2,615 research outputs found

    Spaceborne memory organization, phase 1 Final report

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    Application of associative memories to data processing for future space vehicle

    Spaceborne memory organization Interim report

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    Associative memory applications in unmanned space vehicle

    The Effect Demographics Have On The Demand For Orange Juice

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    This paper investigates how the demand for orange juice is affected by the demographics of consumers. There are many variables in the orange juice demand equation and demographics are only one. Demographic variables are important in determining the tastes and preferences of different regions. The data that has been collected is weekly data over a two year period of time. The seemingly unrelated regression method will be used to examine the data. This project will be beneficial to orange juice advertising firms and companies that sell orange juice.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Marketing,

    Are Bugs in Your Corn?

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    During the first two weeks of December a dozen farmers called to find out what they should do to stop stored shelled corn from rotting

    Rodent pests of Iowa and their control

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    The destructive rodents which are the subject of this bulletin are ground squirrels, pocket gophers, woodchucks, rats and mice. In addition to the damage done to crops and stored products and injury to livestock, all of these rodent pests, except mice, are frequently responsible for important soil losses. Their burrows are commonly found along slopes, hillsides, ditch banks and road grades where their digging activities loosen and tunnel the ground. Heavy rains on slopes so undermined cause erosion and soil washing (fig. 1). Unless these rodents are controlled, such erosion may render the field unfit for farming. Rats, mice and ground squirrels are abundant in all parts of Iowa. Pocket gophers are well established, particularly in the northern and western parts of the state. Ground hogs are found most frequently in the eastern and southern parts of Iowa, particularly in and near rough, wooded areas

    What Future for Soil Insecticides?

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    Use of soil insecticides to prevent excessive loss from soil insect damage is an accepted part of corn production. But needs vary from field to field on the same farm, and application methods and materials to use change, too

    Pernicious Patriarchy or Prosecutorial Progress?: Confronting Culture, War, and Rape in International Law

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    In the aftermath of the wars in the former Yugoslavia, feminist activists have encouraged the use of international law to prosecute those leaders employing rape as a tool for ethnic cleansing. First, we will analyze the reasons that rape is effective in disrupting social and against women. Second, we will elucidate the peculiar problems of prosecuting war criminals whose offenses targeted female non-combatants in the form of sexual violence. We begin with an examination of the international law related to war crimes, as well as the ethical implications of various techniques used to enforce the law and bring war criminals to justice. A brief examination of key areas of US rape law will demonstrate the relative leniency extended to perpetrators of violence against women domestically in a nation that guarantees women full juridical equality. After examining some specific prosecutions, we will apply the lessons learned to the larger context of international law

    Rat control

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    During the past few years the rat population in Iowa has built up until it is now estimated that there are more than 5 million rats in the state. This rapid increase in population is due primarily to the tremendous volume of corn which is stored in temporary, hastily-constructed cribs that offer easy access to rats and furnish both food and shelter for them. To meet this situation, it is urged that rat control be made an integral part of good farm practice. Since rats move about from farm to farm, especially when they are disturbed by a vigorous control campaign on the part of a few farmers, community cooperation is desired. Rats menace not only our food and our farm animals; from the standpoint of health they threaten both humans and domestic animals, since they may act as reservoirs of infectious jaundice, endemic typhus and bubonic plague in man and trichinosis of hogs

    Alternatives to NIMBY gridlock: voluntary approaches to radioactive waste facility siting in Canada and the United States

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    Neither Canada nor the United States has sited a new radioactive waste management facility in more than two decades, despite the continuous generation of new waste and the paucity of reliable disposal capacity. Both nations have stirred up considerable political controversy in attempting to site such facilities, with aggressive local collective action consistently blocking proposals. Building on provincial experience in gaining public support for hazardous waste facility siting tlirough a voluntary, comprehensive process, both Ontario and Nebraska Show signs of devi˜ting from the classic Not-in-My-Back-Yard (NIMBY) response for low-level radioactive waste. Through a variation of the process used successfully in Alberta and Manitoba for hazardous waste, Ontario and Nebraska have demonstrated the potential applicability of these alternative siting principles for radioactive waste. Sommaire : Ni le Canada, ni les États-Unis n'ont construit de nouvelles installations de gestion des dÉchets radioactifs depuis plus de deux dÉcennies, malgrÉ la production continuelie de dÉchets supplÉmentaires et malgrÉ la faible capacitÉ d'Élimination fiable. Les deux nations ont dÉclenchÉ des controverses politiques considÉrables en essayant de mettre en place de telles installations, et leurs propositions ont ÉtÉ bloquÉes systÉmatiquement et agressivement par les collectivitÉs locales. Forts de certaines expÉriences provinciales pour gagner le soutien du public ewers l'emplacement d'une installation de dÉchets dangereux grÂce À un processus volontaire et extensif, l'Ontario et le Nebraska semblent dÉvier de la rÉaction classique “ pas dans ma cour ” en ce qui concerne les dÉchets faiblement radioactifs. Par l'entremise d'une variante du processus utilisÉ avec succÈs pour les dÉchets dnngereux en Alberta et au Manitoba, l'Ontario et le Nebraska ont dÉmontrÉ qu'on pourrait Éventuellement appliqucr ces principes de rechanpe pour l'emplacement des installations traitant les dÉchets radioactifs.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73397/1/j.1754-7121.1994.tb00885.x.pd
