30 research outputs found

    Effect of Lubrication on Friction in Bending under Tension Test-Experimental and Numerical Approach

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    This paper is aimed to determine the value of coefficient of friction (COF) at the rounded edge of the die in the sheet metal forming operations using the bending under tension (BUT) test. The experimental part of the investigations is devoted to the study of the frictional resistances of low alloy steel sheet under different strains of the specimen, surface roughnesses of the tool and for different lubrication conditions. Three oils are destined for different conditions of duties in the stamping process. Numerical modeling of the material flow in the BUT test has been conducted in the MSC.Marc program. One of the objectives of the numerical computations is to know the type of the contact pressure acting on the cylindrical surface countersample in the BUT test by assuming the anisotropic properties of the metallic sheet. It has been found that the COF in the rounded edge of the die does not vary with increasing sheet elongation. Taking into account that normal pressure increases with increasing specimen elongation and workpiece material is subjected to strain hardening phenomenon, the COF value is very stable during the friction test. The effectiveness of the lubrication depends on the balance between two mechanisms accompanied by friction process: roughening of workpiece asperities and adhesion of the contacting surfaces. In the case of high surface roughness of tool due to a dominant share of ploughing, all of the lubricants used were not able to decrease the COF in a sufficient extent. The used lubricants were able to reduce the value of friction coefficient approximately by 3–52% in relation to the surface roughness of rolls.publishedVersio

    Recent developments and trends in the friction testing for conventional sheet metal forming and incremental sheet forming

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    Friction is the main phenomenon that has a huge influence on the flow behavior of deformed material in sheet metal forming operations. Sheet metal forming methods are one of the most popular processes of obtaining finished products, especially in aerospace, automobile, and defense industries. Methods of sheet forming are carried out at different temperatures. So, it requires tribological tests that suitably represent the contact phenomena related to the temperature. The knowledge of the friction properties of the sheet is required for the proper design of the conditions of manufacturing processes and tools. This paper summarizes the methods used to describe friction conditions in conventional sheet metal forming and incremental sheet forming that have been developed over a period of time. The following databases have been searched: WebofKowledge, Scopus, Baztool, Bielefield Academic Search Engine, DOAJ Directory of Open Access Journals, eLibrary.ru, FreeFullPdf, GoogleScholar, INGENTA, Polish Scientific Journals Database, ScienceDirect, Springer, WorldCat, WorldWideScience. The English language is selected as the main source of review. However, in a limited scope, databases in Polish and Russian languages are also used. Many methods of friction testing for tribological studies are selected and presented. Some of the methods are observed to have a huge potential in characterizing frictional resistance. The application of these methods and main results have also been provided. Parameters affecting the frictional phenomena and the role of friction have also been explained. The main disadvantages and limitations of the methods of modeling the friction phenomena in specific areas of material to be formed have been discussed. The main findings are as follows—The tribological tests can be classified into direct and indirect measurement tests of the coefficient of friction (COF). In indirect methods of determination, the COF is determined based on measuring other physical quantities. The disadvantage of this type of methods is that they allow the determination of the average COF values, but they do not allow measuring and determining the real friction resistance. In metal forming operations, there exist high local pressures that intensify the effects of adhesion and plowing in the friction resistance. In such conditions, due to the plastic deformation of the material tested, the usage of the formula for the determination of the COF based on the Coulomb friction model is limited. The applicability of the Coulomb friction model to determine the COF is also very limited in the description of contact phenomena in hot SMF due to the high shear of adhesion in total contact resistance.publishedVersio

    NFE2-Related transcription factor 2 coordinates antioxidant defense with thyroglobulin production and iodination in the thyroid gland

