31 research outputs found

    Trajectories in a space with a spherically symmetric dislocation

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    We consider a new type of defect in the scope of linear elasticity theory, using geometrical methods. This defect is produced by a spherically symmetric dislocation, or ball dislocation. We derive the induced metric as well as the affine connections and curvature tensors. Since the induced metric is discontinuous, one can expect ambiguity coming from these quantities, due to products between delta functions or its derivatives, plaguing a description of ball dislocations based on the Geometric Theory of Defects. However, exactly as in the previous case of cylindric defect, one can obtain some well-defined physical predictions of the induced geometry. In particular, we explore some properties of test particle trajectories around the defect and show that these trajectories are curved but can not be circular orbits.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Renormalization Ambiguities and Conformal Anomaly in Metric-Scalar Backgrounds

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    We analyze the problem of the existing ambiguities in the conformal anomaly in theories with external scalar field in curved backgrounds. In particular, we consider the anomaly of self-interacting massive scalar field theory and of Yukawa model in the massless conformal limit. In all cases the ambiguities are related to finite renormalizations of a local non-minimal terms in the effective action. We point out the generic nature of this phenomenon and provide a general method to identify the theories where such an ambiguity can arise.Comment: RevTeX, 10 pages, no figures. Small comment and two references added. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    On the static solutions in gravity with massive scalar field in three dimensions

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    We investigate circularly symmetric static solutions in three-dimensional gravity with a minimally coupled massive scalar field. We integrate numerically the field equations assuming asymptotic flatness, where black holes do not exist and a naked singularity is present. We also give a brief review on the massless cases with cosmological constant.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 1 Postscript figure. Some changes were don

    Universality and ambiguity in fermionic effective actions

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    We discuss an ambiguity in the one-loop effective action of massive fields which takes place in massive fermionic theories. The universality of logarithmic UV divergences in different space-time dimensions leads to the non-universality of the finite part of effective action, which can be called the non-local multiplicative anomaly. The general criteria of existence of this phenomena are formulated and applied to fermionic operators with different external fields.Comment: 13 pages, no figure

    On Possible Light-Torsion Mixing in Background Magnetic Field

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    The interaction of the light with propagating axial torsion fields in the presence of an external magnetic field has been investigated. Axial torsion fields appearing in higher derivative quantum gravity possess two states, with spin one and zero, with different masses. The torsion field with spin-0 state is a ghost that can be removed if its mass is infinite. We investigate the possibility when the light mixes with the torsion fields resulting in the effect of vacuum birefringence and dichroism. The expressions for ellipticity and the rotation of light polarization axis depending on the coupling constant and the external magnetic field have been obtained.Comment: 12 pages, title changed, shortened journal version, accepted in Eur.Phys.J.

    Slowly rotating charged black holes in anti-de Sitter third order Lovelock gravity

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    In this paper, we study slowly rotating black hole solutions in Lovelock gravity (n=3). These exact slowly rotating black hole solutions are obtained in uncharged and charged cases, respectively. Up to the linear order of the rotating parameter a, the mass, Hawking temperature and entropy of the uncharged black holes get no corrections from rotation. In charged case, we compute magnetic dipole moment and gyromagnetic ratio of the black holes. It is shown that the gyromagnetic ratio keeps invariant after introducing the Gauss-Bonnet and third order Lovelock interactions.Comment: 14 pages, no figur

    The background scale Ward identity in quantum gravity

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    We show that with suitable choices of parametrization, gauge fixing and cutoff, the anomalous variation of the effective action under global rescalings of the background metric is identical to the derivative with respect to the cutoff, i.e. to the beta functional, as defined by the exact RG equation. The Ward identity and the RG equation can be combined, resulting in a modified flow equation that is manifestly invariant under global background rescalings

    Tests of Lorentz symmetry using antihydrogen

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    Signals of CPT and Lorentz violation are possible in the context of spectroscopy using hydrogen and antihydrogen. We apply the Standard-Model Extension, a broad framework for Lorentz breaking in physics, to various transitions in the hydrogen and antihydrogen spectra. The results show an unsuppressed effect in the transition between the upper two hyperfine sublevels of the ground state of these systems. We also discuss related tests in Penning traps, and recent work on Lorentz violation in curved spacetime.Comment: 11pp, invited talk at PQE 37 Conference, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 2-6 Jan 200

    Effective Action of Vacuum: Semiclassical Approach

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    We present brief, to great extent pedagogical review on renormalization in curved space-time and of some recent results on the derivation and better understanding of quantum corrections to the action of gravity. The paper is mainly devoted to the semiclassical approach, but we also discuss its importance for quantum gravity and string theory.Comment: 54 pages, 2 figures, invited review paper partially based on various lecture courses, accepted in Classical and Quantum Gravity as topical review. A few changes compared to the original version: some relevant comments on black hole case and references added, typos correcte

    Non-singular screw dislocations as the Coulomb gas with smoothed out coupling and the renormalization of the shear modulus

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    A field theory is developed for a thermodynamical description of array of parallel non-singular screw dislocations in elastic cylinder. The partition function of the system is considered in the functional integral form. Self-energy of the dislocation cores is chosen in the form suggested by the gauge-translational model of non-singular screw dislocation. It is shown that the system of the dislocations is equivalent to the two-dimensional Coulomb gas. The coupling potential is prevented from a short-distance divergency since the core energies are taken into account. Two-point correlation functions of the stress components are obtained. Renormalization of the shear modulus caused by the presence of the dislocations is studied in the approximation of non-interacting dislocation dipoles. It is demonstrated that the finite size of the dislocation cores results in a modification of the renormalization law.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe