79 research outputs found

    Lower-Body Strength Relationships with Sprint, Jump, and Sport-Specific Skill Performance in High School Girls Softball Players

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 17(4): 86-98, 2024. Softball athletes require multiple fitness traits (e.g., strength, speed, power) and sport-specific skills (e.g., hitting, throwing) for success. Lower-body strength could underpin these qualities; this has received little analysis among high school female athletes. This research investigated correlations between absolute and relative lower-body strength with age, linear speed, lower-body power, and throwing and hitting velocity in high school girls softball athletes. Archival data collected from 34 high school girls softball players (age=14.91±1.00 years; height=1.66±0.07 m; body mass=63.21±9.59 kg) from a private strength and conditioning facility was analyzed. The data included: age, height, and body mass; 0-9.14 and 0-18.29 m sprint interval times; standing broad jump (SBJ) distance (lower-body power); batted ball exit (i.e., hitting) and throwing velocity; and absolute and relative three-repetition maximum (3RM) front squat and hexagonal bar deadlift (HBD). Pearson’s correlations (p\u3c0.05) derived relationships between absolute and relative strength with the fitness and sport-specific tests. The results indicated significant relationships between the 3RM HBD with age (r=0.389) and hitting velocity (r=0.418). The 3RM front squat related to the SBJ (r=0.422) and hitting velocity (r=0.457). Relative 3RM HBD correlated with the 0-18.29 m sprint interval (r=–0.349). These results suggested that a strength and conditioning program that improves the lower-body strength of high school girls softball players could contribute to faster sprinting speed, further horizontal jumps, and greater hitting velocity. The results from this study highlights the value of strength enhancement in high school girls softball athletes and provides support for strength and conditioning program provision for these individuals

    Measurement driven quantum evolution

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    We study the problem of mapping an unknown mixed quantum state onto a known pure state without the use of unitary transformations. This is achieved with the help of sequential measurements of two non-commuting observables only. We show that the overall success probability is maximized in the case of measuring two observables whose eigenstates define mutually unbiased bases. We find that for this optimal case the success probability quickly converges to unity as the number of measurement processes increases and that it is almost independent of the initial state. In particular, we show that to guarantee a success probability close to one the number of consecutive measurements must be larger than the dimension of the Hilbert space. We connect these results to quantum copying, quantum deleting and entanglement generation.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    A Preliminary Comparison of Firefighter Candidates\u27 Biddle Physical Ability Test Performance and Success Based on Training Class Participation

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 15(4): 1627-1640, 2022. The Biddle Physical Ability Test (BPAT) was developed to identify candidates who possess the physical ability to become structural firefighters. The test must be completed in ≤ 9:34 min:s before a candidate is admitted to an academy. Some community colleges offer semester-long training classes for candidates. This study analyzed whether candidates who completed a training class could perform the BPAT more effectively. Retrospective analysis of 30 males and 2 females who attempted the BPAT was conducted. BPAT tasks were: dry and charged hose drag; halyard raise, roof walk, and attic crawl; roof ventilation and victim removal; ladder removal and carry; stair climb with hose bundle; crawling search and tower exit; stair climb with air bottles; hose hoist; and return to ground floor with air bottles. Independent samples t-tests or Mann-Whitney U tests (p \u3c 0.05) and effect sizes calculated BPAT time differences between candidates who completed a training class or not. Twenty-nine candidates passed the BPAT; 6 completed a training class. The 3 candidates (2 males, 1 female) who failed did not complete a class. There were no significant between-group differences in BPAT times (p = 0.054-0.829). There were moderate effects for faster roof ventilation and victim removal, ladder removal and carry, and hose hoist times for candidates who attended a class (d = 0.74-0.95). While training classes may not be necessary for all candidates, physically demanding BPAT tasks were finished faster by candidates who completed a class. For candidates who find the BPAT physicality difficult, participation in a task-specific fitness and skills class may prove beneficial

    Water Harvesting and Soil Water Retention Practices for Forage Production in Degraded Areas in Arid Lands of Mexico

