2,048 research outputs found

    Electron Radiation Damage of (alga) As-gaas Solar Cells

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    Solar cells (2 cm by 2 cm (AlGa) As-GaAs cells) were fabricated and then subjected to irradiation at normal incidence by electrons. The influence of junction depth and n-type buffer layer doping level on the cell's resistance to radiation damage was investigated. The study shows that (1) a 0.3 micrometer deep junction results in lower damage to the cells than does a 0.5 micrometer junction, and (2) lowering the n buffer layer doping density does not improve the radiation resistance of the cell. Rather, lowering the doping density decreases the solar cell's open circuit voltage. Some preliminary thermal annealing experiments in vacuum were performed on the (AlGa)As-GaAs solar cells damaged by 1-MeV electron irradiation. The results show that cell performance can be expected to partially recover at 200 C with more rapid and complete recovery occurring at higher temperature. For a 0.5hr anneal at 400 C, 90% of the initial power is recovered. The characteristics of the (AlGa)As-GaAs cells both before and after irradiation are described

    Medium energy proton radiation damage to (AlGa)As-GaAs solar cells

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    The performance of (AlGa)As-GaAs solar cells irradiated by medium energy 2, 5, and 10 MeV protons was evaluated. The Si cells without coverglass and a number of GaAs solar cells with 12 mil coverglass were irradiated simultaneously with bare GaAs cells. The cell degradation is directly related to the penetration of depth of protons with GaAs. The influence of periodic and continuous thermal annealing on the GaAs solar cells was investigated

    GaAs solar cells for concentrator systems in space

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    Cells for operation in space up to more than 100 suns were made, and an AMO efficiency of 21% at 100 suns with these cells was obtained. The increased efficiency resulted not only from the higher open circuit voltage associated with the higher light intensity (higher short circuit current); it also benefitted from the increase in fill factor caused by the lower relative contribution of the generation recombination current to the forward bias current when the cell's operating current density is increased. The experimental cells exhibited an AMO efficiency close to 16% at 200 C. The prospect of exploiting this capability for the continuous annealing of radiation damage or for high temperature missions (e.g., near Sun missions) remains therefore open. Space systems with concentration ratios on the order of 100 suns are presently under development. The tradeoff between increased concentration ratio and increased loss due to the cell's series resistance remains attractive even for space applications at a solar concentrator ratio of 100 suns. In the design of contact configuration with low enough series resistance for such solar concentration ratios, the shallow junction depth needed for good radiation hardness and the thin AlGaAs layer thickness needed to avoid excessive optical absorption losses have to be retained

    Characteristics of Accounting Faculty in the U.S.

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    In this article, the academic and personal characteristics of Accounting faculty members at Colleges and Universities in the United States are analyzed to determine the demographics of the Accounting Professorate. Data on 12 variables were collected for the 2004-2005 academic year as a means of constructing a professional profile of the typical accounting professor teaching at today’s universities. Given that there are anticipated shortages of accounting faculty, this information should be of interest to students who are considering accounting as a major, those contemplating entering the profession, and those faculty members who are engaged in educating the next generation of accounting faculty members

    Characteristics Of Accounting Faculty In The U.S.

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    In this article, the academic and personal characteristics of Accounting faculty members at Colleges and Universities in the United States are analyzed to determine the demographics of the Accounting Professorate. Data on 12 variables were collected for the 2004-2005 academic year as a means of constructing a professional profile of the typical accounting professor teaching at todays universities. Given that there are anticipated shortages of accounting faculty, this information should be of interest to students who are considering accounting as a major, those contemplating entering the profession, and those faculty members who are engaged in educating the next generation of accounting faculty members

    Design and Development of Network Monitoring and Controlling Tool for Department of Computer Studies CSIBER

