22 research outputs found

    Global Changes in Staphylococcus aureus Gene Expression in Human Blood

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    Staphylococcus aureus is a leading cause of bloodstream infections worldwide. In the United States, many of these infections are caused by a strain known as USA300. Although progress has been made, our understanding of the S. aureus molecules that promote survival in human blood and ultimately facilitate metastases is incomplete. To that end, we analyzed the USA300 transcriptome during culture in human blood, human serum, and trypticase soy broth (TSB), a standard laboratory culture media. Notably, genes encoding several cytolytic toxins were up-regulated in human blood over time, and hlgA, hlgB, and hlgC (encoding gamma-hemolysin subunits HlgA, HlgB, and HlgC) were among the most highly up-regulated genes at all time points. Compared to culture supernatants from a wild-type USA300 strain (LAC), those derived from an isogenic hlgABC-deletion strain (LACΔhlgABC) had significantly reduced capacity to form pores in human neutrophils and ultimately cause neutrophil lysis. Moreover, LACΔhlgABC had modestly reduced ability to cause mortality in a mouse bacteremia model. On the other hand, wild-type and LACΔhlgABC strains caused virtually identical abscesses in a mouse skin infection model, and bacterial survival and neutrophil lysis after phagocytosis in vitro was similar between these strains. Comparison of the cytolytic capacity of culture supernatants from wild-type and isogenic deletion strains lacking hlgABC, lukS/F-PV (encoding PVL), and/or lukDE revealed functional redundancy among two-component leukotoxins in vitro. These findings, along with a requirement of specific growth conditions for leukotoxin expression, may explain the apparent limited contribution of any single two-component leukotoxin to USA300 immune evasion and virulence

    A predicted β-sheet from class S components of staphylococcal γ-hemolysin is essential for the secondary interaction of the class F component

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    AbstractSite-directed mutagenesis was performed on genes encoding HlgA and HlgC, two of the three proteins expressed from the staphylococcal γ-hemolysin locus, which originate two pore-forming toxins (HlgA+HlgB, HlgC+HlgB). As related proteins, HlgA and HlgC were found to bind first to cell membranes. Amino acid substitutions concerned residues that would predictably disrupt a 13 amino acid conserved β-sheet of the Chou and Fasman secondary structure prediction. The mutation of a threonin into an aspartic acid residue from HlgA (T28D) and from HlgC (T30D) that would break this predicted N-terminal structure lowered dramatically the biological activities on purely lipidic vesicles, erythrocytes and polymorphonuclear cells. The change in secondary structure was confirmed by Fourier Transformed Infrared spectroscopy. The binding of mutated and native proteins at the same kind of sites onto polymorphonuclear cells was evidenced with flow cytometry and fluorescein-labelled anti-class S antibodies or wild type HlgA or HlgC. However, the subsequent binding of fluorescein-labelled HlgB to membrane-bound mutated HlgA or HlgC complexes was inhibited. In conclusion, the first binding of class S components is essential for the subsequent binding of class F components, and a predicted β-sheet seems to be at least one of the functional domains involved

    Engineering of the LukS-PV and LukF-PV subunits of Staphylococcus aureus Panton-Valentine leukocidin for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications

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    Abstract Background: Staphylococcus aureus produces several toxins, including Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL). The involvement of PVL in primary skin infections, necrotizing pneumonia, musculoskeletal disorders, brain abscess, and other diseases, some of which are life-threatening, has been reported. Following expert opinion, we aimed to provide the tools for establishment of sequence-based diagnostics and therapeutics for those conditions. We engineered the synergistic S and F (LukS-PV and LukF-PV respectively) pro-toxin subunits from Staphylococcus aureus USA400 into separate expression E. coli BL21(DE3)-pLysS hosts. Results: Following Nickel affinity chromatography (NAC), the F subunit came out without bands of impurity. The S sub-unit did not come off very pure after NAC thus necessitating further purification by size exclusion and ion-exchange chromatography. The purification plots showed that the BioLogic-LP and AKTA systems are reliable for following the progress of the chromatographic purification in real-time. Computer predicted Mw for the 6His-LukF-PV and 6His-LukS-PV were 35645.41 Da and 33530.04 Da respectively, while the mass spectrometry results were 35643.57 Da and 33528.34 Da respectively. Conclusion: The BioLogic-LP and AKTA systems are commendable for reliability and user-friendliness. As a recent work elsewhere also reported that a second round of chromatography was necessary to purify the S subunit after the first attempt, we speculate that the S subunit might contain yet unidentified motif(s) requiring further treatment. The purified S and F sub-units of PVL were supplied to the Nottingham Cancer Immunotherapy group who used them to establish sequence-based monoclonal antibodies for diagnostic and therapeutic uses targeting PVL

    Flow Cytometric Determination of Panton-Valentine Leucocidin S Component Binding

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    The binding of the S component (LukS-PV) from the bicomponent staphylococcal Panton-Valentine leucocidin to human polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMNs) and monocytes was determined using flow cytometry and a single-cysteine substitution mutant of LukS-PV. The mutant was engineered by replacing a glycine at position 10 with a cysteine and was labeled with a fluorescein moiety. The biological activity of the mutant was identical to that of the native protein. It has been shown that LukS-PV has a high affinity for PMNs (K(d) = 0.07 ± 0.02 nM, n = 5) and monocytes (K(d) = 0.020 ± 0.003 nM, n = 3) with maximal binding capacities of 197,000 and 80,000 LukS-PV molecules per cell, respectively. The nonspecifically bound molecules of LukS-PV do not form pores in the presence of the F component (LukF-PV) of leucocidin. LukS-PV and HlgC share the same receptor on PMNs, but the S components of other staphylococcal leukotoxins, HlgA, LukE, and LukM, do not compete with LukS-PV for its receptor. Extracellular Ca(2+) at physiological concentrations (1 to 2 nM) has only a slight influence on the LukS-PV binding, in contrast to its complete inhibition by Zn(2+). The down-regulation by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) of the binding of LukS-PV was blocked by staurosporine, suggesting that the regulatory effect of PMA depends on protein kinase C activation. The labeled mutant form of LukS-PV has proved very useful for detailed binding studies of circulating white cells by flow cytometry. LukS-PV possesses a high specific affinity for a unique receptor on PMNs and monocytes