13,261 research outputs found

    Intrinsic hole localization mechanism in magnetic semiconductors

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    The interplay between clustering and exchange coupling in magnetic semiconductors for the prototype (Ga_{1-x},Mn_x)As with manganese concentrations x of 1/16 and 1/32 in the interesting experimental range is investigated. For x ~ 6 %, when all possible arrangements of two atoms within a large supercell are considered, the clustering of Mn atoms at nearest-neighbour Ga sites is energetically preferred. As shown by spin density analysis, this minimum energy configuration localizes further one hole and reduces the effective charge carrier concentration. Also the exchange coupling constant increases to a value corresponding to lower Mn concentrations with decreasing inter Mn distance.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    Constrained Orthogonal Polynomials

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    We define sets of orthogonal polynomials satisfying the additional constraint of a vanishing average. These are of interest, for example, for the study of the Hohenberg-Kohn functional for electronic or nucleonic densities and for the study of density fluctuations in centrifuges. We give explicit properties of such polynomial sets, generalizing Laguerre and Legendre polynomials. The nature of the dimension 1 subspace completing such sets is described. A numerical example illustrates the use of such polynomials.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    A natural orbital functional for the many-electron problem

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    The exchange-correlation energy in Kohn-Sham density functional theory is expressed as a functional of the electronic density and the Kohn-Sham orbitals. An alternative to Kohn-Sham theory is to express the energy as a functional of the reduced first-order density matrix or equivalently the natural orbitals. In the former approach the unknown part of the functional contains both a kinetic and a potential contribution whereas in the latter approach it contains only a potential energy and consequently has simpler scaling properties. We present an approximate, simple and parameter-free functional of the natural orbitals, based solely on scaling arguments and the near satisfaction of a sum rule. Our tests on atoms show that it yields on average more accurate energies and charge densities than the Hartree Fock method, the local density approximation and the generalized gradient approximations

    Ab initio pseudopotential study of Fe, Co, and Ni employing the spin-polarized LAPW approach

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    The ground-state properties of Fe, Co, and Ni are studied with the linear-augmented-plane-wave (LAPW) method and norm-conserving pseudopotentials. The calculated lattice constant, bulk modulus, and magnetic moment with both the local-spin-density approximation (LSDA) and the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) are in good agreement with those of all-electron calculations, respectively. The GGA results show a substantial improvement over the LSDA results, i.e., better agreement with experiment. The accurate treatment of the nonlinear core-valence exchange and correlation interaction is found to be essential for the determination of the magnetic properties of 3d transition metals. The present study demonstrates the successful application of the LAPW pseudopotential approach to the calculation of ground-state properties of magnetic 3d transition metals.Comment: RevTeX, 14 pages, 2 figures in uufiles for

    Pair-distribution functions of the two-dimensional electron gas

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    Based on its known exact properties and a new set of extensive fixed-node reptation quantum Monte Carlo simulations (both with and without backflow correlations, which in this case turn out to yield negligible improvements), we propose a new analytical representation of (i) the spin-summed pair-distribution function and (ii) the spin-resolved potential energy of the ideal two-dimensional interacting electron gas for a wide range of electron densities and spin polarization, plus (iii) the spin-resolved pair-distribution function of the unpolarized gas. These formulae provide an accurate reference for quantities previously not available in analytic form, and may be relevant to semiconductor heterostructures, metal-insulator transitions and quantum dots both directly, in terms of phase diagram and spin susceptibility, and indirectly, as key ingredients for the construction of new two-dimensional spin density functionals, beyond the local approximation.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures; misprints correcte

    Low work function of the (1000) Ca2N surface

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    Polymer diodes require cathodes that do not corrode the polymer but do have low work function to minimize the electron injection barrier. First-principles calculations demonstrate that the work function of the (1000) surface of the compound Ca2N is half an eV lower than that of the elemental metal Ca (2.35 vs. 2.87 eV). Moreover its reactivity is expected to be smaller. This makes Ca2N an interesting candidate to replace calcium as cathode material for polymer light emitting diode devices.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, accepted by J. Appl. Phy

    Spin Resolution of the Electron-Gas Correlation Energy: Positive same-spin contribution

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    The negative correlation energy per particle of a uniform electron gas of density parameter rsr_s and spin polarization ζ\zeta is well known, but its spin resolution into up-down, up-up, and down-down contributions is not. Widely-used estimates are incorrect, and hamper the development of reliable density functionals and pair distribution functions. For the spin resolution, we present interpolations between high- and low-density limits that agree with available Quantum Monte Carlo data. In the low-density limit for ζ=0\zeta = 0, we find that the same-spin correlation energy is unexpectedly positive, and we explain why. We also estimate the up and down contributions to the kinetic energy of correlation.Comment: new version, to appear in PRB Rapid Communicatio

    Existence of a Density Functional for an Intrinsic State

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    A generalization of the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem proves the existence of a density functional for an intrinsic state, symmetry violating, out of which a physical state with good quantum numbers can be projected.Comment: 6 page

    Compressibility and Electronic Structure of MgB2 up to 8 GPa

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    The lattice parameters of MgB2 up to pressures of 8 GPa were determined using high-resolution x-ray powder diffraction in a diamond anvil cell. The bulk modulus, B0, was determined to be 151 +-5 GPa. Both experimental and first-principles calculations indicate nearly isotropic mechanical behavior under pressure. This small anisotropy is in contrast to the 2 dimensional nature of the boron pi states. The pressure dependence of the density of states at the Fermi level and a reasonable value for the average phonon frequency account within the context of BCS theory for the reduction of Tc under pressure.Comment: REVTeX file. 4 pages, 4 figure
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