713 research outputs found

    Early evolution of electron cyclotron driven current during suppression of tearing modes in a circular tokamak

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    When electron cyclotron (EC) driven current is first applied to the inside of a magnetic island, the current spreads throughout the island and after a short period achieves a steady level. Using a two equation fluid model for the EC current that allows us to examine this early evolution in detail, we analyze high-resolution simulations of a 2/1 classical tearing mode in a low-beta large aspect-ratio circular tokamak. These simulations use a nonlinear 3D reduced-MHD fluid model and the JOREK code. During the initial period where the EC driven current grows and spreads throughout the magnetic island, it is not a function of the magnetic flux. However, once it has reached a steady-state, it should be a flux function. We demonstrate numerically that if sufficiently resolved toroidally, the steady-state EC driven current becomes approximately a flux function. We discuss the physics of this early period of EC evolution and its impact on the size of the magnetic island.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Integration of Sensor-Based Technology in Mental Healthcare:A Systematic Scoping Review

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    Sensor-based technologies can collect objective and real-time data on physiological, behavioral, and contextual factors related to mental disorders. This not only holds potential for mental healthcare but also comes with challenges, such as handling large amounts of data and supporting the integration of sensors in clinical practice. This systematic scoping review aims to provide an overview of studies explicitly addressing the integration of sensor-based technology in mental healthcare by reporting on the way that therapists and patients work with sensors. In addition, we explore barriers and facilitators for the integration of sensor-based technology in clinical practice.Ā Four databases were searched on April 5, 2023. Studies on sensor-based technology integrated in mental healthcare were included.Ā A total of 14 studies were included. In these studies, a variety of sensor-based technologies were used. All studies were conducted between 2016 and 2022. Most studies showed that sensor-based technologies are accepted by patients and that their use is associated with symptom reduction. However, most studies did not systematically report on barriers and facilitators and mainly focused on the technology itself rather than on the broader context of its intended use. Also, sensor-based technologies are not yet embedded in clinical protocols.Ā From the current review, we can conclude that sensor-based technologies are sufficiently accepted and feasible, and that sensors are promising for enhancing clinical outcomes. However, sensors are not properly integrated in treatment protocols yet. Therefore, we propose a next phase in research on sensor-based technology in mental healthcare treatment. This next phase asks for a multifaceted approach consisting of (1) embedding sensor-based technology in treatment protocols in co-creation with patients and clinicians, (2) examining the feasibility of these interventions together with small-scale evidence studies, and (3) systematically examining the implementation of sensor-based technology in clinical practice using existing frameworks for technology implementation. Open Science Framework: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/XQHSY.</p

    On the Mechanics Underlying the Reservoir-Excess Separation in Systemic Arteries and their Implications for Pulse Wave Analysis

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    Several works have separated the pressure waveform p in systemic arteries into reservoir pr and excess pexc components, pĀ =Ā prĀ +Ā pexc, to improve pulse wave analysis, using windkessel models to calculate the reservoir pressure. However, the mechanics underlying this separation and the physical meaning of pr and pexc have not yet been established. They are studied here using the time-domain, inviscid and linear one-dimensional (1-D) equations of blood flow in elastic vessels. Solution of these equations in a distributed model of the 55 larger human arteries shows that pr calculated using a two-element windkessel model is space-independent and well approximated by the compliance-weighted space-average pressure of the arterial network. When arterial junctions are well-matched for the propagation of forward-travelling waves, pr calculated using a three-element windkessel model is space-dependent in systole and early diastole and is made of all the reflected waves originated at the terminal (peripheral) reflection sites, whereas pexc is the sum of the rest of the waves, which are obtained by propagating the left ventricular flow ejection without any peripheral reflection. In addition, new definitions of the reservoir and excess pressures from simultaneous pressure and flow measurements at an arbitrary location are proposed here. They provide valuable information for pulse wave analysis and overcome the limitations of the current two- and three-element windkessel models to calculate pr

    Multi-machine benchmark of the self-consistent 1D scrape-off layer model DIV1D from stagnation point to target with SOLPS-ITER

