207 research outputs found

    Aeroelastic-structural coupling in antenna prototype for windy open-space

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    The interaction between wind and an antenna prototype for the low-frequency radio telescope of the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) is experimentally tested in the wind tunnel of the Politecnico di Torino. The tests aim to predict the antenna behaviour during working conditions, i.e. mounted by means of five contact points to a metal grid on sandy ground in the Australian desert. The wind tunnel is characterised by a circular test section having a diameter equal to 3 m and a length equal to 5 m. The height and the distance between the lateral legs of the antenna are equal respectively to 2.2 m and 1.5 m. The tests were performed at increasing wind speed up to 110 km/h. The system under analysis is an aluminium antenna composed by four parts arranged in axial symmetry and each one made of fifteen rods and small plates/wire elements. A numerical parametric model of the system is developed to numerically study the dynamic behaviour of the antenna in the frequency range of interest. The model is able to handle very high modal density and closed spaced modes in multiplicity of four because of the symmetric structure as well as the different shapes of the elements forming the antenna. The wind tunnel results emphasise the fluid-structure coupling of aerodynamics modes and the critical aspects of the boundary conditions for a good prediction of the oscillations amplitudes

    Experimental research activity on additive manufacturing of microwave passive waveguide components

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    All metal passive waveguide components are key building-blocks of several RF systems used for telecommunications, navigation, imaging, radio-astronomy, and cosmology. The accurate manufacture of these devices in Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies can open the way to a high integration level of microwave functionalities with a significant cost and mass reduction. In the paper, after an introduction on the most common AM technologies with particular detail on selective laser melting (SLM) and stereo-lithography apparatus (SLA) processes, the results on the on-going research activity are discussed. Measured performances are reported for AM prototypes of Ku/K/Ka-band rectangular and circular waveguide lines, microwave filters and a smooth wall horn

    Life Fertility Tables of Piophila casei L. (Diptera: Piophilidae) Reared at Five Different Temperatures

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    Abstract Piophila casei L. or cheese skipper is a well-known fly with a controversial role: it is considered harmful in the food industries but important in nature as a detritivore and useful for studies in forensic entomology. The temperature response of P. casei was studied at five constant temperatures: 15, 19, 25, 28, and 32°C. The lowest mortality percentage of eggs was recorded at 15°C and the highest at 32°C. Conversely, less mortality was observed for maggots at higher temperatures. The developmental time from first instar to adult decreased with temperature reaching the lowest value at 32°C (13.7 d). Adult longevity was strongly affected by temperature, decreasing from 20.5 d at 15°C to 6.6 d at 32°C. Mean total fecundity per female was higher at 25°C and lower at 15 and 19°C, whereas the best performance in mean daily total fecundity per female was recorded at 32°C. Male longevity followed a similar trend to the one observed for females. The net reproductive rate (R0) was greatest at 25°C, where..

    Additive Manufacturing Technology for High Performances Feed Horn

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    In this work the design and manufacturing through selective laser melting technology of single-band dual circular feed-system operating in Ka-band is reported. In the feed design an AM oriented architecture has been employed. The measured performances confirms the good manufacturing of the system that satisfies very stringent requirements in terms of polarization purity

    Preliminary Analysis of the Effects of the Ground Plane on the Element Patterns of SKA1-Low

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    Each station of the SKA1-Low radio telescope is composed by 256 dual-polarized log-periodic antennas deployed over a metallic ground plane with 42 m diameter. This station is usually modelled in EM simulators by considering an infinite ground plane, which drastically reduces the computational time. This contribution shows that a finite ground plane can bring to quite significant differences in some embedded element patterns with respect to the infinite ground plane case. Furthermore, we show the impact on the antenna pattern of different dielectric media surrounding the finite ground plane. For instance, at 50 MHz the maximum of the antenna gain decreases by 5% for the terrain with 10% moisture level

    The BaR-SPOrt Experiment

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    BaR-SPOrt (Balloon-borne Radiometers for Sky Polarisation Observations) is an experiment to measure the linearly polarized emission of sky patches at 32 and 90 GHz with sub-degree angular resolution. It is equipped with high sensitivity correlation polarimeters for simultaneous detection of both the U and Q stokes parameters of the incident radiation. On-axis telescope is used to observe angular scales where the expected polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMBP) peaks. This project shares most of the know-how and sophisticated technology developed for the SPOrt experiment onboard the International Space Station. The payload is designed to flight onboard long duration stratospheric balloons both in the Northern and Southern hemispheres where low foreground emission sky patches are accessible. Due to the weakness of the expected CMBP signal (in the range of microK), much care has been spent to optimize the instrument design with respect to the systematics generation, observing time efficiency and long term stability. In this contribution we present the instrument design, and first tests on some components of the 32 GHz radiometer.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation (Polaimetry in Astronomy) Hawaii August 2002 SPIE Meetin

