1,282 research outputs found

    Renormalization of chiral two pion exchange NN interactions with delta excitations: correlations in the partial wave expansion

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    In this work we consider the renormalization of the chiral two-pion exchange potential with explicit delta-excitations for nucleon-nucleon scattering at next-to-leading (NLO) and next-to-next-to-leading order (N2LO). Due to the singular nature of the chiral potentials, correlations between different partial waves are generated. In particular we show that two-body scattering by a short distance power like singular attractive interaction can be renormalized in all partial waves with a single counterterm, provided the singularities are identical. A parallel statement holds in the presence of tensor interactions when the eigenpotentials in the coupled channel problem also coincide. While this construction reduces the total number of counterterms to eleven in the case of nucleon-nucleon scattering with chiral two-pion exchange interactions with delta degrees of freedom, the differences in the scattering phases as compared to the case with the uncorrelated partial wave renormalization become smaller as the angular momentum is increased in the elastic scattering region.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, a section has been added discussing cut-off dependence. Accepted for publication in PR

    Deriving the existence of BBˉ∗B\bar{B}^* bound states from the X(3872) and Heavy Quark Symmetry

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    We discuss the possibility and the description of bound states between BB and Bˉ∗\bar{B}^* mesons. We argue that the existence of such a bound state can be deduced from (i) the weakly bound X(3872) state, (ii) certain assumptions about the short range dynamics of the DDˉ∗D\bar{D}^* system and (iii) heavy quark symmetry. From these assumptions the binding energy of the possible BBˉ∗B\bar{B}^* bound states is determined, first in a theory containing only contact interactions which serves as a straightforward illustration of the method, and then the effects of including the one pion exchange potential are discussed. In this latter case three isoscalar states are predicted: a positive and negative C-parity 3S1−3D1^3S_1-{}^3D_1 state with a binding energy of 20 MeV20\,{\rm MeV} and 6 MeV6\,{\rm MeV} below threshold respectively, and a positive C-parity 3P0^3P_0 shallow state located almost at the BBˉ∗B\bar{B}^* threshold. However, large uncertainties are generated as a consequence of the 1/mQ1/m_Q corrections from heavy quark symmetry. Finally, the newly discovered isovector Zb(10610)Z_b(10610) state can be easily accommodated within the present framework by a minor modification of the short range dynamics.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures; a sign error in the potential has been corrected and new predictions have been compute

    Producción científica nacional e internacional en drogas de diseño (1988-1997)

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    Rafael Aleixandre Benavent: [email protected]ón: El conocimiento de las fuentes de información científica es imprescindible para el abordaje del problema del consumo de drogas de diseño. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la producción científica nacional e internacional sobre esta conducta, a partir del análisis bibliométrico de las publicaciones. Material y método: La producción científica sobre drogas de diseño se ha obtenido de las bases de datos IME, MEDLINE, ISOC y teseo durante el período 1988-1997. También se revisaron las referencias bibliográficas de los artículos recuperados en la base de datos IME. Los artículos obtenidos se distribuyeron por años, tipo documental, revista de publicación y temática, instituciones y países de procedencia, idiomas y temas tratados. Resultados: En las revistas españolas se publicaron 34 artículos y en las extranjeras 2.181. Los principales aspectos tratados se refieren a la toxicidad, concepto y clasificación y actividad farmacológica de las drogas de diseño. Las áreas temáticas más productivas son la neuropsiquiatría, la farmacología y la medicina general e interna. Conclusiones: El análisis muestra que existen escasos estudios experimentales y epidemiológicos publicados en España. Las revistas son de drogodependencias, temática general, neuropsiquiatría y farmacología, lo que pone de relieve la multidisciplinariedad de esta conducta adictiva. Predominan los estudios sobre la 1-metil-4-fenil-1,2,3,6-tetrahidropiridina y los análogos y derivados de la MDMA.Introduction: The knowledge of the scientific information sources is essential to approach the problem of the design drugs consumption. The objective of this work is directed to analyse the national and international scientific production about such behaviour, starting from the analysis bibliometric of the publications. Material and method: The scientific production on design drugs is being obtained from the data base IME, MEDLINE, ISOC and teseo during the 1988/1997 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1988/1997      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1988/1997      end_of_the_skype_highlighting period. It has been done checking the bibliographic references of the articles recovered from the data base IME. The articles obtained have been separated by year, documentation type, journals thematic, institutions, country of origin, language and subject-matter. Results: In the spanish journals there has been published 34 articles and 2.181 in foreing journals. The main aspects treated make reference to toxicity, concept, classification and pharmacological activity of the design drugs. The thematic areas more productive are neuropsychiatry, pharmacological and general and internal medicine. Conclusions: The analysis points out that its does exist minimal experimental and epidemiological studies published in Spain. The journals more productives are specialised in drug addiction, general thematic, neuropsychiatry and pharmacological, what underlines the multidisciplinary of this addictive behaviour. The studies of the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine and of analogues and derived of MDMA predominate