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    The area under arid conditions in Mexico is greater than 50%. This area faces a high risk due to environmental effects. The soil degradation in arid, semi‐arid, and dry sub‐humid areas is of multi‐causal nature, among which climatic and anthropogenic factors stand out. At least, three distinct elements with different effects may be considered: recurrent droughts in short periods, long‐term climate fluctuations, and degradation of soils by human activities. These threaten the productivity and sustainability of ecosystems and agro‐ecosystems. Thus, it is needed to maintain a constant exploration of new and more appropriate technologies that promote the efficient use of natural resources, in a framework of greater sustainability. Many of these technologies are focused toward better management of water and soil resources in production systems. Water management is oriented with rainwater harvesting, efficient irrigation systems, as well as soil moisture retention techniques, and the use of plant species tolerant to water stress. Planting of native species and using soil improvers of edaphic moisture retention can enhance reclamation (recovery) of degraded soils. The aim of this chapter is to show and discuss some experimental results using the above technologies applied to rangelands with degraded soils in dry lands

    Incidencia y vinculación

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    El PAP de migración en Jalisco tiene como propósito trabajar con organizaciones que apoyan personas migrantes y refugiadas, promoviendo sus derechos y mejorando las condiciones de sus procesos. El equipo de incidencia, se enfoca en la creación de espacios de trabajo y discusión que tienen como objetivo incidir en los procesos de movilidad humana en el estado. Continúa con el trabajo del semestre de primavera para la mejora de la Propuesta Ley de Retorno así como la participación del equipo en el Ciclo de la Comunidad Solidaria. Retoma una propuesta del PRAMI de 2019 para crear jornadas de diálogo de Sociedad Civil con actores de gobierno y organizaciones. En este periodo era fundamental realizar una sesión de trabajo para la Propuesta de Ley de Retorno, apoyo de investigación para la comunidad solidaria y producir una propuesta inicial para las jornadas de diálogo. Elegimos enfocar la mayoría de los esfuerzos a la mejora de la Propuesta de Ley de Retorno debido a la presión de tiempo causada por el próximo periodo electoral. Paralelamente distintos integrantes del equipo realizaban actividades relacionadas a los otros proyectos. El equipo presenta cómo productos principales una lista de propuestas de mejora para la Propuesta Ley de Retorno, directorios de organizaciones que tratan el tema de movilidad humana en Jalisco, infografías para la Comunidad Solidaria y la propuesta inicial para las jornadas de diálogo las cuáles se llevarán a cabo en el periodo de Otoño de este PAP.ITESO, A.C

    Measurement of the refractive index by using a rectangular cell with a fs-laser engraved diffraction grating inner wall

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    A very simple method to obtain the refractive index of liquids by using a rectangular glass cell and a diffraction grating engraved by fs laser ablation on the inner face of one of the walls of the cell is presented. When a laser beam impinges normally on the diffraction grating, the diffraction orders are deviated when they pass through the cell filled with the liquid to be measured. By measuring the deviation of the diffraction orders, we can determine the refractive index of the liquid

    Diagnóstico sobre el estado y vigencia de los derechos humanos en el sur de Jalisco: DESCA, seguridad pública y participación ciudadana

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    Los trabajos que se presentan en este diagnóstico versan sobre la situación de los derechos económicos, sociales, culturales y ambientales del Sur de Jalisco. Para realizarlo se hizo el diseño de un cuestionario de 131 reactivos, el cual se aplicó en población abierta de 16 municipios de la región durante un periodo de siete meses. La investigación arrojó información valiosa para medir el cumplimiento de los derechos en cinco dimensiones: capacidades humanas básicas; sustentabilidad y medio ambiente; autonomía, participación ciudadana y gobierno local; seguridad pública y sistema de justicia, así como una dimensión sociocultural (discriminación, género y cultura). Una vez que se obtuvo toda la información, se hizo el análisis de las cinco dimensiones y se redactaron cinco textos de divulgación, los cuales constituyen la parte medular de este diagnóstico.ITESO, A.C.John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundatio