380 research outputs found

    Water-saving Rice Production Technologies in Krishna Western Delta Command of Andhra Pradesh ā€“ An Economic Analysis

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    The economic analysis of water-saving rice production technologies, viz. system of rice intensification (SRI), semi-dry and rotational irrigation vis-ƃĀ -vis farmersā€™ practice has been carried out based on the study executed in Modukuru pilot area of Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. Among the three water-saving rice production technologies analyzed, the total cost of cultivation has been recorded highest in SRI (Rs 58645/ha), followed by rotational (Rs 47140/ha) and semi-dry (Rs 39321/ha). But, the per hectare yield has been found highest in SRI (6.85 t), followed by semi-dry (6.66 t) and rotational (6.2 t), inferring that all the three technologies have recorded higher yields over farmersā€™ practice of 5.5 t/ha. However, the net returns and B-C ratio are maximum in semi-dry (Rs 43,484/ha; 1.11), followed by rotational (Rs 30,085; 0.64) and SRI (Rs 26,466/ha; 0.45) methods. Similarly, the water-use efficiency has been found highest in SRI (8.53 kg/ ha-mm), followed by semi-dry (8.02 kg/ha-mm) and rotational (7.33 kg/ ha-mm) methods, while the water-use efficiency benefit (Rs/ha-mm) has been recorded maximum in semi-dry (52.39), followed by SRI (42.08) and rotational (35.56) methods. With the initiation of Andhra Pradesh Water Management Project, Bapatla, the area under semi-dry rice cultivation has been found increasing over a period of four years, from 0.6 ha in 2004-2005 to 22 ha in 2007 -2008.Agricultural and Food Policy,


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    Rasa Shastra is the pharmaceutical branch of Ayurveda. As like any other medical system, success of Ayurvedic treatment also depends upon quality of medicine prescribed to the patient. The integral part of Rasa Shastra lies in the successful pharmaceutical process. Rasaoushadis are the potent Ayurvedic preparations mainly containing metals and minerals. These Oushadis possess wide range of therapeutic efficacy and are considered superior because of their qualities like small dose, quick action, palatability and longer shelf life. Vatari Guggulu is an important Rasa oushadi described in Bhaishajya Ratnavali - Amavata Adhikarana indicated in Gridhrasi. Vatari Guggulu contains Suddha Gandhaka (Sulphur), Suddha Guggulu (Commiphora mukul), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula Retz), Vibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica Roxb), Amlaki (Emblica officinalis Gaertn), Eranda taila (Ricinus communis Linn). The pharmaceutical procedures adopted in this study are Shodhana, Churna Nirmana and preparation of Vati of Vatari Guggulu. The specific pharmaceutical blend of these contents can result in a more effective formulation. Till now, no research work has been carried out to standardize this formulation. Therefore the present study has been planned to standardize the method of preparation of Vatari Guggulu according to the method explained in the classical literature
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