15 research outputs found
Influence of nitrogen rates and genotype on nitrogen and sulphur content of winter wheat and triticale
Nitrogen is the most important element for high yield and protein content
in grain. In addition, it affects the adoption and accumulation of certain ions in plants,
including sulphur. The aim of this paper was to examine the influence of increasing
quantities of N rates and genotype on grain and aboveground vegetative biomass N
and S contents of winter wheat and triticale and their relationship, and to find
optimum doses of nitrogen that can give good grain quality
Accumulation of nickel in Trifolium pratense L. grown on contaminated soil
U posljednje vrijeme povećana je koncentracija teških kovina na nekim poljoprivrednim površinama kao posljedica antropogenog utjecaja. Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi nivo nikla u Trifolium pratense L. gajenoj na fluvisolu sa njegovim povećanim sadržajem, radi dobijanja informacije o zdravstvenoj ispravnosti ovog hraniva prilikom gajanja na kontaminiranom tlu. Ispitivanja su izvedena na poljoprivrednim površinama Krugevacke kotline u R. Srbiji. Uzorkovanje tla i biljnog materijala je izvršeno tokom svibnja 2011. godine, u drugoj proizvodnoj godini crvene djeteline. U uzorcima tla ispitivanih lokaliteta ukupan sadrzaj Ni je bio u intervalu od 265.70 do 286.05 mg/kg, čime je prekoračena maksimalno dozvoljena količina od 50 mg/kg. Sadržaj nikla u Trifolium pratense L. nije bio povišen i iznosio je u prosjeku 3.67 mg/kg suve materije, što je ispod kritičnih i toksičnih koncentracija za biljke. Konstatovano je da akumulacija teških kovina u biljkama nije zavisila samo od ukupnog sadržaja u tlu, nego i afiniteta biljke, te individualnog ili interaktivnog dejstva raznih svojstava tla. Dominantan utjecaj na akumulaciju Ni u biljkama imala je pH vrijednost zemljišta. Neophodna je daljnja kontrola sadržaja nikla na ispitivanom području, kako bi se spriječio njegov ulazak u lanac prehrane i osigurala proizvodnja zdrave hrane.Recently, heavy metals concentrations increased in some agricultural areas due to the consequences of anthropogenic impacts. The aim of this study was to determine the level of Ni in Trifolium pratense L. grown on fluvisol with his increased content, in order to obtain information on safety of these nutrients when growing on contaminated soil. The examination was conducted in agricultural areas in the Krusevac basin in R Serbia. Sampling of soil and plant material was carried out during May 2011, in the second year of production of red clover, The total content of Ni in soil samples was in the range 265.70-286.05 mg/kg, which exceeded the maximum permitted amount of 50 mg/kg. ‘The content of nickel in Trifolium pratense L. was 3.67 mg/kg, which is below the critical and toxic concentrations to plants. It was concluded that the accumulation of heavy metals
in plants did not depend only on the total content in soil, but also the affinity of the plant, and individual and interactive effects of various soil properties. The dominant influence on the accumulation of Ni in plants had soil pH value. It is necessary to further control of nickel in the investigated area, in order to prevent his entry into the food chain and provide healthy food
Sadržaj nikla u uzorcima zemljišta tipa humoglej i na njemu gajene crvene deteline
Proizvodnja visoko kvalitetne stočne hrane uslovijena je, ne samo prisustvom hranljivih elemenata, nego i odsustvom štetnih materija, kao što su teški metali. Povećan sadrzaj nikla imaju zemljišta obrazovana na serpentinima, međutim on može biti i posledica antropogenog uticaja usled primene otpadnih i kanalizacionih muljeva, đubriva, tečnog stajnjaka, pesticida ili blizine industrijskih postrojenja, rudnika i drugih zagađivača. Cilj rada je bio ispitivanje sadržaja nikla u zemljištu i njegova akumulacija u biljkama crvene deteline na zemiljištu tipa humoglej. Ispitivanje je izvedeno na osam lokaliteta mesta Hetin u Vojvodini, tokom maja 2011. godine, u drugoj proizvodnoj godini crvene deteline. Uzorci zemljišta su uzeti sa dubina 0-30 cm i 30-60 cm. U prikupljenim uzorcima zemljišta urađena su osnovna hemijska svojstva i mikrobiološka aktivnost standardnim metodama
Influence of nickel in soil
The objective of this investigation has been to study consequences of soil pollution with nickel in five locations in the municipalities of Sremska Kamenica, Ledinci and Beocin. The analysis of soil samples
collected in the five locations has shown that the percentage of nickel differed from location to location. Nickel contamination was registered in 60% of the analyzed sites. A possible nickel polluter in this area is the cement factory in Beocin (CFB). The intensity of nickel contamination of soil decreased progressively
with the distance of the sampling sites from the cement factory in Beocin
