158 research outputs found

    The structure of atomic nitrogen adsorbed on Fe(100)

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    Nitrogen atoms adsorbed on a Fe(100) surface cause the formation of an ordered c(2 × 2) overlayer with coverage 0.5. A structure analysis was performed by comparing experimental LEED I–V spectra with the results of multiple scattering model calculations. The N atoms were found to occupy fourfold hollow sites, with their plane 0.27 Å above the plane of the surface Fe atoms. In addition, nitrogen adsorption causes an expansion of the two topmost Fe layers by 10% (= 0.14 Å). The minimum r-factor for this structure analysis is about 0.2 for a total of 16 beams. The resulting atomic arrangement is similar to that in the (002) plane of bulk Fe4N, thus supporting the view of a “surface nitride” and providing a consistent picture of the structural and bonding properties of this surface phase

    An efficient method for LEED crystallography

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    Determination of periodic surface structures from analysis of LEED intensity data is usually based on the evaluation of continuous I/V-spectra for a large number of model structures for which all the structural parameters have to be refined simultaneously until the best agreement with the experimental data, as quantified by the minimum of R-factor, is achieved. It is demonstrated that analysis based on intensity data taken only at discrete energy intervals (of up to about 20 eV) leads to no loss in accuracy if compared with the evaluation of continuous I/V-spectra. The introduction of a novel RDE-factor permits in addition to replace the “grid search” technique by a “least-squares” optimisation scheme which enables automatic search of the R-factor minimum at considerably reduced computational efforts. The strength of this technique becomes particularly evident with more complex structures as is demonstrated for Ni(110)-(2 × 1)O and other systems

    A novel procedure for fast surface structural analysis based on LEED intensity data

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    By evaluating LEED intensities from different diffraction beams taken only at discrete energy intervals (which may be as large as 15–20 eV) the same degree of reliability in surface structure determination can be reached as with the conventional techniques based on analysis of continuous I/V-spectra. The minimum of the corresponding R-factor can be found by a least-squares fit method, as will be exemplified with a system in which 8 structural parameters were subject to simultaneous refinement

    Nr-CAM and neurofascin interactions regulate ankyrin G and sodium channel clustering at the node of Ranvier

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    AbstractVoltage-dependent sodium (Na+) channels are highly concentrated at nodes of Ranvier in myelinated axons and play a key role in promoting rapid and efficient conduction of action potentials by saltatory conduction. The molecular mechanisms that direct their localization to the node are not well understood but are believed to involve contact-dependent signals from myelinating Schwann cells [1] and interactions of Na+ channels with the cytoskeletal protein, ankyrin G [2]. Two cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) expressed at the axon surface, Nr-CAM and neurofascin, are also linked to ankyrin G and accumulate at early stages of node formation, suggesting that they mediate contact-dependent Schwann cell signals to initiate node development [3]. To examine the potential role of Nr-CAM in this process, we treated myelinating cocultures of DRG (dorsal root ganglion) neurons and Schwann cells with an Nr-CAM-Fc (Nr-Fc) fusion protein. Nr-Fc had no effect on initial axon-Schwann cell interactions, including Schwann cell proliferation, or on the extent of myelination, but it strikingly and specifically inhibited Na+ channel and ankyrin G accumulation at the node. Nr-Fc bound directly to neurons and clustered and coprecipitated neurofascin expressed on axons. These results provide the first evidence that neurofascin plays a major role in the formation of nodes, possibly via interactions with Nr-CAM

    A LEED structural analysis of the Co(100) surface

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    The structure of the clean Co(1010) surface has been analysed by LEED. Application of a recently developed computational scheme reveals the prevalence of the termination A in which the two topmost layers exhibit a narrow spacing of 0.62 Å, corresponding to a 12.8(±0.5)% contraction with respect to the bulk value, while the spacing between the second and third layer is slightly expanded by 0.8(±0.2)%

    A leed analysis of the (2Ă—1)H-Ni(110) structure

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    A monolayer of H atoms adsorbed on Ni(110) below 180 K forms a (2×1) structure. The unit cell exhibits a glide symmetry plane and contains two adsorbed atoms. Based on a quantitative comparison between experimental and calculated LEED I/V spectra using standard R-factors the following structure was derived: On the clean Ni(110) surface the separation between the first two atomic layers, d12, is contracted by 8.5%±1.5% with respect to the bulk value; those between the second and third and the third and fourth layer, d23 and d34, are expanded by 3.5%±1.5% and 1%±1.5%, respectively—in agreement with recent other results. In the presence of the H adlayer the contraction of d12 is reduced to 4.5%±1.5%, while the expansion of d23 is not affected within the limits of accuracy. The third interlayer spacing d34 returns to its bulk value. The H atoms occupy threefold-coordinated sites formed by two Ni atoms from the first layer and one Ni atom from the second layer which confirms previous more qualitative conclusions based on He diffraction and vibrational spectroscopy. The bond lengths between H and its neighbouring Ni atoms were determined to be equal, namely 1.72±0.1 Å

    Discovery and Functional Categorisation of Expressed Sequence Tags from Flowers of \u3cem\u3eEragrostis Curvula\u3c/em\u3e Genotypes Showing Different Ploidy Levels and Reproductive Modes

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    Two novel genotypes of weeping lovegrass (Eragrostis curvula) - a dihaploid strain obtained in vitro from an apomictic cultivar and a tetraploid plant derived from the dihaploid after chromosome duplication – have recently been developed. These materials represent an excellent system for the identification, through transcriptional profiling, of genes involved in diplospory and/or ploidy level gene regulation. The aim of this work was the discovery and functional classification of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from immature inflorescences of the apomictic E. curvula cultivar Tanganyika (2n=4x=40), a dihaploid sexual strain derived from it (2n=2x=20) and a tetraploid sexual strain (2n=4x=40) obtained by colchicine duplication of the dihaploid
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