283 research outputs found

    Spectral analysis on infinite Sierpinski fractafolds

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    A fractafold, a space that is locally modeled on a specified fractal, is the fractal equivalent of a manifold. For compact fractafolds based on the Sierpinski gasket, it was shown by the first author how to compute the discrete spectrum of the Laplacian in terms of the spectrum of a finite graph Laplacian. A similar problem was solved by the second author for the case of infinite blowups of a Sierpinski gasket, where spectrum is pure point of infinite multiplicity. Both works used the method of spectral decimations to obtain explicit description of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. In this paper we combine the ideas from these earlier works to obtain a description of the spectral resolution of the Laplacian for noncompact fractafolds. Our main abstract results enable us to obtain a completely explicit description of the spectral resolution of the fractafold Laplacian. For some specific examples we turn the spectral resolution into a "Plancherel formula". We also present such a formula for the graph Laplacian on the 3-regular tree, which appears to be a new result of independent interest. In the end we discuss periodic fractafolds and fractal fields

    A Non-Riemannian Metric on Space-Time Emergent From Scalar Quantum Field Theory

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    We show that the two-point function \sigma(x,x')=\sqrt{} of a scalar quantum field theory is a metric (i.e., a symmetric positive function satisfying the triangle inequality) on space-time (with imaginary time). It is very different from the Euclidean metric |x-x'| at large distances, yet agrees with it at short distances. For example, space-time has finite diameter which is not universal. The Lipschitz equivalence class of the metric is independent of the cutoff. \sigma(x,x') is not the length of the geodesic in any Riemannian metric. Nevertheless, it is possible to embed space-time in a higher dimensional space so that \sigma(x,x') is the length of the geodesic in the ambient space. \sigma(x,x') should be useful in constructing the continuum limit of quantum field theory with fundamental scalar particles

    Leibnizian, Galilean and Newtonian structures of spacetime

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    The following three geometrical structures on a manifold are studied in detail: (1) Leibnizian: a non-vanishing 1-form Ω\Omega plus a Riemannian metric \h on its annhilator vector bundle. In particular, the possible dimensions of the automorphism group of a Leibnizian G-structure are characterized. (2) Galilean: Leibnizian structure endowed with an affine connection \nabla (gauge field) which parallelizes Ω\Omega and \h. Fixed any vector field of observers Z (Ω(Z)=1\Omega (Z) = 1), an explicit Koszul--type formula which reconstruct bijectively all the possible \nabla's from the gravitational G=ZZ{\cal G} = \nabla_Z Z and vorticity ω=rotZ/2\omega = rot Z/2 fields (plus eventually the torsion) is provided. (3) Newtonian: Galilean structure with \h flat and a field of observers Z which is inertial (its flow preserves the Leibnizian structure and ω=0\omega = 0). Classical concepts in Newtonian theory are revisited and discussed.Comment: Minor errata corrected, to appear in J. Math. Phys.; 22 pages including a table, Late

    Noncommutative Figa-Talamanca-Herz algebras for Schur multipliers

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    We introduce a noncommutative analogue of the Fig\'a-Talamanca-Herz algebra Ap(G)A_p(G) on the natural predual of the operator space Mp,cb\frak{M}_{p,cb} of completely bounded Schur multipliers on Schatten space SpS_p. We determine the isometric Schur multipliers and prove that the space Mp\frak{M}_{p} of bounded Schur multipliers on Schatten space SpS_p is the closure in the weak operator topology of the span of isometric multipliers.Comment: 24 pages; corrected typo

    Nonexistence of extremals for the adjoint restriction inequality on the hyperboloid

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    We study the problem of existence of extremizers for the L2L^2 to LpL^p adjoint Fourier restriction inequalities on the hyperboloid in dimensions 3 and 4, in which cases pp is an even integer. We will use the method developed by Foschi to show that extremizers do not exist.Comment: 32 pages. Correction for Theorem 1.2 and Proposition 7.5 and addition of Remark 1.

    Generalized and weighted Strichartz estimates

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    In this paper, we explore the relations between different kinds of Strichartz estimates and give new estimates in Euclidean space Rn\mathbb{R}^n. In particular, we prove the generalized and weighted Strichartz estimates for a large class of dispersive operators including the Schr\"odinger and wave equation. As a sample application of these new estimates, we are able to prove the Strauss conjecture with low regularity for dimension 2 and 3.Comment: Final version, to appear in the Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. 33 pages. 2 more references adde

    Dirac Operators and the Calculation of the Connes Metric on arbitrary (Infinite) Graphs

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    As an outgrowth of our investigation of non-regular spaces within the context of quantum gravity and non-commutative geometry, we develop a graph Hilbert space framework on arbitrary (infinite) graphs and use it to study spectral properties of graph-Laplacians and graph-Dirac-operators. We define a spectral triplet sharing most of the properties of what Connes calls a spectral triple. With the help of this scheme we derive an explicit expression for the Connes-distance function on general directed or undirected graphs. We derive a series of apriori estimates and calculate it for a variety of examples of graphs. As a possibly interesting aside, we show that the natural setting of approaching such problems may be the framework of (non-)linear programming or optimization. We compare our results (arrived at within our particular framework) with the results of other authors and show that the seeming differences depend on the use of different graph-geometries and/or Dirac operators.Comment: 27 pages, Latex, comlementary to an earlier paper, general treatment of directed and undirected graphs, in section 4 a series of general results and estimates concerning the Connes Distance on graphs together with examples and numerical estimate

    Strichartz estimates on Schwarzschild black hole backgrounds

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    We study dispersive properties for the wave equation in the Schwarzschild space-time. The first result we obtain is a local energy estimate. This is then used, following the spirit of earlier work of Metcalfe-Tataru, in order to establish global-in-time Strichartz estimates. A considerable part of the paper is devoted to a precise analysis of solutions near the trapping region, namely the photon sphere.Comment: 44 pages; typos fixed, minor modifications in several place