    Renormalization of NN Interaction with Relativistic Chiral Two Pion Exchange

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    The renormalization of the NN interaction with the Chiral Two Pion Exchange Potential computed using relativistic baryon chiral perturbation theory is considered. The short distance singularity reduces the number of counter-terms to about a half as those in the heavy-baryon expansion. Phase shifts and deuteron properties are evaluated and a general overall agreement is observed.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. Reference included. Typos corrected. Appendix and discussion adde

    Nucleon-Nucleon interaction, charge symmetry breaking and renormalization

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    We study the interplay between charge symmetry breaking and renormalization in the NN system for s-waves. We find a set of universality relations which disentangle explicitly the known long distance dynamics from low energy parameters and extend them to the Coulomb case. We analyze within such an approach the One-Boson-Exchange potential and the theoretical conditions which allow to relate the proton-neutron, proton-proton and neutron-neutron scattering observables without the introduction of extra new parameters and providing good phenomenological success.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Host-pathogen evolutionary signatures reveal dynamics and future invasions of vampire bat rabies

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    Anticipating how epidemics will spread across landscapes requires understanding host dispersal events that are notoriously difficult to measure. Here, we contrast host and virus genetic signatures to resolve the spatiotemporal dynamics underlying geographic expansions of vampire bat rabies virus (VBRV) in Peru. Phylogenetic analysis revealed recent viral spread between populations that, according to extreme geographic structure in maternally inherited host mitochondrial DNA, appeared completely isolated. In contrast, greater population connectivity in biparentally inherited nuclear microsatellites explained the historical limits of invasions, suggesting that dispersing male bats spread VBRV between genetically isolated female populations. Host nuclear DNA further indicated unanticipated gene flow through the Andes mountains connecting the VBRV-free Pacific coast to the VBRV-endemic Amazon rainforest. By combining Bayesian phylogeography with landscape resistance models, we projected invasion routes through northern Peru that were validated by real-time livestock rabies mortality data. The first outbreaks of VBRV on the Pacific coast of South America could occur by June 2020, which would have serious implications for agriculture, wildlife conservation, and human health. Our results show that combining host and pathogen genetic data can identify sex biases in pathogen spatial spread, which may be a widespread but underappreciated phenomenon, and demonstrate that genetic forecasting can aid preparedness for impending viral invasions

    Scientific Programming Tools for Water Management

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    This special issue delivers a platform in which researchers expose intersections between algorithm design, software platforms, and hardware architectures to deal with emerging challenges in the scientific field of management of water and water-dependent resources. Since the call for papers was announced in June 2019, this special issue has received 10 manuscripts. After a rigorous review process, 6 papers have been finally accepted for publication. Published papers deal with groundwater quality monitoring, coastal groundwater-dependent irrigation agriculture, desertification risk, water recovery from tailings, future scenarios of water resources, and vulnerability of coastal aquifers
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