922 research outputs found

    Beware the Non-uniqueness of Einstein Rings

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    We explain how an approximation to the rings formed by the host galaxies in lensed QSOs can be inferred from the QSO data alone. A simple ring image can be made from any lens model by a simple piece of computer graphics: just plot a contour map of the arrival-time surface with closely-spaced contours. We go on to explain that rings should be (a) sensitive to time-delay ratios between different pairs of images, but (b) very insensitive to H_0. We illustrate this for the well-known quads 1115+080 and 1608+656.Comment: To appear in AJ (circa Aug 2001

    Microwave ISM Emission in the Green Bank Galactic Plane Survey: Evidence for Spinning Dust

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    We observe significant dust-correlated emission outside of H II regions in the Green Bank Galactic Plane Survey (-4 < b < 4 degrees) at 8.35 and 14.35 GHz. The rising spectral slope rules out synchrotron and free-free emission as majority constituents at 14 GHz, and the amplitude is at least 500 times higher than expected thermal dust emission. When combined with the Rhodes (2.326 GHz), and WMAP (23-94 GHz) data it is possible to fit dust-correlated emission at 2.3-94 GHz with only soft synchrotron, free-free, thermal dust, and an additional dust-correlated component similar to Draine & Lazarian spinning dust. The rising component generally dominates free-free and synchrotron for \nu >~ 14 GHz and is overwhelmed by thermal dust at \nu > 60 GHz. The current data fulfill most of the criteria laid out by Finkbeiner et al. (2002) for detection of spinning dust.Comment: ApJ in press. 26 pages, 11 figures, figures jpeg compressed to save spac

    Pulsar Science with the Green Bank 43m Telescope

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    The 43m telescope at the NRAO site in Green Bank, WV has recently been outfitted with a clone of the Green Bank Ultimate Pulsar Processing Instrument (GUPPI \cite{Ransom:2009}) backend, making it very useful for a number of pulsar related studies in frequency ranges 800-1600 MHz and 220-440 MHz. Some of the recent science being done with it include: monitoring of the Crab pulsar, a blind search for transient sources, pulsar searches of targets of opportunity, and an all-sky mapping project. For the Crab monitoring project, regular observations are searched for giant pulses (GPs), which are then correlated with γ\gamma-ray photons from the \emph{Fermi} spacecraft. Data from the all-sky mapping project are first run through a pipeline that does a blind transient search, looking for single pulses over a DM range of 0-500 pc~cm3^{-3}. These projects are made possible by MIT Lincoln Labs.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, to appear in AIP Conference Proceedings of Pulsar Conference 2010 "Radio Pulsars: a key to unlock the secrets of the Universe", Sardinia, October 201

    Correlation of Fermi photons with high-frequency radio giant pulses from the Crab pulsar

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    To constrain the giant pulse (GP) emission mechanism and test the model of Lyutikov (2007) for GP emission, we have carried out a campaign of simultaneous observations of the Crab pulsar at gamma-ray (Fermi) and radio (Green Bank Telescope) wavelengths. Over 10 hours of simultaneous observations we obtained a sample of 2.1x10^4 giant pulses, observed at a radio frequency of 9 GHz, and 77 Fermi photons, with energies between 100 MeV and 5 GeV. The majority of GPs came from the interpulse (IP) phase window. We found no change in the GP generation rate within 10-120 s windows at lags of up to +-40 min of observed gamma-ray photons. The 95% upper limit for a gamma-ray flux enhancement in pulsed emission phase window around all GPs is 4 times the average pulsed gamma-ray flux from the Crab. For the subset of IP GPs, the enhancement upper limit, within the IP emission window, is 12 times the average pulsed gamma-ray flux. These results suggest that GPs, at least high-frequency IP GPs, are due to changes in coherence of radio emission rather than an overall increase in the magnetospheric particle density.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; to appear in The Astrophysical Journal, February 201

    Constraints on changes in fundamental constants from a cosmologically distant OH absorber/emitter

