838 research outputs found

    Kesesuaian Dasar Pertimbangan Hakim Mengenai Pembatalan Pertunangan sebagai Perbuatan Melawan Hukum dan Wanprestasi dengan Hukum Positif Indonesia (Analisis Putusan Mahkamah Agung No. 68k/pdt/2009)

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    Pertunangan merupakan bentuk hubungan antara laki-laki dengan perempuan untuk melanjutkan perkawinan di waktu tertentu. Pertunangan masih bisa dibatalkan dengan tata cara yang berlaku di dalam masyarakat. Kasus pembatalan pertunangan pernah terjadi di lingkungan masyarakat adat Buton Sulawesi Tenggara. Dimana pada saat itu telah terjadi pertunangan antara kedua belah pihak lak-laki dan perempuan. Namun pihak laki-laki tanpa sepengetahuan pihak perempuan telah menikahi perempuan lain padahal pada saat itu mereka masih terikat hubungan pertunangan. Karena merasa dirugikan secara materiil dan immateriil, kasus ini kemudian diajukan ke Pengadilan hingga ke tingkat Kasasi. Mahkamah Agung dalam putusan No. 68K/Pdt/2009 memutuskan perbuatan pembatalan pertunangan tersebut merupakan Perbuatan Melawan Hukum dan Wanprestasi, hal ini dikarenakan salah satu pihak tidak memenuhi janji untuk melangsungkan perkawinan dan perbuatan tersebut bertentangan dengan nilai kesopanan dan kepatutan di masyarakat.Kata Kunci : Pertunangan, Pembatalan Pertunangan, Perbuatan Melawan Hukum, Wanprestas

    Maximal left ideals of the Banach algebra of bounded operators on a Banach space

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    We address the following two questions regarding the maximal left ideals of the Banach algebra B(E)\mathscr{B}(E) of bounded operators acting on an infinite-dimensional Banach pace EE: (Q1) Does B(E)\mathscr{B}(E) always contain a maximal left ideal which is not finitely generated? (Q2) Is every finitely-generated, maximal left ideal of B(E)\mathscr{B}(E) necessarily of the form \{T\in\mathscr{B}(E): Tx = 0\} (*) for some non-zero x∈Ex\in E? Since the two-sided ideal F(E)\mathscr{F}(E) of finite-rank operators is not contained in any of the maximal left ideals given by (*), a positive answer to the second question would imply a positive answer to the first. Our main results are: (i) Question (Q1) has a positive answer for most (possibly all) infinite-dimensional Banach spaces; (ii) Question (Q2) has a positive answer if and only if no finitely-generated, maximal left ideal of B(E)\mathscr{B}(E) contains F(E)\mathscr{F}(E); (iii) the answer to Question (Q2) is positive for many, but not all, Banach spaces.Comment: to appear in Studia Mathematic

    Potensi Mitigasi Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca dari Kegiatan Eksplorasi dan Produksi Minyak dan Gas Bumi di PT. Xyz

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    The activity of exploration and production in oil and gas industry is significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emission source. PT. XYZ is one of upstream oil and gas industry in Indonesia and it have large crude oil and gas potential with it reserves that not manage yet. Therefore, GHG emission potential from the activity of exploration and production in PT. XYZ is very large. This study is done for estimate GHG emission reduction potential in PT. XYZ from various activities. Emission inventory is the first step to estimate GHG released to atmosphere. Method of estimation use the method developed by American Petroleum Institute (API). This study considers three types of mitigation measures options, including technical options (scenario 1), behavior option (scenario 2), and policy option (scenario 3). Based on emission inventory, flare and oil storage tank are primary source of GHG emissions in PT. XYZ. Scenario 1 prefers control of GHG emissions in flare and storage tank as primary emission source. While others scenario prefers to control GHG emission from transportation sector. Scenario 1 has potential to reduce emissions by 48.3 %. While scenario 2, and 3 in sequences have potential to reduce emissions by 0.15%, and 0.52%. Emissions flare and oil storage tank can be reduced through the installation of flaring gas recovery unit and vapor recovery unit. Both are effective and efficient in reducing GHG emissions in PT. XYZ. In addition, all mitigation measures of transportation sector provide benefits even though the amount of GHG that can be reduced is not significant

    Foxp1 and lhx1 coordinate motor neuron migration with axon trajectory choice by gating Reelin signalling.

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    Topographic neuronal maps arise as a consequence of axon trajectory choice correlated with the localisation of neuronal soma, but the identity of the pathways coordinating these processes is unknown. We addressed this question in the context of the myotopic map formed by limb muscles innervated by spinal lateral motor column (LMC) motor axons where the Eph receptor signals specifying growth cone trajectory are restricted by Foxp1 and Lhx1 transcription factors. We show that the localisation of LMC neuron cell bodies can be dissociated from axon trajectory choice by either the loss or gain of function of the Reelin signalling pathway. The response of LMC motor neurons to Reelin is gated by Foxp1- and Lhx1-mediated regulation of expression of the critical Reelin signalling intermediate Dab1. Together, these observations point to identical transcription factors that control motor axon guidance and soma migration and reveal the molecular hierarchy of myotopic organisation

    Pembenahan Permukiman Padat dan Kumuh dengan Menerapkan Konsep Labirin yang Berseni The Laci (The Labirynth Of Art At City)