    Characteristic Mode Analysis of Multi-Octave Asymmetric Dipoles

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    This paper discusses the impedance and front-to-back ratio performance of asymmetric dipoles. These parameters are very important when the antennas are placed over a conductive ground plane and should operate over multi-octave frequency bands. The operation of these antennas is usually described relying on analogies with more classical structures such as symmetric dipoles and tapered slot antennas. To provide a solid theoretical background to this intuition, this work presents the application of characteristic mode analysis to multi-octave dipole antennas. Firstly, a brief review of the main characteristic mode content is presented. Then, characteristic mode analysis is applied to three antenna concepts to emphasize how their geometry impacts on the relevant figures of merit. This allows to draw some conclusions on the achievable performance by different designs

    A prototype model for evaluating SKA-LOW station calibration

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    The Square Kilometre Array telescope at low-frequency (SKA-Low) will be a phased array telescope supporting a wide range of science cases covering the frequency band 50 - 350 MHz, while at the same time asking for high sensitivity and excellent characteristics. These extremely challenging requirements resulted in a design using 512 groups of 256 log periodic dual polarized antennas each (where each group is called “station”), for a total of 131072 antennas. The 512 stations are randomly distributed mostly within a dense area around the centre of the SKA-Low, and then in 3 arms having 16 station clusters each. In preparation for the SKA Phase 1 (SKA1) System Critical Design Review (CDR), prototype stations were deployed at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory (MRO) site (Western Australia) near the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope. The project involved multiple parties in an International collaboration building and testing different prototypes of the SKA1-Low station near the actual site. This resulted in both organisational and logistic challenges typical of a deployment of the actual telescope. The test set-up involved a phased build-up of the complex station of log-periodic antennas, by starting from the deployment of 48 antennas and related station signal processing (called AAVS1.5, where AAVS stands for Aperture Array Verification System), followed by expansion to a full station (AAVS2.0). As reference a station with dipole antennas EDA2 (EDA: Engineering Development Array) was deployed. This test set-up was used for an extensive test and evaluation programme. All test antenna configurations were simulated in detail by electromagnetic (EM) models, and the prediction of the models was further verified by appropriate tests with a drone-based radio frequency source. Astronomical observations on Sun and galaxy transit were performed with calibrated stations of both EDA2, AAVS1.5 and AAVS2.0. All 3 configurations were calibrated. EM modelling and calibration results for the full station AAVS2.0 and EM verification for the AAVS1.5 station are presented. The comparisons between the behaviour of the log-periodic antennas and the dipoles have advanced our understanding the calibration quality and the technological maturity of the future SKA1-Low array

    Comparison between Measured and Simulated Antenna Patterns for a LOFAR LBA array

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    A UAV-based system has been employed for a measurement campaign on a station of the radio telescope LOFAR to characterize the individual Low Band Antenna patterns. The experimental set-up has been then simulated with a full-wave software and numerical embedded element patterns have been compared to the measured results. A statistical analysis of the differences between the two data sets has been finally carried out to estimate the accuracy of the electromagnetic model

    Electromagnetic Design of Broadband Antenna Feed Systems for the Northern Cross Radio Telescope

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    This contribution deals with the design and implementation of broadband antenna feed systems for the cylindrical offset parabolic reflector of the Northern Cross radio telescope, in the framework of the Square Kilometer Array Design Study (SKADS-FP6) project. Such feed systems have to maintain a proper radiation pattern as well as a good matching condition in the operative frequency band (120-430 MHz) in order to efficiently feed the main reflector. This task is not trivial since more than octave bandwidths are required. Several feed system designs have been carried out on the basis of different architectures such as log periodic antenna arrays, linear arrays of fat dipoles and branched Vivaldi (tapered slot) radiators inside a wired subreflector. Each configuration provides a different trade-off between electrical performance and manufacturing complexity. The most significant computed and experimental results are discussed. Some of the proposed configurations have already been mounted on the Northern Cross Radio Telescope. The adopted mechanical and electronic solutions such as wiring, canalization, amplifier housing and protection are reported. A preliminary study on the application of Focal Plane Arrays on the E/W Arm is also discussed
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