1 research outputs found
Comparison of Mycotoxin Contamination levels of Local and Imported Corn in Iraq
The study included determining pollution level of mycotoxin (aflatoxin, Ochratoxin, T2 / HT2) in local and imported corn in Iraq because it causes health damage and economic losses. In this study, 100 samples were collected from 50 samples of local corn, and 50 samples of imported corn and assed for mycotoxins test using ELISA technique and the results indicated the presence of the highest infection rates of mycotoxin in the local corn especially aflatoxin, where 28 sample at 56% were ranged between (20.1 - 157) ppb, which is higher than the allowable limits and 22 samples at (44%) were ranged between (5.1 to 2.9) ppb which is within the allowable limits , T2 / HT2 in 16 samples at (32%) of the total samples recorded less than (150) PPb which ranged between lowest value (25.8) ppb and the highest value (74.5) ppb and 34 samples at 68% with the value(0.0)ppb were is within the allowable limits, Ochratoxin, in 33 sample at 66% of the total samples less than(15) PPb recorded readings were ranged between lowest value (1.5) ppb and the highest value (14.3) ppb, and 17 samples at 34% with the value (0.0)ppb, which is also within the allowable limits in our country. Imported corn recorded readings in 24 samples at 48% as found by the three toxins and ranged the results of aflatoxin between the lowest value (0.8) PPb and the highest value (5.6) ppb and 26 samples at 52% with the value (0.0)ppb and T2 / HT2 results were ranged between the lowest value (3.1) ppb and the highest value (148) ppb and 26 samples at 52% with the value (0.0) ppb ochratoxin results were ranged between the lowest value (1.1) ppb and the highest value (5.7) ppb, and 26 samples at 52% with the value (0.0)ppb  and all of these results are within the allowable limits in our country. So we conclude from this study that the local corn was highest mycotoxin contamination than imported corn