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    In most of the organizations it is highly desirable to perform different tasks on different machines based on their configuration and permissions assigned to the machines for execution of different tasks. This can be achieved by performing a user-machine mapping by stating clearing the list of tasks that can be performed by a particular user on a particular machine. This kind of discipline further enables traffic control, prevents internal DOS (Denial Of Service) attacks for legitimate users and helps in fair resource sharing. The intent of this research is to enable the end user performing only the tasks permissible to him/her. In this paper we have developed a network monitor and control tool for monitoring the tasks on a medium sized local area network. To facilitate this, task permissions are assigned to different machines which is stored in XML configuration file which is then parsed using JDOM (Java Document Object Model) Parser. The configuration file contains the details such as machine name, and the list of tasks not permitted on that machine. The list of machines and the list of tasks denied on that machine is configurable by an end user. A background thread will continuously monitor the execution of illegal task on a machine and will abort and report the same in a database. This also facilitates the control of network traffic thereby improving the network performance by aborting illegal tasks. Network monitoring tool is tested for local area network of department of computer studies at SIBER by setting up specific monitors to check status and to carry out specific operations. The tool developed by us requires a small amount of system resources, and it is an open source tool. Presently, the tool generates a report comprising of a list of illegal tasks in a specified time period, which enables network administrator to take corrective measures for the smooth operation of the network. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15037

    Uncertainties in stellar evolution models: convective overshoot

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    In spite of the great effort made in the last decades to improve our understanding of stellar evolution, significant uncertainties remain due to our poor knowledge of some complex physical processes that require an empirical calibration, such as the efficiency of the interior mixing related to convective overshoot. Here we review the impact of convective overshoot on the evolution of stars during the main Hydrogen and Helium burning phases.Comment: Proc. of the workshop "Asteroseismology of stellar populations in the Milky Way" (Sesto, 22-26 July 2013), Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, (eds. A. Miglio, L. Girardi, P. Eggenberger, J. Montalban

    Acute-on-chronic liver failure in cirrhosis

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    The definition of acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) remains contested. In Europe and North America, the term is generally applied according to the European Association for the Study of the Liver-Chronic Liver Failure (EASL-CLIF) Consortium guidelines, which defines this condition as a syndrome that develops in patients with cirrhosis and is characterized by acute decompensation, organ failure and high short-term mortality. One-third of patients who are hospitalized for acute decompensation present with ACLF at admission or develop the syndrome during hospitalization. ACLF frequently occurs in a closed temporal relationship to a precipitating event, such as bacterial infection or acute alcoholic, drug-induced or viral hepatitis. However, no precipitating event can be identified in approximately 40% of patients. The mechanisms of ACLF involve systemic inflammation due to infections, acute liver damage and, in cases without precipitating events, probably intestinal translocation of bacteria or bacterial products. ACLF is graded into three stages (ACLF grades 1–3) on the basis of the number of organ failures, with higher grades associated with increased mortality. Liver and renal failures are the most common organ failures, followed by coagulation, brain, circulatory and respiratory failure. The 28-day mortality rate associated with ACLF is 30%. Depending on the grade, ACLF can be reversed using standard therapy in only 16–51% of patients, leaving a considerable proportion of patients with ACLF that remains steady or progresses. Liver transplantation in selected patients with ACLF grade 2 and ACLF grade 3 increases the 6-month survival from 10% to 80%

    Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure: Definition, Diagnosis, and Clinical Characteristics

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    Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) is a recently recognized syndrome in cirrhosis characterized by acute decompensation (AD), organ failure(s), and high short-term mortality. Organ failure(s) is defined by the Chronic Liver Failure-Sequential Organ Failure (CLIF-SOFA) score or by its simplified version Chronic Liver Failure-Organ Failure Assessment (CLIF-OF) score. They include six types of organ failure: liver, renal, coagulation, cerebral, respiratory, and circulatory. One third of patients hospitalized with AD present with ACLF at admission or develop ACLF during hospitalization. Acute-on-chronic liver failure frequently occurs in a closed relationship to a precipitating event. According to the number of organ failures, ACLF is graded into three stages: ACLF-1 = single renal failure or single nonrenal organ failure if associated with renal dysfunction and/or cerebral dysfunction; ACLF-2 = two organ failures; and ACLF-3 = three to six organ failures, with increasing 28-day mortality rate (from 23%–74%). Acute-on-chronic liver failure may develop at any phase during the clinical course of the disease. Patients without prior AD develop a severe form of ACLF
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