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    We have detected the four 18cm OH lines from the z0.765z \sim 0.765 gravitational lens toward PMN J0134-0931. The 1612 and 1720 MHz lines are in conjugate absorption and emission, providing a laboratory to test the evolution of fundamental constants over a large lookback time. We compare the HI and OH main line absorption redshifts of the different components in the z0.765z \sim 0.765 absorber and the z0.685z \sim 0.685 lens toward B0218+357 to place stringent constraints on changes in Fgp[α2/μ]1.57F \equiv g_p [\alpha^2/\mu]^{1.57}. We obtain [ΔF/F]=(0.44±0.36stat±1.0syst)×105[\Delta F/F] = (0.44 \pm 0.36^{\rm stat} \pm 1.0^{\rm syst}) \times 10^{-5}, consistent with no evolution over the redshift range 0<z<0.70 < z < 0.7. The measurements have a 2σ2 \sigma sensitivity of [Δα/α]<6.7×106[\Delta \alpha/\alpha] < 6.7 \times 10^{-6} or [Δμ/μ]<1.4×105[\Delta \mu/\mu] < 1.4 \times 10^{-5} to fractional changes in α\alpha and μ\mu over a period of 6.5\sim 6.5 Gyr, half the age of the Universe. These are among the most sensitive current constraints on changes in μ\mu.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Final version, with minor changes to match the version in print in Phys. Rev. Let

    A Spectroscopic Study of the Environments of Gravitational Lens Galaxies

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    (Abridged) We present the first results from our spectroscopic survey of the environments of strong gravitational lenses. The lens galaxy belongs to a poor group of galaxies in six of the eight systems in our sample. We discover three new groups associated with the lens galaxies of BRI 0952-0115 (five members), MG 1654+1346 (seven members), and B2114+022 (five members). We more than double the number of members for another three previously known groups around the lenses MG 0751+2716 (13 total members), PG 1115+080 (13 total members), and B1422+231 (16 total members). We determine the kinematics of the six groups, including their mean velocities, velocity dispersions, and projected spatial centroids. The velocity dispersions of the groups range from 110 +170, -80 to 470 +100, -90 km/s. In at least three of the lenses -- MG0751, PG1115, and B1422 -- the group environment significantly affects the lens potential. These lenses happen to be the quadruply-imaged ones in our sample, which suggests a connection between image configuration and environment. The lens galaxy is the brightest member in fewer than half of the groups. Our survey also allows us to assess for the first time whether mass structures along the line of sight are important for lensing. We first show that, in principle, the lens potential may be affected by line-of-sight structures over a wide range of spatial and redshift offsets from the lens. We then quantify real line-of-sight effects using our survey and find that at least four of the eight lens fields have substantial interloping structures close in projection to the lens, and at least one of those structures (in the field of MG0751) significantly affects the lens potential.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Figure 6 posted as a JPEG image. Requires emulateapj.st

    Constraints on changes in fundamental constants from a cosmologically distant OH absorber or emitter

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    We have detected the four 18 cm OH lines from the z∼0.765 gravitational lens toward PMN J0134–0931. The 1612 and 1720 MHz lines are in conjugate absorption and emission, providing a laboratory to test the evolution of fundamental constants over a large lookback time. We compare the HI and OH main line absorption redshifts of the different components in the z∼0.765 absorber and the z∼0.685 lens toward B0218+357 to place stringent constraints on changes in F≡gp[α2/μ]1.57. We obtain [ΔF/F]=(0.44±0.36stat±1.0syst)×10-5, consistent with no evolution over the redshift range 0<z≲0.7. The measurements have a 2σ sensitivity of [Δα/α]<6.7×10-6 or [Δμ/μ]<1.4×10-5 to fractional changes in α and μ over a period of ∼6.5  G yr, half the age of the Universe. These are among the most sensitive constraints on changes in μ

    LPMLE3 : a novel 1-D approach to study water flow in streambeds using heat as a tracer

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    We introduce LPMLE3, a new 1-D approach to quantify vertical water flow components at streambeds using temperature data collected in different depths. LPMLE3 solves the partial differential equation for coupled water flow and heat transport in the frequency domain. Unlike other 1-D approaches it does not assume a semi-infinite halfspace with the location of the lower boundary condition approaching infinity. Instead, it uses local upper and lower boundary conditions. As such, the streambed can be divided into finite subdomains bound at the top and bottom by a temperature-time series. Information from a third temperature sensor within each subdomain is then used for parameter estimation. LPMLE3 applies a low order local polynomial to separate periodic and transient parts (including the noise contributions) of a temperature-time series and calculates the frequency response of each subdomain to a known temperature input at the streambed top. A maximum-likelihood estimator is used to estimate the vertical component of water flow, thermal diffusivity, and their uncertainties for each streambed subdomain and provides information regarding model quality. We tested the method on synthetic temperature data generated with the numerical model STRIVE and demonstrate how the vertical flow component can be quantified for field data collected in a Belgian stream. We show that by using the results in additional analyses, nonvertical flow components could be identified and by making certain assumptions they could be quantified for each subdomain. LPMLE3 performed well on both simulated and field data and can be considered a valuable addition to the existing 1-D methods