11 research outputs found

    Entanglement of hard-core bose gas in degenerate levels under local noise

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    Quantum entanglement properties of the pseudo-spin representation of the BCS model is investigated. In case of degenerate energy levels, where wave functions take a particularly simple form, spontaneous breaking of exchange symmetry under local noise is studied. Even if the Hamiltonian has the same symmetry, it is shown that there is a non-zero probability to end up with a non-symmetric final state. For small systems, total probability for symmetry breaking is found to be inversely proportional to the system size

    Spin multistability in dissipative polariton channels

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    We present a model for the theoretical description of the dynamics of a system of spinor cavity polaritons in real space and time, accounting for all relevant types of the interactions and effective magnetic fields. We apply our general formalism for the consideration of the polarization dynamics of the coherently driven, one-dimensional polariton channel. We investigate the effect of the temperature and the longitudinal-transverse splitting on the spin (polarization) multistability and hysteresis arising from the polarization-dependent polariton-polariton interaction. We show that the effect of the phase of the driving laser pump is as important as its strength, and demonstrate that the multistability behavior can survive up to high temperatures in the presence of longitudinal-transverse splitting

    At-a-glance - Lessons learned from launching the Manitoba Take-Home Naloxone Program

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    The Government of Manitoba launched the provincial Take-Home Naloxone Program in January 2017. By the end of September 2017, there were over 60 sites operating in Manitoba. These sites distributed 765 kits to people at risk of opioid overdose, and 93 of these kits were replacement kits used in overdose events. Most of these events occurred among males (60.2%) and in a private residence (72.0%). Fentanyl and carfentanil were the most common substances reported during overdose events. Take-Home Naloxone Program data provide important information about the unique context of the opioid crisis in Manitoba

    Aperçu - Leçons tirées du lancement du programme de naloxone à emporter à domicile du Manitoba

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    Le gouvernement du Manitoba a lancé son programme de naloxone à emporter à domicile en janvier 2017. Fin septembre 2017, plus de 60 sites de distribution fonctionnaient dans la province. Ces sites ont distribué 765 trousses aux personnes à risque de surdose d’opioïdes, dont 93 en remplacement d'une trousse utilisée lors d’une surdose. La plupart de ces surdoses ont touché des hommes (60,2 %) et ont eu lieu dans une résidence privée (72,0 %). Le fentanyl et le carfentanil ont été les substances en cause les plus fréquemment rapportées dans les cas de surdose. Les données du programme de naloxone à emporter à domicile fournissent des renseignements importants sur le contexte spécifique de la crise des opioïdes au Manitoba