825 research outputs found

    Clustering of red Galaxies near the Radio-loud Quasar 1335.8+2834 at z=1.1

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    We have obtained new deep optical and near-infrared images of the field of the radio-loud quasar 1335.8+2834 at z=1.086z=1.086 where an excess in the surface number density of galaxies was reported by Hutchings et al. [AJ, 106, 1324] from optical data. We found a significant clustering of objects with very red optical-near infrared colors, 4â‰ČR−Kâ‰Č64 \lesssim R-K \lesssim 6 and 3â‰ČI−Kâ‰Č53 \lesssim I-K \lesssim 5 near the quasar. The colors and magnitudes of the reddest objects are consistent with those of old (12 Gyr old at z=0) passively-evolving elliptical galaxies seen at z=1.1z=1.1, clearly defining a `red envelope' like that found in galaxy clusters at similar or lower redshifts. This evidence strongly suggests that the quasar resides in a moderately-rich cluster of galaxies (richness-class ≄0\geq 0). There is also a relatively large fraction of objects with moderately red colors (3.5<R−K<4.53.5 < R-K < 4.5) which have a distribution on the sky similar to that of the reddest objects. They may be interpreted as cluster galaxies with some recent or on-going star formation.Comment: 14 pages text, 5 PostScript figures, 1 GIF figure, and 1 combined PS file. Accepted for ApJ, Letter

    A Rich Cluster of Galaxies Near the Quasar B2 1335+28 at z=1.1: Color Distribution and Star-Formation Properties

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    We previously reported a significant clustering of red galaxies (R-K=3.5--6) around the radio-loud quasar B2 1335+28 at z=1.086. In this paper, we establish the existence of a rich cluster at the quasar redshift, and study the properties of the cluster galaxies through further detailed analysis of the photometric data. The color distribution of the galaxies in the cluster is quite broad and the fraction of blue galaxies (\sim 70%) is much larger than in intermediate-redshift clusters. Using evolutionary synthesis models, we show that this color distribution can be explained by galaxies with various amounts of star-formation activity mixed with the old stellar populations. Notably, there are about a dozen galaxies which show very red optical-NIR colors but also show significant UV excess with respect to passive-evolution models. They can be interpreted as old early-type galaxies with a small amount of star formation. The fact that the UV-excess red galaxies are more abundant than the quiescent red ones suggests that a large fraction of old galaxies in this cluster are still forming stars to some extent. However, a sequence of quiescent red galaxies is clearly identified on the R-K versus K color-magnitude (C-M) diagram. The slope and zero point of their C-M relation appear to be consistent with those expected for the precursors of the C-M relation of present-day cluster ellipticals when observed at z=1.1. We estimate the Abell richness class of the cluster to be R \sim 1. New X-ray data presented here place an upper limit of L_x < 2 10^{44} erg s^{-1} for the cluster luminosity. Inspections of the wider optical images reveal some lumpy structure, suggesting that the whole system is still dynamically young.Comment: 54 pages including 13 Postscript figures, 1 jpg figure, and 1 table, uses aasms4.sty and epsf.sty. Accepted for publication in ApJ: Replaced as the older verison was missed to include the figure 2c, 2d, and figure

    B3 0003+387: AGN Marked Large-Scale Structure at z=1.47?

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    We present evidence for a significant overdensity of red galaxies, as much as a factor of 14 over comparable field samples, in the field of the z=1.47 radio galaxy B3 0003+387. The colors and luminosities of the brightest red galaxies are consistent with their being at z>0.8. The radio galaxy and one of the red galaxies are separated by 5" and show some evidence of a possible interaction. However, the red galaxies do not show any strong clustering around the radio galaxy nor around any of the brighter red galaxies. The data suggest that we are looking at a wall or sheet of galaxies, possibly associated with the radio galaxy at z=1.47. Spectroscopic redshifts of these red galaxies will be necessary to confirm this large-scale structure.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX2e/AASTeX v5.0.2. The full photometric catalog is included as a separate deluxetable file. To appear in the Astronomical Journal (~Nov 00

    Cooling Flow Star Formation and the Apparent Stellar Ages of Elliptical Galaxies

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    Observational constraints and theoretical arguments indicate that cooled interstellar gas in bright elliptical galaxies forms into a young stellar population throughout the region within the half-light radius. The young population has a bottom-heavy, but optically luminous IMF extending to 1 - 2 M_sun. When the colors and spectral features of this young population are combined with those of the underlying old stellar population, the apparent ages are significantly reduced, similar to the relatively young apparent ages observed in many ellipticals. Galactic mergers are not required to resupply young stars. The sensitivity of continuous star formation to L_B and L_x/L_B is likely to account for the observed spread in apparent ages among elliptical galaxies. Local star formation is accompanied by enhanced stellar H_beta equivalent widths, stronger optical emission lines, enhanced thermal X-ray emission and lower apparent temperatures in the hot gas. The young stars should cause M/L to vary with galactic radius, perturbing the fundamental plane occupied by the old stars.Comment: 6 pages with 2 figures; accepted by Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Cluster Galaxy Evolution from a New Sample of Galaxy Clusters at 0.3 < z < 0.9

