37 research outputs found


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    JAXA has developed and implemented earth observation (EO) dashboard jointly with ESA and NASA. The development of the JAXA dashboard, along with the "Earth-graphy" website and the newly developed "JAXA Earth API" service, demonstrate JAXA's commitment to providing climate change and earth science information to users worldwide. The EO dashboard serves as a platform to deliver valuable data and information related to climate change. The WMS/WMTS technology allows users to visualize and interact with geospatial information by providing web-based mapping services. This technology enhances the user experience by enabling the display of satellite imagery, overlays, and other geospatial data layers within the EO dashboard. To further facilitate the efficient use of satellite data, JAXA has developed the JAXA Earth API service. This service offers a user-friendly interface for accessing and utilizing JAXA's Earth observation satellite image data. By providing an easy-to-use format, JAXA aims to promote the effective utilization of satellite data and encourage its widespread use. Overall, the development and operation of the JAXA dashboard, with its integration of COG format data, WMS/WMTS technology, Python-based API. This paper introduces the status of development of JAXA Earth Observation dashboard with COG format data, WMS/WMTS technology, phyton based API and JAXA Earth Observation missions

    Dise?o, implementaci?n y puesta en servicio de un sistema de radio troncalizado digital de misi?n cr?tica para Minera Las Bambas

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    This article analyzes the management of a telecommunications project to comply with the main deliverables of: design, procurement, civil works and the commissioning of a trunked radio system, complying with the requirements and standards of the client, applying the experience technical, good management practices and subsidiary plans of scope, cost, time, quality, human resources, communications, stakeholders, acquisitions, risks and integration, which for the project are aligned to meet the critical success factor of delivering the project before of the requested time. As main results we obtained the work breakdown structure (WBS), the schedule with 14 calendar months, a budget of around US 6million,responseplansfornegativerisksandcontingencyreserve,communicationmatrix,RACImatrix,controlactivitiesandqualityassurance,selectionofsuppliersandfinallytheintegrationofalltheseplans.Elpresenteart?culo,analizalagesti?ndeunproyectodetelecomunicacionesparacumplirconlosentregablesprincipalesde:dise?o,procura,obrascivilesylapuestaenserviciodeunsistemaderadiotroncalizado,cumpliendoconlosrequisitosyest?ndaresdelcliente,aplicandolaexperienciat?cnica,buenaspr?cticasdegesti?nyplanessubsidiariosdealcance,costo,tiempo,calidad,recursoshumanos,comunicaciones,interesados,adquisiciones,riesgoseintegraci?n,queparaelproyectoest?nalineadosacumplirconelfactorcr?ticode?xitodeentregarelproyectoantesdeltiemposolicitado.Comoresultadosprincipalesseobtuvolaestructuradedesglosedetrabajo(EDT),elcronogramacon14mesescalendariodeduraci?n,unpresupuestodelordende6US 6 million, response plans for negative risks and contingency reserve, communication matrix, RACI matrix, control activities and quality assurance, selection of suppliers and finally the integration of all these plans.El presente art?culo, analiza la gesti?n de un proyecto de telecomunicaciones para cumplir con los entregables principales de: dise?o, procura, obras civiles y la puesta en servicio de un sistema de radio troncalizado, cumpliendo con los requisitos y est?ndares del cliente, aplicando la experiencia t?cnica, buenas pr?cticas de gesti?n y planes subsidiarios de alcance, costo, tiempo, calidad, recursos humanos, comunicaciones, interesados, adquisiciones, riesgos e integraci?n, que para el proyecto est?n alineados a cumplir con el factor cr?tico de ?xito de entregar el proyecto antes del tiempo solicitado. Como resultados principales se obtuvo la estructura de desglose de trabajo (EDT), el cronograma con 14 meses calendario de duraci?n, un presupuesto del orden de 6 US millones de d?lares, planes de respuesta ante riesgos negativos y reserva de contingencia, matriz de comunicaciones, matriz RACI, actividades de control y aseguramiento de calidad, selecci?n de proveedores y finalmente la integraci?n de todo estos planes. Palabras clave: Gesti?n de proyectos, misi?n cr?tica, sistema de radio troncalizado, restricciones, gran miner?a

    Municipal health expectancy in Japan: decreased healthy longevity of older people in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about small-area variation in healthy longevity of older people and its socioeconomic correlates. This study aimed to estimate health expectancy at 65 years (HE65) at the municipal level in Japan, and to examine its relation to area socio-demographic conditions. METHODS: HE65 of municipalities (N = 3361) across Japan was estimated by a linear regression formula with life expectancy at 65 years and the prevalence of those certificated as needing nursing care. The relation between HE65 and area socio-demographic indicators was examined using correlation coefficients. RESULTS: The estimated HE65 (years) ranged from 13.13 to 17.39 for men and from 14.84 to 20.53 for women. HE65 was significantly positively correlated with the proportion of elderly and per capita income, and negatively correlated with the percentage of households of a single elderly person, divorce rate, and unemployment rate. These relations were stronger in large municipalities (with a population of more than 100,000) than in small and medium-size municipalities. CONCLUSION: A decrease in healthy longevity of older people was associated with a higher percentage of households of a single elderly person and divorce rate, and lower socioeconomic conditions. This study suggests that older people in urban areas are susceptible to socio-demographic factors, and a social support network for older people living in socioeconomically disadvantaged conditions should be encouraged

