297 research outputs found

    Riometry at the Italian Antarctic station of Terra Nova Bay

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    A solid-state riometer has been installed at Terra Nova Bay (74-420S and 164-060E) during the IX Italian Antarctic expedition (1993/1994) to provide, in the frame of the geophysical observatories, studies on the ionospheric absorption in the lower part of the ionosphere. This kind of measurements will integrate the already existing active vertical ionospheric sounding and the magnetic absolute vector observations, with the objective of investigating the state of the ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling. In order to evaluate the base disturbance to the riometer, a remote campaign has been performed at McCarthy Ridge, rather far from the base station, where no anthropic noise is expected. Preliminary data analysis confirms the good quality of the Antarctic riometer observations

    Carotid plaque imaging profiling in subjects with risk factors (diabetes and hypertension)

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    Carotid artery stenosis (CAS) due to the presence of atherosclerotic plaque (AP) is a frequent medical condition and a known risk factor for stroke, and it is also known from literature that several risk factors promote the AP development, in particular aging, smoke, male sex, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, smoke, diabetes type 1 and 2, and genetic factors. The study of carotid atherosclerosis is continuously evolving: even if the strategies of treatment still depends mainly on the degree of stenosis (DoS) determined by the plaque, in the last years the attention has moved to the study of the plaque components in order to identify the so called “vulnerable” plaque: features like the fibrous cap status and thickness, the volume of the lipid-rich necrotic core and the presence of intraplaque hemorrhage (IPH) are risk factors for plaque rupture, that can be studied with modern imaging techniques. The aim of this review is to give a general overview of the principle histological and imaging features of the subcomponent of carotid AP (CAP), focalizing in particular on the features of CAP of patients affected by hypertension and diabetes (in particular type 2 diabetes mellitus)

    Plasma cells in the carotid plaque: occurrence and significance

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    OBJECTIVE: Atherosclerosis is one of the leading causes of disability and mortality worldwide. Inflammation, including monocytes, T and B cells, plays a key role in its pathogenesis. Our purpose was to evaluate plasma cells’ presence in a large series of carotid artery plaques and the clinical association. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty-eight consecutive patients treated with carotid endarterectomy were retrospectively analyzed to assess plasma cells’ presence inside the plaque. A semiquantitative grading score was applied, ranging from absence, scattered, clusters of 5-10, and sheets of >10 plasma cells. Plasma cell’s location, as intraplaque, subendothelial or peri-adventitial, was also defined. RESULTS: In 75% of plaques analyzed, plasma cells were detected: scattered in 63.9%, in clusters in 22.2%, and in sheets in 13.9% of cases. In all cases, plasma cells were observed only inside the plaque. In 13.9% and in 11.1% of cases, plasma cells showed, respectively, a concomitant subendothelial or peri-adventitial distribution. In 5.6% of plaques, there was a simultaneous distribution in subendothelial, peri-adventitial layer, and intraplaque. Association between the presence of symptoms and plasma cells infiltrate was found. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that plasma cells could be a key parameter linked to plaque instability. Some types of configurations are significantly associated with the occurrence of cerebrovascular symptoms

    Helminth communities of herons (Aves: Ardeidae) in southern Italy

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    The helminth communities of nine species of herons from southern Italy were studied and compared. Of 24 taxa found including seven digeneans, seven nematodes, six cestodes and four acanthocephalans, only five taxa were found in more than one heron species, and five of the 21 taxa that could be identified to species level were classified as 'heron specialists'. The total number of helminth species per heron species ranged from 1 in Botaurus stellaris to 9 in Ixobrychus minutus with infection levels generally low. A statistical comparison was carried out for herons with a sample size >. 5. At the infracommunity level, only I. minutus clearly differed from other heron species. Diversity parameters of heminth infracommunities did not significantly differ among heron species. Species richness ranged from just 0.3 to 2.3 helminth taxa per individual host, and the Brillouin index, from 0 to 0.3. Total helminth abundance did not exceed 40 worms per host except in a single case of Ardeola ralloides. Infracommunities clearly were dominated by single helminth species. The present study confirms a depauperate helminth community in herons from southern Italy. Comparison with data from Spain and the Czech Republic showed strong quantitative similarities with values obtained in the present study. Results also suggest that the composition of local helminth communities are strongly variable depending on geographical location as is demonstrated by comparison with data from other European areas. However, whether herons in Europe naturally host depauperate helminth communities or these communities are depauperate because of other factors is unknow

    Role of imaging in rare COVID-19 vaccine multiorgan complications

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    As of September 18th, 2021, global casualties due to COVID-19 infections approach 200 million, several COVID-19 vaccines have been authorized to prevent COVID-19 infection and help mitigate the spread of the virus. Despite the vast majority having safely received vaccination against SARS-COV-2, the rare complications following COVID-19 vaccination have often been life-threatening or fatal. The mechanisms underlying (multi) organ complications are associated with COVID-19, either through direct viral damage or from host immune response (i.e., cytokine storm). The purpose of this manuscript is to review the role of imaging in identifying and elucidating multiorgan complications following SARS-COV-2 vaccination—making clear that, in any case, they represent a minute fraction of those in the general population who have been vaccinated. The authors are both staunch supporters of COVID-19 vaccination and vaccinated themselves as well