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    Background: The thyroid gland has a special relationship with oxidative stress. While generation of oxidative substances is part of normal iodide metabolism during thyroid hormone synthesis, the gland must also defend itself against excessive oxidation in order to maintain normal function. Antioxidant and detoxification enzymes aid thyroid cells to maintain homeostasis by ameliorating oxidative insults, including during exposure to excess iodide, but the factors that coordinate their expression with the cellular redox status are not known. The antioxidant response system comprising the ubiquitously expressed NFE2-related transcription factor 2 (Nrf2) and its redox-sensitive cytoplasmic inhibitor Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (Keap1) defends tissues against oxidative stress, thereby protecting against pathologies that relate to DNA, protein, and/or lipid oxidative damage. Thus, it was hypothesized that Nrf2 should also have important roles in maintaining thyroid homeostasis. Methods: Ubiquitous and thyroid-specific male C57BL6J Nrf2 knockout (Nrf2-KO) mice were studied. Plasma and thyroids were harvested for evaluation of thyroid function tests by radioimmunoassays and of gene and protein expression by real-time polymerase chain reaction and immunoblotting, respectively. Nrf2-KO and Keap1-KO clones of the PCCL3 rat thyroid follicular cell line were generated using CRISPR/Cas9 technology and were used for gene and protein expression studies. Software-predicted Nrf2 binding sites on the thyroglobulin enhancer were validated by site-directed in vitro mutagenesis and chromatin immunoprecipitation. Results: The study shows that Nrf2 mediates antioxidant transcriptional responses in thyroid cells and protects the thyroid from oxidation induced by iodide overload. Surprisingly, it was also found that Nrf2 has a dramatic impact on both the basal abundance and the thyrotropin-inducible intrathyroidal abundance of thyroglobulin (Tg), the precursor protein of thyroid hormones. This effect is mediated by cell-autonomous regulation of Tg gene expression by Nrf2 via its direct binding to two evolutionarily conserved antioxidant response elements in an upstream enhancer. Yet, despite upregulating Tg levels, Nrf2 limits Tg iodination both under basal conditions and in response to excess iodide. Conclusions: Nrf2 exerts pleiotropic roles in the thyroid gland to couple cell stress defense mechanisms to iodide metabolism and the thyroid hormone synthesis machinery, both under basal conditions and in response to excess iodide.Fil: Ziros, Panos G. Lausanne University; SuizaFil: Habeos, Ioannis. Patras University; GreciaFil: Chartoumpekis, Dionysios V. University of Pittsburgh; Estados UnidosFil: Ntalampyra, Eleni. Universite de Lausanne; SuizaFil: Somm, Emmanuel. Universite de Lausanne; SuizaFil: Renaud, Cédric O.. Universite de Lausanne; SuizaFil: Bongiovanni, Massimo. Institute Of Pathology Locarno; SuizaFil: Trougakos, Ioannis P. Universidad Nacional y Kapodistríaca de Atenas; GreciaFil: Yamamoto, Masayuki. University Of Tohoku; JapónFil: Kensler, Thomas W.. University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown; Estados UnidosFil: Santisteban, Pilar. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; EspañaFil: Carrasco, Nancy. University of Yale. School of Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Ris Stalpers, Carrie. Academic Medical Center; Países BajosFil: Amendola, Elena. Universidad de Nápoles; ItaliaFil: Liao, Xiao-Hui. University of Chicago; Estados UnidosFil: Rossich, Luciano Esteban. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica de Argentina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Thomasz, Lisa. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica de Argentina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Juvenal, Guillermo Juan. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica de Argentina; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Refetoff, Samuel. University of Chicago; Estados UnidosFil: Sykiotis, Gerasimos P.. Universite de Lausanne; Suiz

    ¿“Nos enfrentamos y nos abrazamos”? Un nuevo recorrido por los usos oficiales del pasado durante el bicentenario de la Revolución de Mayo

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    El presente trabajo analiza, en primer lugar, los modos en que la historia argentina se tradujo, durante los festejos oficiales del bicentenario de la Revolución de Mayo, en artefactos culturales y festivos dirigidos a atraer un público vasto, prestando especial atención a los usos del pasado allí exhibidos. En segundo lugar, pone en relación dichas operaciones con las variaciones ocurridas en el nivel de las prácticas políticas gubernamentales tras la crisis política de 2008. En última instancia, se plantea que el gobierno de Cristina Fernández de Kirchner se inclinó, al momento de proyectar el festejo patrio en cuestión, por una lógica discursiva liberal–centrada, especialmente, en el consenso inclusivo y la aceptación de las diferencias–con el fin de matizar la partición del espacio socio-político, exhibir una nación reconciliada, interpelar a la sociedad argentina en su conjunto y, de ese modo, contribuir a la reconstrucción de su hegemonía política.Firstly, this paper analyzes how Argentinian history was translated, during the national celebrations of the May Revolution bicentennial, into cultural and festive devices aimed at attracting a massive audience, paying special attention to the uses of the past displayed. Secondly, it illustrates the relations between these operations and the variations of government policy that occurred after the 2008 political crisis. Ultimately, it claims that the Cristina Fernández de Kirchner administration adopted, when it came to planning this national holiday, a liberal discursive logic – mainly characterized by inclusive consensus and pluralism – in order to ease the division of the social and political space, display a reconciled nation, address the entire Argentinean society and, thereby, contribute to the reconstruction of Kirchnerist hegemony.Fil: Amorebieta y Vera, María Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    Numerical analysis of the influence of friction conditions on the pile-up effect in Vickers hardness measurements