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    (Abridged) We analyze photometry and spectroscopy of a sample of 63 clusters at 0.3<z<0.9 drawn from the Las Campanas Distant Cluster Survey to empirically constrain models of cluster galaxy evolution. Specifically, by combining data on our clusters with those from the literature we parametrize the redshift dependence of 1) M*_I in the observed frame; 2) the V-I color of the E/S0 red sequence in the observed frames; and 3) the I-K' color of the E/S0 red sequence in the observed frame. Using the peak surface brightness of the cluster detection, S, as a proxy for cluster mass, we find no correlation between S and M* or the location of the red envelope in V-I. We suggest that these observations can be explained with a model in which luminous early type galaxies (or more precisely, the progenitors of current day luminous early type galaxies) form the bulk of their stellar populations at high redshift (>~ 5) and in which many of these galaxies, if not all, accrete mass either in the form of evolved stellar populations or gas that causes only a short term episode of star formation at lower redshifts (1.5 < z < 2). Our data are too crude to reach conclusions regarding the evolutionary state of any particular cluster or to investigate whether the morphological evolution of galaxies matches the simple scenario we discuss, but the statistical nature of this study suggests that the observed evolutionary trends are universal in massive clusters.Comment: 35 pages, accepted for publication in Ap

    Extremely Red Objects in the Field of QSO 1213-0017: A Galaxy Concentration at z=1.31

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    We have discovered a concentration of extremely red objects (EROs; R-K>6) in the field of the z=2.69 quasar QSO 1213-0017 (UM 485), which is significantly overabundant compared to the field ERO surface density. The optical/near-IR colors of the EROs and numerous other red galaxies in this field are consistent with elliptical galaxies at z=1-2. HST optical images for a subset of galaxies show regular morphologies, most of them being disky or diffuse and without any obvious evidence for interactions. Ground-based IR images show similar morphologies, indicating any dust reddening in these objects is spatially uniform. Optical spectroscopy with the W. M. Keck Telescope has found that four of the red galaxies lie at =1.31, and a fifth lies in the foreground at z=1.20. Of the =1.31 galaxies, one is a reddened AGN while the remaining three have rest-frame UV absorption-line spectra characteristic of old (few Gyr) stellar populations, similar to the old red galaxy LBDS 53W091 at z=1.55. Including the MgII absorber seen in the QSO spectrum, we find five galaxies at =1.31 spread over 1.5 h_50^{-1} Mpc on the sky. These results suggest we have discovered a coherent structure of old galaxies at high-redshift, possibly associated with a massive galaxy cluster.Comment: 37 pages including 11 Postscript figures. To appear in the June 2000 issue of the Astronomical Journa

    HST Photometry and Keck Spectroscopy of the Rich Cluster MS1054-03: Morphologies, Butcher-Oemler Effect and the Color-Magnitude Relation at z=0.83

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    We present a study of 81 I selected, spectroscopically-confirmed members of the X-ray cluster MS1054-03 at z=0.83. Redshifts and spectral types were determined from Keck spectroscopy. Morphologies and accurate colors were determined from a large mosaic of HST WFPC2 images in F606W and F814W. Early-type galaxies constitute only 44% of this galaxy population. Thirty-nine percent are spiral galaxies, and 17% are mergers. The early-type galaxies follow a tight and well-defined color-magnitude relation, with the exception of a few outliers. The observed scatter is 0.029 +- 0.005 magnitudes in restframe U-B. Most of the mergers lie close to the CM relation defined by the early-type galaxies. They are bluer by only 0.07 +- 0.02 magnitudes, and the scatter in their colors is 0.07 +- 0.04 magnitudes. Spiral galaxies in MS1054-03 exhibit a large range in their colors. The bluest spiral galaxies are 0.7 magnitudes bluer than the early-type galaxies, but the majority is within +- 0.2 magnitudes of the early-type galaxy sequence. The red colors of the mergers and the majority of the spiral galaxies are reflected in the fairly low Butcher-Oemler blue fraction of MS1054-03: f_B=0.22 +- 0.05. The slope and scatter of the CM relation of early-type galaxies are roughly constant with redshift, confirming previous studies that were based on ground-based color measurements and very limited membership information. However, the scatter in the combined sample of early-type galaxies and mergers is twice as high as the scatter of the early-type galaxies alone. This is a direct demonstration of the ``progenitor bias'': high redshift early-type galaxies seem to form a homogeneous, old population because the progenitors of the youngest present-day early-type galaxies are not included in the sample.Comment: Accepted for publication in the ApJ. At http://astro.caltech.edu/~pgd/cm1054/ color figures can be obtaine

