three dimensions with vanishing Wilczynski invariants and anti-self-dual conformal structures of signature (2,2)(2, 2). We show how to reconstruct a system of ODEs with vanishing invariants for a given conformal structure, highlighting the Ricci-flat case in particular. Using this framework, we give a new derivation of the Wilczynski invariants for a system of ODEs whose solution space is endowed with a conformal structure. We explain how to reconstruct the conformal structure directly from the integral curves, and present new examples of systems of ODEs with point symmetry algebra of dimension four and greater which give rise to anti--self--dual structures with conformal symmetry algebra of the same dimension. Some of these examples are (2,2)(2, 2) analogues of plane wave space--times in General Relativity. Finally we discuss a variational principle for twistor curves arising from the Finsler structures with scalar flag curvature.Comment: Final version to appear in the Communications in Mathematical Physics. The procedure of recovering a system of torsion-fee ODEs from the heavenly equation has been clarified. The proof of Prop 7.1 has been expanded. Dedicated to Mike Eastwood on the occasion of his 60th birthda

    Confronting Finsler space-time with experiment

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    Within all approaches to quantum gravity small violations of the Einstein Equivalence Principle are expected. This includes violations of Lorentz invariance. While usually violations of Lorentz invariance are introduced through the coupling to additional tensor fields, here a Finslerian approach is employed where violations of Lorentz invariance are incorporated as an integral part of the space-time metrics. Within such a Finslerian framework a modified dispersion relation is derived which is confronted with current high precision experiments. As a result, Finsler type deviations from the Minkowskian metric are excluded with an accuracy of 10^{-16}.Comment: To be published in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Gravitational deflection of light in Rindler-type potential as a possible resolution to the observations of Bullet Cluster 1E0657-558

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    The surface density ÎŁ\Sigma-map and the convergence Îş\kappa-map of Bullet Cluster 1E0657-558 show that the center of baryonic matters separates from the center of gravitational force, and the distribution of gravitational force do not possess spherical symmetry. This hints that a modified gravity with difference to Newtonian inverse-square law at large scale, and less symmetry is worth investigating. In this paper, we study the dynamics in Randers-Finsler spacetime. The Newtonian limit and gravitational deflection of light in a Rindler-type potential is focused in particular. It is shown that the convergence in Finsler spacetime could account for the observations of Bullet Cluster.Comment: 11 page

    Interior Regularity Estimates in High Conductivity Homogenization and Application

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    In this paper, uniform pointwise regularity estimates for the solutions of conductivity equations are obtained in a unit conductivity medium reinforced by a epsilon-periodic lattice of highly conducting thin rods. The estimates are derived only at a distance epsilon^{1+tau} (for some tau>0) away from the fibres. This distance constraint is rather sharp since the gradients of the solutions are shown to be unbounded locally in L^p as soon as p>2. One key ingredient is the derivation in dimension two of regularity estimates to the solutions of the equations deduced from a Fourier series expansion with respect to the fibres direction, and weighted by the high-contrast conductivity. The dependence on powers of epsilon of these two-dimensional estimates is shown to be sharp. The initial motivation for this work comes from imaging, and enhanced resolution phenomena observed experimentally in the presence of micro-structures. We use these regularity estimates to characterize the signature of low volume fraction heterogeneities in the fibred reinforced medium assuming that the heterogeneities stay at a distance epsilon^{1+tau} away from the fibres

    Decoherence and CPT Violation in a Stringy Model of Space-Time Foam

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    I discuss a model inspired from the string/brane framework, in which our Universe is represented as a three brane, propagating in a bulk space time punctured by D0-brane (D-particle) defects. As the D3-brane world moves in the bulk, the D-particles cross it, and from an effective observer on D3 the situation looks like a ``space-time foam'' with the defects ``flashing'' on and off (``D-particle foam''). The open strings, with their ends attached on the brane, which represent matter in this scenario, can interact with the D-particles on the D3-brane universe in a topologically non-trivial manner, involving splitting and capture of the strings by the D0-brane defects. Such processes are described by logarithmic conformal field theories on the world-sheet. Physically, they result in effective decoherence of the string matter on the D3 brane, and as a result, of CPT Violation, but of a type that implies an ill-defined nature of the effective CPT operator. Due to electric charge conservation, only electrically neutral (string) matter can exhibit such interactions with the D-particle foam. This may have unique, experimentally detectable, consequences for electrically-neutral entangled quantum matter states on the brane world, in particular the modification of the pertinent EPR Correlation of neutral mesons in a meson factory.Comment: 41 pages Latex, five eps figures incorporated. Uses special macro

    Super-Luminal Effects for Finsler Branes as a Way to Preserve the Paradigm of Relativity Theories

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    Using Finsler brane solutions [see details and methods in: S. Vacaru, Class. Quant. Grav. 28 (2011) 215001], we show that neutrinos may surpass the speed of light in vacuum which can be explained by trapping effects from gravity theories on eight dimensional (co) tangent bundles on Lorentzian manifolds to spacetimes in general and special relativity. In nonholonomic variables, the bulk gravity is described by Finsler modifications depending on velocity/ momentum coordinates. Possible super-luminal phenomena are determined by the width of locally anisotropic brane (spacetime) and induced by generating functions and integration functions and constants in coefficients of metrics and nonlinear connections. We conclude that Finsler brane gravity trapping mechanism may explain neutrino super-luminal effects and almost preserve the paradigm of Einstein relativity as the standard one for particle physics and gravity.Comment: latex2e, 15 pages, v3, accepted to: Foundations of Physics 43 (2013
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