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    Slums is a residential area with a shape that is not structured, not patterned (eg location of the house and the way irregular, unavailability of public facilities, infrastructure and clean water facilities, toilets) physical form is not feasible for example regularly flooded each year. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research method because it aims to reveal the facts, circumstances, phenomena, variables and circumstances are. Through literature review, the study interpret the state of slums in Cicadas and ends with a conclusion. Cicadas is one of the slums in the city of Bandung. Slums are caused by low socio-economic conditions that require them to build residential coincide and minimal public facilities. With the new problem arose the idea that The Labirynth of Art in order to fix Bandung Cicadas region that includes dense residential category and this slum. The concept of the labyrinth is a concept that has artistic value, with dense settlement infrastructure that resembles the labyrinth and inside there are many works of art. The goal is simply to fix without having to displace or move and give a good visual impression for the houses that lined and crammed in along the way. With conditions already Cicadas shaped like a maze of twists and turns, just enough to fix the condition of the house. After it is applied the concept of artistic with painting the walls of the wall street. Painting made creative as possible so that there is appeal for people to see and admire. The paintings are also useful for children in infancy as a lesson, so that children in slums not minimal knowledge. In order for this concept goes well, hopefully all parties such as governments, consultants, artists, architecture and citizens involved further increase cooperation in the form of participating in order to settlements as expected

    First principles based atomistic modeling of phase stability in PMN-xPT

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    We have performed molecular dynamics simulations using a shell model potential developed by fitting first principles results to describe the behavior of the relaxor-ferroelectric (1-x)PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3-xPbTiO3 (PMN-xPT) as function of concentration and temperature, using site occupancies within the random site model. In our simulations, PMN is cubic at all temperatures and behaves as a polar glass. As a small amount of Ti is added, a weak polar state develops, but structural disorder dominates, and the symmetry is rhombohedral. As more Ti is added the ground state is clearly polar and the system is ferroelectric, but with easy rotation of the polarization direction. In the high Ti content region, the solid solution adopts ferroelectric behavior similar to PT, with tetragonal symmetry. The ground state sequence with increasing Ti content is R-MB-O-MC-T. The high temperature phase is cubic at all compositions. Our simulations give the slope of the morphotropic phase boundaries, crucial for high temperature applications. We find that the phase diagram PMN-xPT can be understood within the random site model.Comment: 27 pages, 9 figure

    Sigma1 Targeting to Suppress Aberrant Androgen Receptor Signaling in Prostate Cancer.

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    Suppression of androgen receptor (AR) activity in prostate cancer by androgen depletion or direct AR antagonist treatment, although initially effective, leads to incurable castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) via compensatory mechanisms including resurgence of AR and AR splice variant (ARV) signaling. Emerging evidence suggests that Sigma1 (also known as sigma-1 receptor) is a unique chaperone or scaffolding protein that contributes to cellular protein homeostasis. We reported previously that some Sigma1-selective small molecules can be used to pharmacologically modulate protein homeostasis pathways. We hypothesized that these Sigma1-mediated responses could be exploited to suppress AR protein levels and activity. Here we demonstrate that treatment with a small-molecule Sigma1 inhibitor prevented 5α- dihydrotestosterone-mediated nuclear translocation of AR and induced proteasomal degradation of AR and ARV, suppressing the transcriptional activity and protein levels of both full-length and splice-variant AR. Consistent with these data, RNAi knockdown of Sigma1 resulted in decreased AR levels and transcriptional activity. Furthermore, Sigma1 physically associated with ARV7 and A

    Prominin-1+/CD133+ bone marrow-derived heart-resident cells suppress experimental autoimmune myocarditis

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    AIMS: Experimental autoimmune myocarditis (EAM) is a CD4(+) T cell-mediated mouse model of inflammatory heart disease. Tissue-resident bone marrow-derived cells adopt different cellular phenotypes depending on the local milieu. We expanded a specific population of bone marrow-derived prominin-1-expressing progenitor cells (PPC) from healthy heart tissue, analysed their plasticity, and evaluated their capacity to protect mice from EAM and heart failure. METHODS AND RESULTS: PPC were expanded from healthy mouse hearts. Analysis of CD45.1/CD45.2 chimera mice confirmed bone marrow origin of PPC. Depending on in vitro culture conditions, PPC differentiated into macrophages, dendritic cells, or cardiomyocyte-like cells. In vivo, PPC acquired a cardiac phenotype after direct injection into healthy hearts. Intravenous injection of PPC into myosin alpha heavy chain/complete Freund's adjuvant (MyHC-alpha/CFA)-immunized BALB/c mice resulted in heart-specific homing and differentiation into the macrophage phenotype. Histology revealed reduced severity scores for PPC-treated mice compared with control animals [treated with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) or crude bone marrow at day 21 after MyHC-alpha/CFA immunization]. Echocardiography showed preserved fractional shortening and velocity of circumferential shortening in PPC but not PBS-treated MyHC-alpha/CFA-immunized mice. In vitro and in vivo data suggested that interferon-gamma signalling on PPC was critical for nitric oxide-mediated suppression of heart-specific CD4(+) T cells. Accordingly, PPC from interferon-gamma receptor-deficient mice failed to protect MyHC-alpha/CFA-immunized mice from EAM. CONCLUSION: Prominin-1-expressing, heart-resident, bone marrow-derived cells combine high plasticity, T cell-suppressing capacity, and anti-inflammatory in vivo effect
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