8,406 research outputs found

    Equivalence of quotient Hilbert modules

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    Let \cl{M} be a Hilbert module of holomorphic functions over a natural function algebra A(Ω)\mathcal{A}(\Omega), where \Omega \subseteq \bb{C}^m is a bounded domain. Let \cl{M}_0\subseteq \cl{M} be the submodule of functions vanishing to order kk on a hypersurface \cl{Z} \subseteq \Omega. We describe a method, which in principle may be used, to construct a set of complete unitary invariants for quotient modules \cl{Q}=\cl{M} \ominus \cl{M}_0. The invariants are given explicitly in the particular case of k=2k = 2.Comment: 11 page

    Quasi-free resolutions of Hilbert modules

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    The notion of a quasi-free Hilbert module over a function algebra A\mathcal{A} consisting of holomorphic functions on a bounded domain Ω\Omega in complex mm space is introduced. It is shown that quasi-free Hilbert modules correspond to the completion of the direct sum of a certain number of copies of the algebra A\mathcal{A}. A Hilbert module is said to be weakly regular (respectively, regular) if there exists a module map from a quasi-free module with dense range (respectively, onto). A Hilbert module M\mathcal{M} is said to be compactly supported if there exists a constant β\beta satisfying ∥ϕf∥≤β∥ϕ∥X∥f∥\|\phi f \| \leq \beta \|\phi \|_X \|f\| for some compact subset XX of Ω\Omega and ϕ\phi in A\mathcal{A}, ff in M\mathcal{M}. It is shown that if a Hilbert module is compactly supported then it is weakly regular. The paper identifies several other classes of Hilbert modules which are weakly regular. In addition, this result is extended to yield topologically exact resolutions of such modules by quasi-free ones

    Modulational instability of ion-acoustic wave packets in quantum pair-ion plasmas

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    Amplitude modulation of quantum ion-acoustic waves (QIAWs) in a quantum electron-pair-ion plasma is studied. It is shown that the quantum coupling parameter HH (being the ratio of the plasmonic energy density to the Fermi energy) is ultimate responsible for the modulational stability of QIAW packets, without which the wave becomes modulational unstable. New regimes for the modulational stability (MS) and instability (MI) are obtained in terms of HH and the positive to negative ion density ratio β\beta. The growth rate of MI is obtained, the maximum value of which increases with β\beta and decreases with HH. The results could be important for understanding the origin of modulated QIAW packets in the environments of dense astrophysical objects, laboratory negative ion plasmas as well as for the next generation laser solid density plasma experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures (to appear in Astrophysics and Space Science

    Fluctuation Cumulant Behavior for the Field-Pulse Induced Magnetisation-Reversal Transition in Ising Models

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    The universality class of the dynamic magnetisation-reversal transition, induced by a competing field pulse, in an Ising model on a square lattice, below its static ordering temperature, is studied here using Monte Carlo simulations. Fourth order cumulant of the order parameter distribution is studied for different system sizes around the phase boundary region. The crossing point of the cumulant (for different system sizes) gives the transition point and the value of the cumulant at the transition point indicates the universality class of the transition. The cumulant value at the crossing point for low temperature and pulse width range is observed to be significantly less than that for the static transition in the same two-dimensional Ising model. The finite size scaling behaviour in this range also indicates a higher correlation length exponent value. For higher temperature and pulse width range, the transition seems to fall in a mean-field like universality class.Comment: 5 pages, 8 eps figures, thoroughly revised manuscript with new figures, accepted in Phys. Rev. E (2003

    Fractal Measures and Nonlinear Dynamics of Overcontact Binaries

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    Overcontact binary stars are systems of two stars where the component stars are in contact with each other. This implies that they share a common envelope of gas. In this work we seek signatures of nonlinearity and chaos in these stars by using time series analysis techniques. We use three main techniques, namely the correlation dimension,f (\alpha) spectrum and the bicoherence. The former two are calculated from the reconstructed dynamics, while the latter is calculated from the Fourier transforms of the time series of intensity variations(light curves) of these stars. Our dataset consists of data from 463 overcontact binary stars in the Kepler field of view [1]. Our analysis indicates nonlinearity and signatures of chaos in almost all the light curves. We also explore whether the underlying nonlinear properties of the stars are related to their physical properties like fill-out-factor, a measure of the extend of contact between the components of an overcontact binary system . We observe that significant correlations exist between the fill out factor and the nonlinear quantifiers. This correlation is more pronounced in specific subcategories constructed based on the mass ratios and effective temperatures of the binaries. The correlations observed can be indicative of variations in the nonlinear properties of the star as it ages. We believe that this study relating nonlinear and astrophysical properties of binary stars is the first of its kind and is an important starting point for such studies in other astrophysical objects displaying nonlinear dynamical behaviour.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulatio
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