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    This paper extends a 1D dynamic physics-based model of the scrape-off layer (SOL) plasma, DIV1D, to include the core SOL and possibly a second target. The extended model is benchmarked on 1D mapped SOLPS-ITER simulations to find input settings for DIV1D that allow it to describe SOL plasmas from upstream to targetā€”calibrating it on a scenario and device basis. The benchmark shows a quantitative match between DIV1D and 1D mapped SOLPS-ITER profiles for the heat flux, electron temperature, and electron density within roughly 50% on: (1) the Tokamak Configuration Variable (TCV) for a gas puff scan; (2) a single SOLPS-ITER simulation of the Upgraded Mega Ampere Spherical Tokamak; and (3) the Upgraded Axially Symmetric Divertor EXperiment in Garching Tokamak (AUG) for a simultaneous scan in heating power and gas puff. Once calibrated, DIV1D self-consistently describes dependencies of the SOL solution on core fluxes and external neutral gas densities for a density scan on TCV whereas a varying SOL width is used in DIV1D for AUG to match a simultaneous change in power and density. The ability to calibrate DIV1D on a scenario and device basis is enabled by accounting for cross field transport with an effective flux expansion factor and by allowing neutrals to be exchanged between SOL and adjacent domains.</p

    Modeling the Instantaneous Pressureā€“Volume Relation of the Left Ventricle: A Comparison of Six Models

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    Simulations are useful to study the heartā€™s ability to generate flow and the interaction between contractility and loading conditions. The left ventricular pressureā€“volume (PV) relation has been shown to be nonlinear, but it is unknown whether a linear model is accurate enough for simulations. Six models were fitted to the PV-data measured in five sheep and the estimated parameters were used to simulate PV-loops. Simulated and measured PV-loops were compared with the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the Hamming distance, a measure for geometric shape similarity. The compared models were: a time-varying elastance model with fixed volume intercept (LinFix); a time-varying elastance model with varying volume intercept (LinFree); a Langewouterā€™s pressure-dependent elasticity model (Langew); a sigmoidal model (Sigm); a time-varying elastance model with a systolic flow-dependent resistance (Shroff) and a model with a linear systolic and an exponential diastolic relation (Burkh). Overall, the best model is LinFree (lowest AIC), closely followed by Langew. The remaining models rank: Sigm, Shroff, LinFix and Burkh. If only the shape of the PV-loops is important, all models perform nearly identically (Hamming distance between 20 and 23%). For realistic simulation of the instantaneous PV-relation a linear model suffices

    Analysis of the Emails From the Dutch Web-Based Intervention ā€œAlcohol de Baasā€:Assessment of Early Indications of Drop-Out in an Online Alcohol Abuse Intervention

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    Nowadays, traditional forms of psychotherapy are increasingly complemented by online interactions between client and counselor. In (some) web-based psychotherapeutic interventions, meetings are exclusively online through asynchronous messages. As the active ingredients of therapy are included in the exchange of several emails, this verbal exchange contains a wealth of information about the psychotherapeutic change process. Unfortunately, drop-out-related issues are exacerbated online. We employed several machine learning models to find (early) signs of drop-out in the email data from the ā€œAlcohol de Baasā€ intervention by Tactus. Our analyses indicate that the email texts contain information about drop-out, but as drop-out is a multidimensional construct, it remains a complex task to accurately predict who will drop out. Nevertheless, by taking this approach, we present insight into the possibilities of working with email data and present some preliminary findings (which stress the importance of a good working alliance between client and counselor, distinguish between formal and informal language, and highlight the importance of Tactus' internet forum)

