88 research outputs found

    Multiplex quantitative analysis of microRNA expression via exponential isothermal amplification and conformation-sensitive DNA separation

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    Expression profiling of multiple microRNAs (miRNAs) generally provides valuable information for understanding various biological processes. Thus, it is necessary to develop a sensitive and accurate miRNA assay suitable for multiplexing. Isothermal exponential amplification reaction (EXPAR) has received significant interest as an miRNA analysis method because of high amplification efficiency. However, EXPAR cannot be used for a broader range of applications owing to limitations such as complexity of probe design and lack of proper detection method for multiplex analysis. Here, we developed a sensitive and accurate multiplex miRNA profiling method using modified isothermal EXPAR combined with high-resolution capillary electrophoresis-based single-strand conformation polymorphism (CE-SSCP). To increase target miRNA specificity, a stem-loop probe was introduced instead of a linear probe in isothermal EXPAR to allow specific amplification of multiple miRNAs with minimal background signals. CE-SSCP, a conformation-dependent separation method, was used for detection. Since CE-SSCP eliminates the need for probes to have different lengths, easier designing of probes with uniform amplification efficiency was possible. Eight small RNAs comprising six miRNAs involved in Caenorhabditis elegans development and two controls were analyzed. The expression patterns obtained using our method were concordant with those reported in previous studies, thereby supporting the proposed method's robustness and utility.113sciescopu

    Asymptotic analysis for singularly perturbed convection-diffusion equations with a turning point

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    Turning points occur in many circumstances in fluid mechanics. When the viscosity is small, very complex phenomena can occur near turning points, which are not yet well understood. A model problem, corresponding to a linear convection-diffusion equation (e.g., suitable linearization of the Navier-Stokes or B́nard convection equations) is considered. Our analysis shows the diversity and complexity of behaviors and boundary or interior layers which already appear for our equations simpler than the Navier-Stokes or B́nard convection equations. Of course the diversity and complexity of these structures will have to be taken into consideration for the study of the nonlinear problems. In our case, at this stage, the full theoretical (asymptotic) analysis is provided. This study is totally new to the best of our knowledge. Numerical treatment and more complex problems will be considered elsewhere.open91

    The presence of high level soluble herpes virus entry mediator in sera of gastric cancer patients

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    The development of gastric cancer (GC) is closely related to chronic inflammation caused by Helicobacter pylori infection, and herpes virus entry mediator (HVEM) is a receptor expressed on the surface of leukocytes that mediates potent inflammatory responses in animal models. However, the role of HVEM in human GC has not been studied. Previously, we showed that the interaction of HVEM on human leukocytes with its ligand LIGHT induces intracellular calcium mobilization, which results in inflammatory responses including induction of proinflammatory cytokine production and anti-bacterial activities. In this study, we report that leukocytes from GC patients express lower levels of membrane HVEM (mHVEM) and have lower LIGHT-induced bactericidal activities than those from healthy controls (HC). In contrast, levels of soluble HVEM (sHVEM) in the sera of GC patients were significantly higher than in those of HC. We found that monocyte membrane-bound HVEM is released into the medium when cells are activated by proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-8, which are elevated in the sera of GC patients. mHVEM level dropped in parallel with the release of sHVEM, and release was completely blocked by the metalloprotease inhibitor, GM6001. We also found that the low level of mHVEM on GC patient leukocytes was correlated with low LIGHT-induced bactericidal activities against H. pylori and S. aureus and production of reactive oxygen species. Our results indicate that mHVEM on leukocytes and sHVEM in sera may contribute to the development and/or progression of GC

    Bacterial Inactivation of Wound Infection in a Human Skin Model by Liquid-Phase Discharge Plasma

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    Background: We investigate disinfection of a reconstructed human skin model contaminated with biofilm-formative Staphylococcus aureus employing plasma discharge in liquid. Principal Findings: We observed statistically significant 3.83-log10 (p,0.001) and 1.59-log10 (p,0.05) decreases in colony forming units of adherent S. aureus bacteria and 24 h S. aureus biofilm culture with plasma treatment. Plasma treatment was associated with minimal changes in histological morphology and tissue viability determined by means of MTT assay. Spectral analysis of the plasma discharge indicated the presence of highly reactive atomic oxygen radicals (777 nm and 844 nm) and OH bands in the UV region. The contribution of these and other plasma-generated agents and physical conditions to the reduction in bacterial load are discussed. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate the potential of liquid plasma treatment as a potential adjunct therapy for chronic wounds

    Effect of Pyruvate Carboxylase Overexpression on the Physiology of Corynebacterium glutamicum

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    Pyruvate carboxylase was recently sequenced in Corynebacterium glutamicum and shown to play an important role of anaplerosis in the central carbon metabolism and amino acid synthesis of these bacteria. In this study we investigate the effect of the overexpression of the gene for pyruvate carboxylase (pyc) on the physiology of C. glutamicum ATCC 21253 and ATCC 21799 grown on defined media with two different carbon sources, glucose and lactate. In general, the physiological effects of pyc overexpression in Corynebacteria depend on the genetic background of the particular strain studied and are determined to a large extent by the interplay between pyruvate carboxylase and aspartate kinase activities. If the pyruvate carboxylase activity is not properly matched by the aspartate kinase activity, pyc overexpression results in growth enhancement instead of greater lysine production, despite its central role in anaplerosis and aspartic acid biosynthesis. Aspartate kinase regulation by lysine and threonine, pyruvate carboxylase inhibition by aspartate (shown in this study using permeabilized cells), as well as well-established activation of pyruvate carboxylase by lactate and acetyl coenzyme A are the key factors in determining the effect of pyc overexpression on Corynebacteria physiology

    Coevolution and Correlated Multiplexity in Multiplex Networks

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