97 research outputs found

    Improving classification for brain computer interfaces using transitions and a moving window

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    Proceeding of: Biosignals 2009. International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing, BIOSTEC 2009. Porto (Portugal), 14-17 January 2009The context of this paper is the brain-computer interface (BCI), and in particular the classification of signals with machine learning methods. In this paper we intend to improve classification accuracy by taking advantage of a feature of BCIs: instances run in sequences belonging to the same class. In that case, the classiffication problem can be reformulated into two subproblems: detecting class transitions and determining the class for sequences of instances between transitions. We detect a transition when the Euclidean distance between the power spectra at two different times is larger than a threshold. To tackle the second problem, instances are classified by taking into account, not just the prediction for that instance, but a moving window of predictions for previous instances. Experimental results show that our transition detection method improves results for datasets of two out of three subjects of the BCI III competition. If the moving window is used, classification accuracy is further improved, depending on the window size.Publicad

    Towards Zero Training for Brain-Computer Interfacing

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    Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals are highly subject-specific and vary considerably even between recording sessions of the same user within the same experimental paradigm. This challenges a stable operation of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems. The classical approach is to train users by neurofeedback to produce fixed stereotypical patterns of brain activity. In the machine learning approach, a widely adapted method for dealing with those variances is to record a so called calibration measurement on the beginning of each session in order to optimize spatial filters and classifiers specifically for each subject and each day. This adaptation of the system to the individual brain signature of each user relieves from the need of extensive user training. In this paper we suggest a new method that overcomes the requirement of these time-consuming calibration recordings for long-term BCI users. The method takes advantage of knowledge collected in previous sessions: By a novel technique, prototypical spatial filters are determined which have better generalization properties compared to single-session filters. In particular, they can be used in follow-up sessions without the need to recalibrate the system. This way the calibration periods can be dramatically shortened or even completely omitted for these ‘experienced’ BCI users. The feasibility of our novel approach is demonstrated with a series of online BCI experiments. Although performed without any calibration measurement at all, no loss of classification performance was observed

    Towards a Cure for BCI Illiteracy

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    Brain–Computer Interfaces (BCIs) allow a user to control a computer application by brain activity as acquired, e.g., by EEG. One of the biggest challenges in BCI research is to understand and solve the problem of “BCI Illiteracy”, which is that BCI control does not work for a non-negligible portion of users (estimated 15 to 30%). Here, we investigate the illiteracy problem in BCI systems which are based on the modulation of sensorimotor rhythms. In this paper, a sophisticated adaptation scheme is presented which guides the user from an initial subject-independent classifier that operates on simple features to a subject-optimized state-of-the-art classifier within one session while the user interacts the whole time with the same feedback application. While initial runs use supervised adaptation methods for robust co-adaptive learning of user and machine, final runs use unsupervised adaptation and therefore provide an unbiased measure of BCI performance. Using this approach, which does not involve any offline calibration measurement, good performance was obtained by good BCI participants (also one novice) after 3–6 min of adaptation. More importantly, the use of machine learning techniques allowed users who were unable to achieve successful feedback before to gain significant control over the BCI system. In particular, one participant had no peak of the sensory motor idle rhythm in the beginning of the experiment, but could develop such peak during the course of the session (and use voluntary modulation of its amplitude to control the feedback application)

    The Smartphone Brain Scanner: A Portable Real-Time Neuroimaging System

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    Combining low cost wireless EEG sensors with smartphones offers novel opportunities for mobile brain imaging in an everyday context. We present a framework for building multi-platform, portable EEG applications with real-time 3D source reconstruction. The system - Smartphone Brain Scanner - combines an off-the-shelf neuroheadset or EEG cap with a smartphone or tablet, and as such represents the first fully mobile system for real-time 3D EEG imaging. We discuss the benefits and challenges of a fully portable system, including technical limitations as well as real-time reconstruction of 3D images of brain activity. We present examples of the brain activity captured in a simple experiment involving imagined finger tapping, showing that the acquired signal in a relevant brain region is similar to that obtained with standard EEG lab equipment. Although the quality of the signal in a mobile solution using a off-the-shelf consumer neuroheadset is lower compared to that obtained using high density standard EEG equipment, we propose that mobile application development may offset the disadvantages and provide completely new opportunities for neuroimaging in natural settings

    Brain-Computer Interface Based on Generation of Visual Images

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    This paper examines the task of recognizing EEG patterns that correspond to performing three mental tasks: relaxation and imagining of two types of pictures: faces and houses. The experiments were performed using two EEG headsets: BrainProducts ActiCap and Emotiv EPOC. The Emotiv headset becomes widely used in consumer BCI application allowing for conducting large-scale EEG experiments in the future. Since classification accuracy significantly exceeded the level of random classification during the first three days of the experiment with EPOC headset, a control experiment was performed on the fourth day using ActiCap. The control experiment has shown that utilization of high-quality research equipment can enhance classification accuracy (up to 68% in some subjects) and that the accuracy is independent of the presence of EEG artifacts related to blinking and eye movement. This study also shows that computationally-inexpensive Bayesian classifier based on covariance matrix analysis yields similar classification accuracy in this problem as a more sophisticated Multi-class Common Spatial Patterns (MCSP) classifier

    A Tutorial on EEG Signal Processing Techniques for Mental State Recognition in Brain-Computer Interfaces

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    International audienceThis chapter presents an introductory overview and a tutorial of signal processing techniques that can be used to recognize mental states from electroencephalographic (EEG) signals in Brain-Computer Interfaces. More particularly, this chapter presents how to extract relevant and robust spectral, spatial and temporal information from noisy EEG signals (e.g., Band Power features, spatial filters such as Common Spatial Patterns or xDAWN, etc.), as well as a few classification algorithms (e.g., Linear Discriminant Analysis) used to classify this information into a class of mental state. It also briefly touches on alternative, but currently less used approaches. The overall objective of this chapter is to provide the reader with practical knowledge about how to analyse EEG signals as well as to stress the key points to understand when performing such an analysis