Effect of nitrogen fertilization on winter wheat quality
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of nitrogen fertilizer applications on some quality components of wheat. For winter wheat genotypes (Ana Morava, Vizija, L-3027 and Perla) were grown at Small Grains Research Centre Kragujevac in three years (2005–2007) at three levels of nitrogen fertilization (N1 = 60 kg N ha−1, N2 = 90 kg N ha−1 and N3 = 120 kg N ha−1). Zeleny sedimentation value and wet gluten content in divergent wheat genotypes were analyzed in depending on the nitrogen nutrition and years. Nitrogen fertilization significantly increased sedimentation value and wet gluten content. The highest increasing of both traits established in N3 variant when applied 120 kg ha−1 of nitrogen. Genotypes reacted differently to N level increasing. Cultivar Perla had the highest value of sedimentation and wet gluten content and this cultivar the best reacted to increasing N levels. Statistically significant differences for sedimentation value and wet gluten content were found among cultivars, years, N-doses and for all their interactions. The results have shown that the best quality of wheat was with nitrogen applied of 120 kg N ha−1. Correlation between nitrogen applications and sedimentation value was significant (r = 0.208*), while between N-doses and wet gluten content was high significant (r = 0.290**). Sedimentation value and wet gluten content positively correlated (r = 0.783**)
Análise do impacto do progresso tecnológico nos custos do tratamento hospitalar: o caso do tratamento para litíase urinária no Hospital Universitário de Brasília
O progresso tecnológico na área de saúde tem provocado a elevação dos custos da assistência médica, preocupando a população mundial, os agentes privados e os responsáveis pelas políticas públicas. Estetrabalho apresenta uma análise do impacto do progresso tecnológico - delimitado, neste estudo, à incorporação de equipamentos médicos - nos custos do tratamento hospitalar. Para cumprir o objetivo, foram escolhidos ostratamentos médicos para litíase urinária - litotripsia e cirurgia - devido ao histórico de relevantes avanços tecnológicos. O estudo de caso foi realizado no Serviço de Litotripsia e no Centro Cirúrgico do Hospital Universitário de Brasília (HUB), no período de 2001 a 2003. Foram comparados os custos e as receitas diferenciais das alternativas de tratamento para calculose urinária em quatro opções de decisão. Para testar a robustez dos resultados, foi incorporada a variável incerteza, por meio de simulações no sistema Crystall Ball, realizando 50.000 iterações. Os principais impactos do progresso tecnológico nos custos do tratamento paralitíase urinária são: aumento da capacidade instalada, geração de despesa com obsolescência e aumento das receitas
Lower Jurassic Bahamian-type facies in the Choč Nappe (Tatra Mts, West Carpathians, Poland) influenced by paleocirculation in the Western Tethys
The Lower Jurassic (upper Sinemurian) of the Hronicum domain (Tatra Mts., Western Carpathians, Poland) represents typical tropical shallow-water carbonates of the Bahamian-type. Eight microfacies recognized include oolitic-peloidal grainstone/packstone, peloidal-bioclastic grainstone, peloidal-lithoclastic-bioclastic-cortoidal grainstone/packstone, peloidal-bioclastic packstone/grainstone, peloidal-bioclastic wackestone, spiculitic wackestone, recrystallized peloidal-oolitic grainstone and subordinate dolosparites. The studied sediments were deposited on a shallow-water carbonate platform characterized by normal salinity, in high-energy oolite shoals, bars, back-margin, protected shallow lagoon and subordinately on restricted tidal flat. Some of them contain the microcoprolite Parafavreina, green alga Palaeodasycladus cf. mediterraneous (Pia) and Cayeuxia, typical of the Early Jurassic carbonate platforms of the Western Tethys. The spiculite wackestone from the upper part of the studied succession was deposited in a transitional to deeper-water setting. The studied upper Sinemurian carbonates of the Hronicum domain reveal microfacies similar to the other Bahamian-type platform carbonates of the Mediterranean region. Thereby, they record the northern range of the Lower Jurassic tropical shallow-water carbonates in the western part of the Tethys, albeit the thickness of the Bahamian-type carbonate successions generally decrease in a northerly direction. The sedimentation of the Bahamian-type deposits in the Hronicum domain, located during the Early Jurassic at about 28^{\circ}N, besides other specific factors (i.e., light, salinity, and nutrients) was strongly controlled by the paleocirculation of warm ocean currents in the Western Tethys
The Reference Site Collaborative Network of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing.
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