    The human carotid atherosclerotic plaque: an observational review of histological scoring systems

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    OBJECTIVE: The atherosclerotic plaque is a complex dynamic pathological lesion of the arterial wall, characterized by multiple elementary lesions of different diagnostic and prognostic significance. Fibrous cap thickness, lipid necrotic core dimension, inflammation, intra-plaque hemorrhage (IPH), plaque neovascularization and endothelial dysfunction (erosions) are generally considered the most relevant morphological details of plaque morphology. In this review, the most relevant features able to discriminate between stable and vulnerable plaques at histological level are discussed. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Retrospectively, we have evaluated the laboratory results from one hundred old histological samples from patients treated with carotid endarterectomy. These results were analyzed to assess elementary lesions that characterize stable and unstable plaques. RESULTS: A thin fibrous cap (<65 micron), loss of smooth muscle cells, collagen depletion, a large lipid-rich necrotic core, infiltrating macrophages, IPH and intra-plaque vascularization are identified as the most important risk factors associated with plaque rupture. CONCLUSIONS: Immunohistochemistry for smooth muscle actin (smooth muscle cell marker) and for CD68 (marker of monocytes/macrophages) and glycophorin (marker of red blood cells) are suggested as useful tools for an in deep characterization of any carotid plaque and for distinguishing plaque phenotypes at histology. Since patients with a carotid vulnerable plaque are at higher risk of developing vulnerable plaques in other arteries as well, the definition of the vulnerability index is underlined, in order to stratify patients at higher risk for undergoing cardiovascular events

    On key technologies for realising digital twins for structural dynamics applications

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    The term digital twin has gained increasing popularity over the last few years. The concept, loosely based on a virtual model framework that can replicate a particular system for contexts of interest over time, will require the development and integration of several key technologies in order to be fully realised. This paper, focusing on vibration-related problems in mechanical systems, discusses these key technologies as the building blocks of a digital twin. The example of a simulation digital twin that can be used for asset management is then considered. After briefly discussing the building blocks required, the process of data-augmented modelling is selected for detailed investigation. This concept is one of the defining characteristics of the digital twin idea, and using a simple numerical example, it is shown how augmenting a model with data can be used to compensate for the inherent model discrepancy. Finally the implications of this type of data augmentation for future digital twin technology is discussed

    Trace elements and the carotid plaque: the GOOD (Mg, Zn, Se), the UGLY (Fe, Cu), and the BAD (P, Ca)?

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    Multiple epidemiological studies have suggested that industrialization and progressive urbanization should be considered one of the main factors responsible for the rising of atherosclerosis in the developing world. In this scenario, the role of trace metals in the insurgence and progression of atherosclerosis has not been clarified yet. In this paper, the specific role of selected trace elements (magnesium, zinc, selenium, iron, copper, phosphorus, and calcium) is described by focusing on the atherosclerotic prevention and pathogenesis plaque. For each element, the following data are reported: daily intake, serum levels, intra/extracellular distribution, major roles in physiology, main effects of high and low levels, specific roles in atherosclerosis, possible interactions with other trace elements, and possible influences on plaque development. For each trace element, the correlations between its levels and clinical severity and outcome of COVID-19 are discussed. Moreover, the role of matrix metalloproteinases, a family of zinc-dependent endopeptidases, as a new medical therapeutical approach to atherosclerosis is discussed.Data suggest that trace element status may influence both atherosclerosis insurgence and plaque evolution toward a stable or an unstable status. However, significant variability in the action of these traces is evident: some - including magnesium, zinc, and selenium - may have a protective role, whereas others, including iron and copper, probably have a multi-faceted and more complex role in the pathogenesis of the atherosclerotic plaque. Finally, calcium and phosphorus are implicated in the calcification of atherosclerotic plaques and in the progression of the plaque toward rupture and severe clinical complications. In particular, the role of calcium is debated. Focusing on the COVID-19 pandemia, optimized magnesium and zinc levels are indicated as important protective tools against a severe clinical course of the disease, often related to the ability of SARS-CoV-2 to cause a systemic inflammatory response, able to transform a stable plaque into an unstable one, with severe clinical complications


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    ABSTRACT During June 2002 and February 2003 1,800 blood samples were collected from 5 slaughtering plants located in Campania region (Italy) which were supplied by 21 rabbitries situated in central and southern Italian regions, such as Campania, Lazio, Basilicata, Molise, Calabria. The aims of this study were to use the Carbon Immunoassay (India ink) test (CIA) and FC test to determine respectively the prevalence of specific zoonotic agents such as E. cuniculi, T. gondii and Chlamydia psittaci in fattening rabbits. For E. cuniculi of the total number of 1,800 sera examined, 490 were positive and they represented 27.2%. All supplying breeding farms were positive with a percentage from 10% (4/40) to 57.5% (23/40) of total sera collected from each slaughtered batch. Sera resulted less positive for T. gondii: of 1,800 sera only 50 (2.7%) were positive; these date were relative to 6/21 breeding farms. Serological Chlamydia screening resulted totally negative
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