    Rapid structural changes and acidification of guard cell vacuoles during stomatal closure require phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate

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    Rapid stomatal closure is essential for water conservation in plants and is thus critical for survival under water deficiency. To close stomata rapidly, guard cells reduce their volume by converting a large central vacuole into a highly convoluted structure. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this change are poorly understood. In this study, we used pH-indicator dyes to demonstrate that vacuolar convolution is accompanied by acidification of the vacuole in fava bean (Vicia faba) guard cells during abscisic acid (ABA)-induced stomatal closure. Vacuolar acidification is necessary for the rapid stomatal closure induced by ABA, since a double mutant of the vacuolar H+-ATPase vha-a2 vha-a3 and vacuolar H+-PPase mutant vhp1 showed delayed stomatal closure. Furthermore, we provide evidence for the critical role of phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate [PtdIns(3,5)P-2] in changes in pH and morphology of the vacuole. Single and double Arabidopsis thaliana null mutants of phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate 5-kinases (PI3P5Ks) exhibited slow stomatal closure upon ABA treatment compared with the wild type. Moreover, an inhibitor of PI3P5K reduced vacuolar acidification and convolution and delayed stomatal closure in response to ABA. Taken together, these results suggest that rapid ABA-induced stomatal closure requires PtdIns(3,5)P-2, which is essential for vacuolar acidification and convolution.X1151sciescopu

    Regulation of pyrophosphate levels by H+-PPase is central for proper resumption of early plant development

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    The synthesis of DNA, RNA, and de novo proteins is fundamental for early development of the seedling after germination, but such processes release pyrophosphate (PPi) as a byproduct of ATP hydrolysis. The over-accumulation of the inhibitory metabolite PPi in the cytosol hinders these biosynthetic reactions. All living organisms possess ubiquitous enzymes collectively called inorganic pyrophosphatases (PPases), which catalyze the hydrolysis of PPi into two orthophosphate (Pi) molecules. Defects in PPase activity cause severe developmental defects and/or growth arrest in several organisms. In higher plants, a proton-translocating vacuolar PPase (H+­PPase) uses the energy of PPi hydrolysis to acidify the vacuole. However, the biological implications of PPi hydrolysis are vague due to the widespread belief that the major role of H+­PPase in plants is vacuolar acidification. We have shown that the Arabidopsis fugu5 mutant phenotype, caused by a defect in H+­PPase activity, is rescued by complementation with the yeast cytosolic PPase IPP1. In addition, our analyses have revealed that increased cytosolic PPi levels impair postgerminative development in fugu5 by inhibiting gluconeogenesis. This led us to the conclusion that the role of H+­PPase as a proton-pump is negligible. Here, we present further evidence of the growth-boosting effects of removing PPi in later stages of plant vegetative development, and briefly discuss the biological role of PPases and their potential applications in different disciplines and in various organisms

    Mestizos with systemic lupus erythematosus develop renal disease early while antimalarials retard its appearance: Data from a Latin American cohort

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    Objectives The objective of this paper is to assess the predictors of time-to-lupus renal disease in Latin American patients. Methods Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients (n=1480) from Grupo Latino Americano De Estudio de Lupus (GLADEL's) longitudinal inception cohort were studied. Endpoint was ACR renal criterion development after SLE diagnosis (prevalent cases excluded). Renal disease predictors were examined by univariable and multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression analyses. Antimalarials were considered time dependent in alternative analyses. Results Of the entire cohort, 265 patients (17.9%) developed renal disease after entering the cohort. Of them, 88 (33.2%) developed persistent proteinuria, 44 (16.6%) cellular casts and 133 (50.2%) both; 233 patients (87.9%) were women; mean (+/- SD) age at diagnosis was 28.0 (11.9) years; 12.2% were African-Latin Americans, 42.5% Mestizos, and 45.3% Caucasians (p=0.0016). Mestizo ethnicity (HR 1.61, 95% CI 1.19-2.17), hypertension (HR 3.99, 95% CI 3.02-5.26) and SLEDAI at diagnosis (HR 1.04, 95% CI 1.01-1.06) were associated with a shorter time-to-renal disease occurrence; antimalarial use (HR 0.57, 95% CI 0.43-0.77), older age at onset (HR 0.90, 95% CI 0.85-0.95, for every five years) and photosensitivity (HR 0.74, 95% CI 0.56-0.98) were associated with a longer time. Alternative model results were consistent with the antimalarial protective effect (HR 0.70, 95% CI 0.50-0.99). Conclusions Our data strongly support the fact that Mestizo patients are at increased risk of developing renal disease early while antimalarials seem to delay the appearance of this SLE manifestation. These data have important implications for the treatment of these patients regardless of their geographic location.229899907Federico Wilhelm Agricola Foundation Research (BAPE)National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases [P01 AR49084]STELLAR (Supporting Training Efforts in Lupus for Latin American Rheumatologists) ProgramRheuminations IncInstitut d'Investigacions Biomediques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS)-Beca de Formacio i Contractacio de Personal Investigador (GPE)FONDECYT [1110395]National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases [P01 AR49084]FONDECYT [1110395