26 research outputs found

    Boron nitride for excitonics, nano photonics, and quantum technologies

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    We review the recent progress regarding the physics and applications of boron nitride bulk crystals and its epitaxial layers in various fields. First, we highlight its importance from optoelectronics side, for simple devices operating in the deep ultraviolet, in view of sanitary applications. Emphasis will be directed towards the unusually strong efficiency of the exciton-phonon coupling in this indirect band gap semiconductor. Second, we shift towards nanophotonics, for the management of hyper-magnification and of medical imaging. Here, advantage is taken of the efficient coupling of the electromagnetic field with some of its phonons, those interacting with light at 12 and 6 yin in vacuum. Third, we present the different defects that are currently studied for their propensity to behave as single photon emitters, in the perspective to help them becoming challengers of the NV centres in diamond or of the double vacancy in silicon carbide in the field of modern and developing quantum technologies.This work was financially supported in France by the contract BONASPES (ANR-19-CE30-0007-02) under the umbrella of the publicly funded Investissements d'Avenir program managed by the French ANR agency. This work has been supported in Spain the Spanish MINECO/FEDER under Contracts No. MAT2015-71035-R and No. MAT2016-75586-C4-1-P.Peer reviewe

    Simulation of dimensionality effects in thermal transport

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    The discovery of nanostructures and the development of growth and fabrication techniques of one- and two-dimensional materials provide the possibility to probe experimentally heat transport in low-dimensional systems. Nevertheless measuring the thermal conductivity of these systems is extremely challenging and subject to large uncertainties, thus hindering the chance for a direct comparison between experiments and statistical physics models. Atomistic simulations of realistic nanostructures provide the ideal bridge between abstract models and experiments. After briefly introducing the state of the art of heat transport measurement in nanostructures, and numerical techniques to simulate realistic systems at atomistic level, we review the contribution of lattice dynamics and molecular dynamics simulation to understanding nanoscale thermal transport in systems with reduced dimensionality. We focus on the effect of dimensionality in determining the phononic properties of carbon and semiconducting nanostructures, specifically considering the cases of carbon nanotubes, graphene and of silicon nanowires and ultra-thin membranes, underlying analogies and differences with abstract lattice models.Comment: 30 pages, 21 figures. Review paper, to appear in the Springer Lecture Notes in Physics volume "Thermal transport in low dimensions: from statistical physics to nanoscale heat transfer" (S. Lepri ed.

    Modeling heat transport in crystals and glasses from a unified lattice-dynamical approach

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    We introduce a novel approach to model heat transport in solids, based on the Green-Kubo theory of linear response. It naturally bridges the Boltzmann kinetic approach in crystals and the Allen-Feldman model in glasses, leveraging interatomic force constants and normal-mode linewidths computed at mechanical equilibrium. At variance with molecular dynamics, our approach naturally and easily accounts for quantum mechanical effects in energy transport. Our methodology is carefully validated against results for crystalline and amorphous silicon from equilibrium molecular dynamics and, in the former case, from the Boltzmann transport equation

    Advanced capabilities for materials modelling with Quantum ESPRESSO

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    Quantum ESPRESSO is an integrated suite of open-source computer codes for quantum simulations of materials using state-of-the art electronic-structure techniques, based on density-functional theory, density-functional perturbation theory, and many-body perturbation theory, within the plane-wave pseudo-potential and projector-augmented-wave approaches. Quantum ESPRESSO owes its popularity to the wide variety of properties and processes it allows to simulate, to its performance on an increasingly broad array of hardware architectures, and to a community of researchers that rely on its capabilities as a core open-source development platform to implement theirs ideas. In this paper we describe recent extensions and improvements, covering new methodologies and property calculators, improved parallelization, code modularization, and extended interoperability both within the distribution and with external software

    Nanophononics: state of the art and perspectives

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    Room temperature second sound in cumulene

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    Second sound is known as the thermal transport regime occurring in a wave-like fashion, usually identified in a limited number of materials only at cryogenic temperatures. Here we show that second sound in a μm-long carbon chain (cumulene) might occur even at room temperature. To this aim, we calibrate a many-body force field on the first principles calculated phonon dispersion relations of cumulene and, through molecular dynamics, we mimic laser-induced transient thermal grating experiments. We provide evidence that by tuning temperature as well as the space modulation of its initial profile we can reversibly drive the system from a wave-like to a diffusive-like thermal transport. By following three different theoretical methodologies (molecular dynamics, the Maxwell-Cattaneo-Vernotte equation, and heat transport microscopic theory) we estimate for cumulene a second sound velocity in the range of 2.4-3.2 km s−

    Superradiance of optical phonons in two-dimensional materials

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    We study the superradiance of optical phonons during the two- to three-dimensional (2D-3D) crossover of the light-matter interaction in multilayers of atomic crystals. We show the emergence of a superradiant regime with a mode having a linewidth first increasing linearly with the number N of monolayers, and then decreasing as N^{−3} to zero because of the formation of stationary phonon polaritons. The linewidth culminates to values of the order of the longitudinal-transverse splitting. We estimate the extremum of the radiative efficiency for various 2D materials in the superradiant regime. We predict radiative efficiencies larger than 50% for optical phonons emitting between 6 and 165 μm. Superradiance appears as a key resource for mid- and far-infrared optophononics and advanced thermal management using multilayers of 2D materials as the active medium

    Fracture in brittle materials: the atomic-scale viewpoint

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    We present the basic formalism, as well as the underlying physical picture of atomistic simulations, as applied to the investigation of materials mechanical behavior. In particular, we discuss brittle fracture in cubic silicon carbide, proving that atomistic simulations are not only consistent with elementary continuum fracture mechanics, but also do provide a better physical insight on atomic-scale features, e.g. lattice trapping. Finally, we show how atomistic simulations could be used as a provider of constitutive relations to be possibly used in continuum modeling

    Quantum Confinement by an Order-Disorder Boundary in Nanocrystalline Silicon

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    We predict theoretically and show experimentally the occurrence of quantum confinement in hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon. We prove that only valence states (positively charged carriers) are confined effectively within the nanograins. The emission associated to confined states is verified by photoluminescence experiments on nanocrystalline samples with controlled grain size. According to the present study, we propose nanocrystalline silicon as a promising material for oxygen-free optoelectronics, silicon-based memories and photovoltaics