    The Evolution of Early-Type Galaxies in Distant Clusters

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    We present results from an optical-IR photometric study of early-type galaxies in 19 galaxy clusters out to z=0.9. The galaxy sample is selected on the basis of morphologies determined from HST WFPC2 images, and is photometrically defined in the K-band to minimize redshift-dependent selection biases. The optical-IR colors of the early-type cluster galaxies become bluer with increasing redshift in a manner consistent with the passive evolution of an old stellar population formed at an early cosmic epoch. The degree of color evolution is similar for clusters at similar redshift, and does not depend strongly on the optical richness or X-ray luminosity of the cluster, suggesting that the history of early-type galaxies is relatively insensitive to environment. The slope of the color-magnitude relationship shows no significant change out to z=0.9, providing evidence that it arises from a correlation between galaxy mass and metallicity, not age. Finally, the intrinsic scatter in the optical-IR colors is small and nearly constant with redshift, indicating that the majority of giant, early-type galaxies in clusters share a common star formation history, with little perturbation due to uncorrelated episodes of later star formation. Taken together, our results are consistent with models in which most early-type galaxies in rich clusters are old, formed the majority of their stars at high redshift in a well-synchronized fashion, and evolved quiescently thereafter.Comment: 55 pages, 24 figures, uses AASTeX. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The Number Density of Old Passively-Evolving Galaxies at z=1 in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey Field

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    We obtained the number counts and the rest-frame B-band luminosity function of the color-selected old passively-evolving galaxies (OPEGs) at z=1 with very high statistical accuracy using a large and homogeneous sample of about 4000 such objects with z' <25 detected in the area of 1.03 deg^2 in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Survey (SXDS) field. Our selection criteria are defined on the i'-z' and R-z' color-magnitude plane so that OPEGs at z=0.9-1.1 with formation redshift z_f=2-10 are properly sampled. The limiting magnitude corresponds to the luminosity of galaxies with M_*+3 at z=0. We made a pilot redshift observations for 99 OPEG candidates with 19 < z' < 22 and found that at least 78% (73/93) of the entire sample, or 95% (73/77) of these whose redshifts were obtained are indeed lie between z=0.87 and 1.12 and the most of their spectra show the continuum break and strong Ca H and K lines, indicating that these objects are indeed dominated by the old stellar populations. We then compare our results with the luminosity functions of the color- or the morphologically-selected early type galaxies at z=0 taking the evolutionary factor into account and found that the number density of old passive galaxies with sim M_* magnitude at z~1 averaged over the SXDS area is 40-60% of the equivalently red galaxies and 60-85% of the morphologically-selected E/S0 galaxies at z=0 depending on their luminosity evolution. It is revealed that more than half, but not all, of the present-day early-type galaxies had already been formed into quiescent passive galaxies at z=1.Comment: 28 pages, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. The full version of the paper including Fig.3 and Fig.4 (large size) in full resolution is put at http://optik2.mtk.nao.ac.jp/~yamada/astronomy/sxdsred.htm

    The Morphological Content of Ten EDisCS Clusters at 0.5 < z < 0.8

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    We describe Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging of 10 of the 20 ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS) fields. Each ~40 square arcminute field was imaged in the F814W filter with the Advanced Camera for Surveys Wide Field Camera. Based on these data, we present visual morphological classifications for the ~920 sources per field that are brighter than I_auto=23 mag. We use these classifications to quantify the morphological content of 10 intermediate-redshift (0.5 < z < 0.8) galaxy clusters within the HST survey region. The EDisCS results, combined with previously published data from seven higher redshift clusters, show no statistically significant evidence for evolution in the mean fractions of elliptical, S0, and late-type (Sp+Irr) galaxies in clusters over the redshift range 0.5 < z < 1.2. In contrast, existing studies of lower redshift clusters have revealed a factor of ~2 increase in the typical S0 fraction between z=0.4 and z=0, accompanied by a commensurate decrease in the Sp+Irr fraction and no evolution in the elliptical fraction. The EDisCS clusters demonstrate that cluster morphological fractions plateau beyond z ~ 0.4. They also exhibit a mild correlation between morphological content and cluster velocity dispersion, highlighting the importance of careful sample selection in evaluating evolution. We discuss these findings in the context of a recently proposed scenario in which the fractions of passive (E,S0) and star-forming (Sp,Irr) galaxies are determined primarily by the growth history of clusters.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures; To be published in ApJ; minor changes made to table label