    Bacterieziekten in de bloemisterij

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    In de bloemisterij kunnen een flink aantal bacterieziekten voorkomen, veroorzaakt door verschillende bacteriĆ«n. Ziekteverwekkende bacteriĆ«n kunnen een grote variatie aan symptomen laten zien, waaronder natrot, kankers, bladvlekken en dwerggroei. Uit bronnenonderzoek blijkt dat in de kasteelt van paprika bacteriĆ«n (Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum) in al het water op de kwekerij aanwezig kunnen zijn en ook goed kunnen overleven in grond en op oppervlakten. Daarnaast is deze bacterie aangetoond op fruitvliegjes in het gewas. In de buitenteelt van Prunus zijn ziekteverwekkende bacteriĆ«n (Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni en Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum) aangetoond op onkruidspuitkappen, laarzen, snoeischaren, het doek van het containerveld en buiten- Ć©n binnenzijde van beregeningsystemen. Ook op vliegen op vangplaten tussen besmette Prunusplanten zijn deze bacteriĆ«n gevonden. Visuele diagnostiek van bacterieziekten is erg lastig. De symptomen lijken erg op elkaar en kunnen snel worden verward met bladvlekkenziekten veroorzaakt door schimmels. In de meeste gevallen wordt de bacterie uit het aangetaste weefsel geĆÆsoleerd. Voor het op naam brengen wordt altijd een serologische (ELISA) of PCR (DNA-)techniek gebruikt. Het is daarvoor echter wel noodzakelijk dat men beschikt over een positieve controle van de op naam te brengen soort. Als men niet weet om welke soort het zou kunnen gaan wordt DNA-sequencing toegepast, om de bacterie op naam te brengen. Bovengenoemde technieken worden zowel bij Naktuinbouw als bij Wageningen UR toegepast. In Sedum is onderzocht of latente besmettingen met Erwinia betrouwbaar zijn aan te tonen. Hiervoor is, onder andere, gebruikt gemaakt van een door PRI ontwikkelde methode waarmee het plantmateriaal onder vacuĆ¼m wordt gebracht. Erwiniaā€™s vermeerderen wel goed uit bij een lage zuurstofconcentratie terwijl veel andere bacteriĆ«n dan afsterven. Uit dit onderzoek blijkt dat er bij de vacuĆ¼mmethode niet meer infecties aangetoond worden dan bij (ā€˜klassiekeā€™) verrijking van plantenextracten in een groeimedium. Bij Sedum en Phlox is het effect van een warmwaterbehandeling om plantmateriaal vrij te maken van bacteriebesmetting onderzocht. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd met stekken van Sedum, waarvan onbekend was of de stekken besmet waren met Dickeya dianthicola en/of Pectobacterium spp. En planten van Phlox, die besmet waren met woekerziek. Na twee dagen voorwarmte zijn twee warmwaterbehandelingen uitgevoerd (30 minuten bij 47Ā°C en 15 min. Bij 50Ā°C. De sedumplanten in de proef waren niet of nauwelijks besmet met Dickeya dianthicola en Pectobacterium spp. waardoor er geen conclusies getrokken kunnen worden over de effectiviteit van de geteste warmwaterbehandelingen. De warmwaterbehandelingen veroorzaakten aan het begin van de groei lichte schade (bladschade, groeivertraging). Al snel waren deze effecten in het gewas niet meer zichtbaar. Bij Phlox bleken beide warmwaterbehandelingen niet effectief tegen woekerziek en gaven veel schade (uitval en afname aantal stelen per plant). Er zijn verschillende stoffen bekend die het afweermechanisme van de plant stimuleren waardoor de plant weerbaarder wordt tegen ziekten en plagen (elicitors). Elicitors zijn met name voor beheersing van bacterieziekten interessant, omdat antibiotica (bacteriedodende middelen) geen toelating kennen voor gewassen. Deze geĆÆnduceerde weerstand is niet specifiek en kan een effect hebben op zowel schimmels, bacteriĆ«n en virussen. Elicitors hebben geen direct effect op de bacterie, waardoor geen resistentie kan ontstaan. Het tijdstip van toediening is echter vaak kritischer dan bij toepassing van gangbare (chemische) gewasbeschermingsmiddelen, en bescherming wordt vaak pas enige tijd na toediening verkregen. Voor de beheersing van bacterieziekten op de bedrijven is een lijst met hygiĆ«nemaatregelen opgesteld. Deze maatregelen zijn ook kort samengevat in 10 geboden
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