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    Vickers indentation load-depth curve may be used to determine basic mechanical properties of metallic materials such as hardness, yield stress, modulus of elasticity, and elastic and plastic work. The pile-up phenomenon observed during indentation causes underestimation of the projected contact area and the diagonal dimensions of the impression in different hardness measurement scales (nano-, micro-, and macro-). The aim of this paper is to conduct a numerical analysis of the effect of friction conditions on the pile-up phenomenon during testing of DC04 steel sheet. The mechanical properties of the sheet metal used for the modelling purpose were first characterized by tensile tests on samples cut along the rolling direction (0°), transverse to the rolling direction (90°) and at an angle of 45° to the rolling direction. The numerical computation was conducted using ABAQUS, which is one of the powerful finite element-based programs. A wide range of variation of friction coefficients, i.e. 0-0.3 has been used in the analysis. It has been observed that the results of indentation of anisotropic materials are significantly affected by friction. The difference in the pile-up height measured at rolling direction of sheet metal and transverse to the rolling direction decreases with the reduction of the maximum displacement of the indenter. For higher values of the coefficient of friction, the higher the value of the indenter displacement, the lower becomes the increase in the pile-up height value.publishedVersio

    Improving Prediction of Springback in Sheet Metal Forming Using Multilayer Perceptron-Based Genetic Algorithm

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    This paper presents the results of predictions of springback of cold-rolled anisotropic steel sheets using an approach based on a multilayer perceptron-based artificial neural network (ANN) coupled with a genetic algorithm (GA). A GA was used to optimise the number of input parameters of the multilayer perceptron that was trained using different algorithms. In the investigations, the mechanical parameters of sheet material determined in uniaxial tensile tests were used as input parameters to train the ANN. The springback coefficient, determined experimentally in the V-die air bending test, was used as an output variable. It was found that specimens cut along the rolling direction exhibit higher values of springback coefficient than specimens cut transverse to the rolling direction. An increase in the bending angle leads to an increase in the springback coefficient. A GA-based analysis has shown that Young’s modulus and ultimate tensile stress are variables having no significant effect on the coefficient of springback. Multilayer perceptrons trained by back propagation, conjugate gradients and Lavenberg–Marquardt algorithms definitely favour punch bend depth under load as the most important variables affecting the springback coefficient.publishedVersio

    FEM-based assessment of wear of stamping die

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    In sheet metal forming industry, surface damage and wear such as adhesion and ploughing of metallic sheet, is a well-known problem which reduces the tool life and quality of drawn elements. Surface defects are the consequences of wear and they accelerate the galling process. The knowledge of places particularly endanger wear allows appropriate design of tools. In this paper, an investigation that focused on the finite element-based analysis of wear of stamping tool for forming an axisymmetric drawpiece has been reported. The analyses were carried out for deep-drawing quality steel sheet with a sheet thickness of 2 mm. The basic mechanical parameters of the sheet tested are determined in uniaxial tensile tests. The analyses performed using Marc/Mentat program for nonlinear analyses take into account the strain hardening phenomenon of sheet material and different values of friction coefficient. The implementation of an Archard’s wear model in the numerical simulation proved the possibility of tool wear simulation in sheet metal forming. As a result of the conducted tests, the places of the stamping die potentially exposed to quick wear were determined. It was found that the most exposed region on accelerated wear is the upper part of the die radius.publishedVersio

    Finite element method-based modeling of bending under tension friction test of deep drawing quality steel sheets

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    Understanding of the effect of the friction on the sheet deformation is a key factor in design and realization of stamping process. Among others, bending under tension friction test simulates the frictional phenomena on rounded edge of punch in sheet metal forming operations. In this paper, change of friction coefficient with 1-mm-thick deep drawing quality steel sheet deformation was evaluated using a special tribological simulator which simulates the friction in rounded edge of punch. The results of experimental investigations have been used to verify the results of numerical modeling carried out inmSC. Marc 2014 program. The friction coefficient value and contact stresses have been determined numerically. The results show that the distribution of the normal and friction stresses is very non-uniform along the wrap angle of the cylindrical countersample and along the specimen width. It has been concluded that FEM-based investigations allow a fast and suitable selection of the punch edge profile ensuring an increase of maximum allowable sheet strains.publishedVersio

    Prediction of springback in the air V-bending of metallic sheets

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    Springback is a critical phenomenon in design and analysis of sheet metal forming process of metallic sheets. An accurate prediction of elastic recovery of material allows to design forming tools which take into account springback compensation. Springback is influenced by many factors including mechanical properties of material, friction conditions, temperature and geometry of bending die. In this paper, the investigations are focused on the analysis of an intelligent air bending process using an artificial neural network (ANN). The air bending experiments were carried out in a designed semi closed 90° V-shaped die. The tests were conducted on three grades of sheet metals: aluminium 1070, brass CuZn37 and deep-drawing quality steel sheet DC04. The results of experimental tests were used as a training set for back-propagation learning of a multilayer artificial network built in Statistica Neural Network program. For all materials tested, an increase of the springback coefficient is observed when the bend angle increases. The results of neural prediction are in a good agreement with the experiments. The correlation coefficient of ANN prediction to the experimental results is equal to about 0.99.publishedVersio